The Arcadia System

Chapter 97 - Dorian Summershine(4) - The Discussion

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As the days rolled in and out, the council members remained dutiful to their objective. They watched over all the camps and made sure to make any hostile move.

Knowing that Zev was protecting Vagoroth, they lived the days doing mostly nothing but sleeping. On some special occasions, they would spy on the humans' activities, trying to learn the most they can from them.

This routine went on for three weeks before something shattered the peaceful atmosphere like a vengeful creature.

It came in the form of a war horn that could be heard miles away.


The council members were in their tent when they heard the grim sound. They looked at each other with complex expressions.

Tor said, "That should be the king."

"Yes, he is the one we need to intimidate," agreed Kiera.

The four of them sighed as headed to meet the king.

Meanwhile, on the blue sea that led to Tranquil Isle, an otherworldly chariot, with blue water horses leading it, trod finely on the water surface.

It sped at a speed that rivaled the full speed of a wind-attributed ki user. Moments later, the chariot reached the foreign land that was Tranquil Isle.

The water neighed, announcing their arrival. The passengers on chariots descended to touch the cold coastal sand.

They were three individuals dressed in layers of clothes. The two on opposite sides wore heavy armor that complimented their bulky build while the one at the middle was covered in a red robe made out of exquisite fur.

He had a crown with inlaid bright gems which would lead anyone to believe he was someone with a high status....and yes, he was!

This very man was King Tristan of Solaris or as the humans like to call him, the King of Gluttony!

His sharp eyes caressed all the visible parts of the island until it later settled on the group of demihumans spying on him. He smiled at them, not saying anything.

Strangely enough, once he touched the sands of the island, he made no effort to move an inch and his men imitated him.

Behind him, the vague figure of multiple water chariots appeared. They quickly landed on the island.

The people on the five chariots looked different. Each other them belonged to separate cultures.

From the position high up in the air, the council members of Vagoroth could identify the important figures.

The King of Gluttony, King Tristan.

Princess of Igala, Amara

King Seth of Ammorite 

Royal Duchess Ryia of Narva

Mad Duke Igor of Salazar

These were the top dogs of each kingdom on Xoris, the human continent. They each had a subtle flair around them oozed of obvious royalty.

King Tristan smiled at them, "You arrived early."

"Should we not have? I hope your reason for requesting our presence is important," retorted Mad Duke Igor.

"Fear not. I can already tell it will be interesting," interrupted King Seth.

Just like King Tristan, he also spotted the council members from far away.

The group of royals waited for about twenty hours for their entourage to appear. Unlike them that used the exceedingly rare water chariots, their entourages had to settle for a fast ship.

After they had regrouped, they walked to the main camp. Getting there, they received the welcome of Prince Dorian and the strangeness of the Vagoroth council members.

The prince led them to a special tent filled with seats. It was here they would conduct their intense discussions.

King Tristan arrogantly asked, "Prince Tristan, I had received your letter. However, I would like to hear it directly from you."

"Yes, father king. In all honesty, I could on and on. However, I will cut straight to the chase. While earnestly directing the campaign, I came across a group of demihumans who claims to be the lord of these lands," reported Prince Dorian.

It was necessary he explained it well to his father or else, he might be punished for failing to complete the mission given to him.

"Demihumans? And they claim what exactly? Preposterous. Azea has always been uncharted territory," shouted King Tristan.

He focused his words on the council members present in the discussion.

Myniene then took over, "King Tristan, you are truly as ugly as they say. I will ignore your prejudice against demihumans."

She went on while making brief eye contact with all of them, "Yes, we lay claim to this. We are its caretakers and we will not allow any of you to stain these beautiful lands our ancestors left in our hands."

"I see. So, are we being summoned to recognize your claim?" asked Princess Amara with a curious face.

"Yes and no. We ignored the kingdom of Salazar's campaign the first. However, we shan't cast away our eyes this time. With respect, we called you here to warn you," articulated Myniene.

Despite being in the presence of kings and queens, she did not falter one bit. Perhaps, this was because she herself bore immense pride as a member of the White Sky Clan.

"A warning?" asked one of the kings.

Mad Duke Igor laughed wildly in the face of Myniene, "A warning, you say? For decades, I haven't received a single warning. Who are you to do dare give me such a warning?"

In a meeting of kings and queen, pride was always the tipping point.

"I could introduce myself but, right now, I speak for Vagoroth. It is Vagoroth that is issuing you this warning. And the consequence for going against that shall be war. I am not known for bluffing."

"Hmmm....I understand your side, but you do know you have to show proof of claim as the customs dictate," guided Royal Duchess Ryia.

Unlike the others, the nation of Narva was not known for its battles. Rather it focused on magical researches, they were the equivalent to the countries on the new continent.

Hence, as their representatives, the Royal duchess had no problems acknowledging the claim. It was a period of peace and she wasn't going to be the one to break that.

Myniene said slowly, "Customs? You seem to not understand. This is not your fragile Xoris, this is Azea. Our customs differ from yours---"

She paused to see the gentle smile on Royal Duchess Ryia's face and changed her mind, "---However, if that is what will shoo away your vile hands, then we will comply."

"Catelyn, please," she said to her comrade

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