The Arcane Archer

16 Earthy Rabbit Steak

Authors Note: I'm going to be focusing on this story more then my other one now so expect a slightly better upload schedule! Also discord-

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I sat in the chair for a couple of minutes while taking my sweet time reading the amalgamation that was the book. Inside the book was a whole bunch of contradictions and stuff that went along with the title.

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Every time I attempted to wrap my head around the stupidity of every work and what not, it just made it seem worse and worse.

When I was around 8 minutes into the book, I was just about to give up until...

[Thanks to your {Adaptability} and constant use of your brain, you've earned a point in {Intelligence} and {Wisdom}]

Seeing this happen encouraged me to try and read some more but I honestly didn't want to continue having to think about such stupid things.

Thankfully Eric rescued me from a mental hell.

He came out from the back with a plate in one hand and a jug of something else in the other.

Setting it down on the table in front of me, he asked me once again if I was sure I would be able to eat this without dying. Using the utensils, he pulled out from somewhere, and already cutting a piece, I responded with a simple, "Nope." and then immediately took a bite.

His eyes widened before her quickly looked around trying to find something he could do to save from whatever impending danger was about to come from me eating it.

Before he could do or think of anything, I already swallowed the piece. The taste was good but as soon as I swallowed it, my opinion of "Oh this isn't too bad" changed to "Oh god it feels like I just ate something very spicy"

My face was starting to heat up and water was starting to appear in my eyes. At the same time, my breathing became harder and harder as if something was filling up my throat.

After 5 seconds, something "good" finally happened.

[Thanks to your {Adaptability} and you attempting to ingest mana from another creature, you've gained the skill, {Mana Eating} which allows you to eat mana safely and gain some minor benefits from it.}

While this may sound good and did save my life, the original taste that was left behind and the spicy feeling turned to one of grossness as if I just ate a whole mouthful of mud or dirt.

I took a deep breath in to fill my lungs of the air it deeply desired and then coughed a bit. Eric seeing this stopped running around like a chicken without a head and just stared at me.

"So, you really can eat magical creatures... Do you think you can teach some of us how to do that? Might make surviving in the winter easier."

I shook my head while coughing a couple of times.

"Don't think I'll be able to teach anyone. Even if I did, I probably wouldn't cause just doing that felt like torture."

Eric just nodded his head as he reached forwards to grab my plate so that he could throw it away. I however decided to stop him.

"I'm still going to finish this sadly. It might help in the long run, but I won't know till I eat the entire thing.

Eric shook his head this time.

"You said it was torturous though. You sure you want to eat the rest?"

I shook my head too, "I definitely do not but I have to... FOR THE BUFFS!" I said loudly before taking a bite out of it again.

Once again, as I first started chewing it tasted fine as it had a bunch of seasoning and stuff on it but as soon as I swallowed, it left a bad earthy after taste in it.

Maybe it was from it being a weird "Earth Attuned Rabbit" or so the system named it. That brings up the question if other elemental attuned rabbits exist and if they have their own tastes.

Taking a third bite, I repeated the process once again of enjoying it before I had to swallow and get the gross earthy aftertaste.

[Thanks to {Adaptability} and {Mana Eating}, you've obtained {Basic Earth Attunement} from the {Earth Attuned Rabbit}. Magic cast that is earth based now has everything increased by a small percentage (5%)]

Seeing this message gave me some determination to finish eating the rabbit but not much.

Have you ever randomly decided to go outside, sit down, and just eat handfuls of dirt just because you could?

No? Well this is what it's like to me.

Sure, I would get some good stuff out of it, but it just tasted horrible and I really didn't want to.

Using some quick basic magic to create a small illusion around me, I quickly shoved the rest of the rabbit into my storage if I ever got a skill that would help me eat it better.

Spending another minute using the illusion to make it seem like I was eating the rabbit quickly, I made it finish it and then actually handed the plate back to Eric.

"You think you got anything good from that?" Asked Eric while holding the plate

I shrugged my shoulders.

"We'll have to find out later." I lied, "I'm not really sure for now."

He once again nodded, and we then continued to talk for the rest of the day.

Once it got dark and Eric showed me to a decently sized room, I sat down on the bed and relaxed for a couple of minutes. After those nice and calming few minutes were up, I decided to attempt a few things.

First was to talk to the system about some stuff.

'Hey System, can we talk for a bit?'

[Of course Leo, what can I help you with?]

'So, I was wondering about how I evolve skills, gain new leveling methods as you call them, and how much God actually watches me.'

[Answering to the first one, to evolve a skill there is two possible ways. The first way is to ask me to evolve it and I'll give you some possible choices that it's possible to evolve into. The second is the best way which is to evolve it manually by using it to a point where it naturally evolves into something better than I could offer normally.]

'So just use it a lot to evolve it or just ask you?'

[Affirmative. For the second question, the only way to gain new leveling methods aside from your current one is to buy them from the shop. There is no natural way to get them and they're quite costly in the shop as well so it's as you would say, "A late game item"]

'And exactly how much is the extra leveling methods?'

[For the most basic one, it'll cost you a total of {412,795,844 System Points}]

"Holy Shit!" I exclaimed audibly

'Ok got it, definitely a late game item. Now how about the last question I had?'

[I myself am unable to answer that question but it's possible for you to ask him yourself if you want. Would you like to talk with god?]

'Hell yeah!'

[Affirmative. Connecting to god, please hold…

God: Leo! What's up man?

Leo: Wow you answered quickly. Anyways, I had a quick question for you.

God: You wanted to know how often I watched you right?

Leo: Yeah, how'd you now?

God: Take a real good look at my name.

Leo: ….

God: It's that and that I was watching you while on the toilet.

Leo: …

Leo: That is so so so very gross. Please, never do that.

God: Eh, maybe.

God: Anyways, the answer to your question is that I do it quite often. I do stop watching you when you're going to the bathroom, sleeping, or just walking around which to be honest, you seem to do a lot of.

Leo: Hey, I'd teleport if I could, but I know where nothing is and don't even have that ability ok!

God: Yeah, it's fine. Though I must say, it's given me enough time to write a novel about everything.

Leo: Wait what?

God: Yeah, I decided to create a website back on your earth called WebNovel and after a bit of time, I made an account of QuasiKai and posted some other stuff until I finally posted your Novel. Though I must say, in the time that I waited, people made some pretty good stuff.

Leo: Can you take down the novel please? I don't like the idea that my entire life is being written as a novel for someone to read…

God: It's fine, everybody reading it just think it's some dumb fantasy novel anyways. Who in the world will believe this?

God: Anyways, I answered your question and probably messed you up mentally, so I'll just erase everything after I answered your question. Bye!

Chat has been closed]

The System chat menu that was open just a bit ago closed and I continued staring off into the distance for a couple of seconds while my brain just processed everything.

'Well at least he doesn't watch me 24/7. Weird how he closed the chat after saying that though… Must've had some god work to do, wonder what it could be…'

~~~~~God's Pov~~~~~

'Ok now I just have to finish writing the chapter of what he did the last couple of minutes and I'll post it on my fake account for people to read. Man is it fun to trick people into reading the true story of someone I decided to Isekai.'

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