The Arcadia System

Chapter 98 - Dorian Summershine(5) - The Immortal King

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Catelyn brought the scroll in her hand forward and laid it on the large table, presenting it for all the kings to see.

The contents on the scroll were about the Vagoroth's claim to the land of Azea. It would have been a one-sided claim if it were not signed by one nation.

It wasn't a nation. It was a clan that glued their seal of approval on the scroll. The appearance of the seal took the form of a flying boat. It was painted blue, representing the color of the sky.

Beneath the seal was a handwritten identification name, Boreas Clan!

King Tristan widened his eyes as he stared yet again at the scroll, "The Boreas Clan of Kyas! T-That cannot be true. They are a clan of gaeryns. They don't interfere."

Myniene flashed a mocking smile, "Yet, here we are, in the presence of another gaeryn clan. Don't you see the irony? You know what?"

After gaining all their attention, she went on, "Some of you doubt the validity of this seal, so why don't we ask this man from Kratos to read the energy signature. Surely, a gaeryn the item of another gaeryn."

The Kratos Clan, an illustrious clan of gaeryns that rose up after discovering a new continent.

This was only possible because they were gaeryns. To understand better, one needed to know the status of humans in the grand world of Arcadia.

Humans were at the bottom!

They struggle to fend off monsters and suffer defeat when facing other races.

So, why were they not dominated by the other races but instead given the power to laud over a continent?

The anwer to that were the Terrans and Gaeryns!

The Gaeryns in particular was a subrace of humans. They were mutated humans who had vied away from the normal human template. Most of them looked no different from the regular and behaved no different too, but dwelling in them was a power that surpassed your average human.

This power could be very well seen from the men from Kratos, who held such a huge status in Arcadia. Of course, they were other gaeryns with similar status but they liked to live in hidden regions and had a reclusive nature. They rarely interfered with normal human affairs apart from protecting them from other races.

This was why the Vagoroth Council was annoyed with the fact that the Kratos Clan broke the status quo!

As soon as Myninene finished talking, a young man appeared from thin air. He wore comfy clothes and radiated with an aura of solemnity. 

The young man nodded at all the huge figures present and took a look at the scroll. As soon as his skin touched the seal, he closed his eyes to feel the energy signature.

After a while, he opened them back, "It's true. This was made by the clan head of the Boreas Clan. I can testify to that since I have met him before."

He revealed a wry smile and watched as things proceeded. The others didn't ask who he was as they already knew. He was an elder from the Kratos Clan sent to assist the king in his campaign. In fact, he was much stronger than all the monarchs present... if one excluded those from the Vagoroth Council!

"This doesn't mean anything. You will need one more approval," scoffed King Tristan.

Myniene laughed in his face, "Haha, surely you jest. We are not obliged to follow your customs. But, if that is what you seek, then you shall get it!"

Following her words, Tor reached for his inner pocket and handed her a small object. It was made like a coin but way bigger. The material it was carved from glowed exquisitely. Small blobs of lights in it pulsed like a heartbeat.

The moment the object was revealed to the audience, silence ensued. It was as if they lost the ability to speak.

Unlike last time, they could feel the tyrannical aura outpouring from the coin-like object. It was enough to wash away any form of energy in their body. Laid before this object, they were stripped of their powers and dearly wished things had never progressed to this stage.

Princess Amara gasped, "I-Is-Is that what I think it is?"


"Oh, damnation. Our eyes have seen it!" sang Princess Amara.

A tear rolled down her cheeks as her a well of sadness was filling up in her.

King Seth cried with no tears, "We have caught his attention!" 

Suddenly, Myniene wrapped the object with a piece of cloth. The tyrannic aura retreated back, leaving the group of kings to regain their sanity.

The elder from Kratos clan widened his eyes till the whites showed, "The Immortal decree from the Immortal King. How did you get that?"

"The only way possible. From him!" replied Myniene while smiling.

In Arcadia, there were some beings synonymous with the distant gods. No, they were held far above gods in the eyes of mortals.

Their very worth was worth a thousand emperors and no force could deny their utmost wishes. Among them was the Mother of all Witches, the Aura King, The Queen of Elves.

The only one among them to shine brighter than the others is a mythical figure known as the Immortal King!

His very hands were said to influence the course of history and his garments have been stained countless times with the blood of ancient empires.

It was unknown what his race of origin was but every time he appeared, the world welcome him like he was their eternal prince.

The Immortal King, the Eradicator of Ancients!

It was said that to convenience himself, the immortal king created decrees that bore the power of his name. The decrees were given to only special individuals and each had different meanings.

The last decree to be seen was in the last era. The message in it was a warning to all of Arcadia; Never hunt the immortals!

If one went against his decree, they would be chased eternally by him and never in history as anyone ever escaped his hunt!

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