The Arcadia System

Chapter 99 - Dorian Summershine(6) - Winter Kingdom

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Winter Kingdom!

It was a glorious kingdom of terrans that existed in the era of heroes. 

They trampled on the continent in the north and tried to uproot the Khi Clan's sovereignty over that land. It caused a war that affected Arcadia called the Winter War.

The world was cast in a cage of glacial wind and wisps of fires hid when they caught sight of this wind. Villages were tortured by icy tempests and monsters born from the hellish season rampaged all over Arcadia.

It was only until one of the peak individuals intervened did all this nonsense come to a stop. He sent his most trusted knight to deliver an object to the king of Winter Kingdom.

The fabled object was said to be a coin but not a coin. It spoke to them, "Cease!"

Just one domineering word. The men of Winter Kingdom knew of the person behind the coin but they didn't fear. They viewed themselves as the strongest force on Arcadia. The Pale Wolves!

Legends say they left the coin on the filthy corner in one of their rural streets. They continued their conquest!

Night came one day for them. In the following period of light, they disappeared. Only stains of blood were left in their kingdom. Only the red liquid of death could sing of their grim fate.

In one single mortal night, the Winter Kingdom vanished from Arcadia, like a tiny speck of grey light in front of the sun!

They were titled by fables to be The Forgotten Winter Kingdom.


"From him, you say?" repeated King Tristan.

Now that a godly figure had interfered with his plan, it would be wise to cancel it. He didn't want to be a second forgotten kingdom.

"Yes. Now, is that enough for all of you?" asked Myniene with her chin resting on her hands.

They shared a brief glance with each other and came to a predicted conclusion, "Affirmative. We can't possibly go against the Immortal King's orders."

"Good. Now, take this scroll and sign with your seal. It covers what we have just gone through," spoked Myniene.

Tor placed the scroll on the table and allowed them to inspect. The brown scroll made with thin feywood rolled to the end of the table, displaying the terms and conditions for all to see.

"I will be clear. Vagoroth does not permit any unwelcome human feet to walk on Azea. It does not matter what purpose they seek. As long as they are affiliated with your six kingdoms, then we will relay the issue to the Immortal king," said Myniene.

King Tristan raised his brows, "Why only humans?"

"Look around. It is only human kingdoms that have coveted Azea so far. The other races are not here," replied Myniene.

She stared at the two men from Kratos, showing contempt, "This applies to the Kratos Clan too. We know you covet the treasures on this land and it shall not be permitted, especially to people like you!"

An ugly look spread on Vasilis and the elder's face, but they didn't retort. It was true. 

The only reason the Kratos clan broke the long-lived tradition was for the treasures buried in Azea. It was speculated Azea was used to dispose of dangerous items on the same level as the holy sword. Being warriors, the Kratos Clan were massively interested in this.

With shaking hands, the elder dipped his ring in the blue wax at the side. He stamped his seal on the scroll using the ring. 

After the others were done, they spared no moments for conversation and disappeared one by one. The meeting was not fruitful. Instead, it was beyond horrible.

In less than ten minutes, the Red Army retreated to the coast of the island. They waited for their ships to be prepared.

Meanwhile, two of the six kingdom representatives still remained in the meeting tent.

The tent was silent with no words exchanged between the three parties.

The two women from Igala and Narva kept smiling at Myniene and the others without a reason. Visible tics appeared on Myniene's face. 

She was the first to break the uncomfortable silence, "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Not really," said Princess Amara.

"I agree. It depends on what you mean by "something"," smiled Royal Duchess Ryia.

Princess Amara gazed at the Royal Duchess, "It seems we think the same thing."

"I couldn't agree better. She is basking in the feeling of glory. I believe it won't take long before she screams in victory," analyzed Royal Duchess Ryia. 

Even Myniene's facade couldn't escape her sharp hawk-like eyes.

Myniene squinted her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Am I wrong? You were actually worried that you might spoil the meeting despite having a sure game-changer in your possessions. You wanted to leave a lasting impression on those….boys' minds," revealed Princess Amara.

Myniene opened her mouth to retort, but she couldn't find any words to counter what they said.

She simply asked them with chilling eyes, "Enough games! Why are you still here? I believe the meeting ended a few moments ago. Shouldn't you be on your way now?"

Princess Amara beamed, "Of course, we came here to make friends. You see, our kingdoms are not bothered with vain things like a quest for treasures."

From her words, it could be inferred that the Kingdom of Igala and the Kingdom of Narva were allied. This could best explain the informal banters between the two representatives. In fact, Myniene made a wild guess that the two women were well acquainted with each other.

They came here with a secret agenda, which was enough to put Myniene on guard.

"Friends? We have no for friends or allies," retorted Myniene.

Pointing at each one of the council members, Princess Amara replied, "No, you don't think. They don't think that."

She went on, "The Vagoroth Council. This is something I have never heard of. It is truly reclusive."

Royal Duchess Ryia took over with a friendly tone, "For how long will you remain in hiding? The race cast away by the rest of the world for sins they did not commit. Isn't that getting old now?"

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