The Arcane Archer

17 Some Word Building

Author's Note- Hey everyone! Do you hate me yet? No? Well you're going to after you're done reading this chapter cause its filled with a bunch of useless information about the world. Please feel free to skip this chapter as I would too if I was told I had to read something like this. Anyways, good luck, have fun, hope you don't throw a fit because this isn't the usual type of stuff, I post :P


After the short conversation with the System and god, I didn't really know what else to do for the night so I just decided to go to bed and talk to Eric in the morning about some things that the Elves didn't educate me on.

Aka, things about the entire world because they only really focused on my enchanting magic with a couple other magics here and there.

After a good couple hours of sleep and some extra minutes staying in bed because it was comfy, I eventually got out and changed into a spare set of clothing that I bought from the system for only 10 System points.

The set of clothing given was pretty much what I wore back on earth. A pair of jeans, decent shoes, random shirt I got from my older brother, and a jacket that went over it.

Leaving my room, I saw Eric sitting at a table drinking from a wooden cup and staring out the open door.

Seeing me, he waved me over and said, "Good morning Leo. Was the room to your liking?"

I took a seat before answering and when I finally did, I replied with a simple, "Yeah."

It seemed to satisfy him enough as he went back to drinking whatever he was drinking and continued staring out the open door.

After a few minutes of silence and just enjoying the breeze coming in from the door, Eric turned back to me once more and asked if I wanted breakfast. With a simple yes, he got out of his seat and made his way to the back to start working on the food.

Pulling out the book once more, I attempted to figure out the story it was trying to tell with a lot of difficulty but eventually got to the end of the first chapter…. Which was only 4 pages.

However, that was long enough for Eric to finish up what he was doing and bring out some food.

It was a simple meal, just a thing of bread with eggs on the side.

It was kind of bland but I still at it thankfully and greedily as I was hungry from not eating that much last night. Once I was done, I turned to Eric and asked, "Is it ok if I ask you a couple of questions?"

"Sure, what can I help you with?"

"So, from where I'm from, we only focused on self-improvement on whatever we were assigned with. For me, it was Archery and Magic. Anything else besides that, I really have no clue about so if possible, could you tell me more about the world, it's races, and anything else you can think of that might be important in daily life?"

He nodded his head for a bit while thinking and taking a few sips from his drink.

"I could but it'll take a while if that's ok with you."

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"Go right on ahead, I've got a lot of time."

Taking one final sip from his drink, he got into a comfortable position in his chair, and started speaking.

Author's Note- Here comes the fun rant about world building that I made in a couple of minutes. Quality may be iffy. You have been warned.

"The world, as you hopefully know, is called Astvail. From what we humans know after extensive research, the world has been around for thousands upon thousands of years. We think that after the first few centuries of the world being here, the elves appeared followed by almost every other race after another few centuries except for humans.

Us humans were the last to have appeared. For whatever reason, we looked somewhat like elves but were entirely different. We can grow beards for example while they cannot. They live a dozen or so centuries while we're lucky to even break 40 sometimes.

Now here's a quick question before I continue. Do you want me to focus on human history or something else? I'm much better at telling human history than any other history as I loved listening to my great grand pappy's stories, but I have some knowledge about other stuff. It's not going to be as accurate as a library filled with information, but it might be enough to help you learn more about everything."

I thought about it for a bit.

'I am human and like human stuff….'

"Yeah" I responded, "I'll go with human history if you could."

His eyes shown for a second as if he was doing a mental fist pump.

"When humans first came about, we were as my grand pappy said, "Very Confused." Compared to the other races that figured out what they were good at and what they wanted to do; we had no clue. We had no history, no fancy innate magical powers, or anything else like that.

So, because of that, we became wonderers. We started exploring everything that we could to try and find our purpose. Along the way some people discovered it and became adventurers, chefs, kings, and anything else you could think of.

With all these people finding out what they wanted, they also settled down and formed tribes. Once that gained enough people, it formed into a town, then a city, and finally kingdom.

Take the main Human Kingdom Kingcreed for example and before you say it yes, the name is stupid. Early humans weren't that great at naming things. We kings and queens are too lazy to admit that it's stupid and change it.

Anyways back to topic!

The Kingdom became our main area but our ambition for adventure still thrived in our blood and soul. The kings at that time decided to "borrow" some of the land from other races. They did not take this kindly.

Wars were waged between the humans and everyone one else. In the beginning, it was a losing war for us but as the time passed by, humans started to learn (A/N: Steal) from the other races and copy them. From the elves we learned magic, from the dwarves we learned craftsmanship, from the half-beast we learned how to fight, and a couple random things here and there from all the other races.

With this new knowledge and our ability to adapt much quicker than every other race, the tides turned to our favor until we finally came to a draw with the other races. We continued to build villages, cities, and some more kingdoms on the land the we earned though the war while the other races just came to hate us more and more.

While there has yet to be another war between us and the other races, the more we do the more they hate us as we never actually care for what they want. Hundreds of years later, we get to where we are now which is Era 4, year 427."

Eric took a deep breath to try and regain some of the oxygen he lost from saying all of that without stop.

"I'd explain more of it to you but like I said earlier, I only know this much because I loved listening to my great grand-pappy when I was younger. To learn more about it, you'll have to either visit someone who actually is devoted to learning about all this or go to a library and read about it yourself. If you want to learn the other race's side of the story, well I'm not really sure what to do as they still hate us for what we did back then." He shrugged, "At least not all humans are like they were back then. A good majority of us want to create better relationships with them but their long lifespans make it hard as they remember is much clearer than us.

Now any questions?"

I didn't answer as I just took in all of the information, he told me within a few minutes. Most of this explained a lot of my previous interaction with the elves and some of it left me with even more questions.

Though not wanting to sound like an idiot, I just said, "Nah, I think I got the most of it."

We then continued to just talk for another couple of minutes while eating and drinking while staring out the open door. Sometime around when we were doing that, the System gave me two new quests.

[QUEST: Visit the main Human Kingdom KingsCreed.

REWARD: Diary of a First Era Citizen.

Do you wish to accept? Y/N]


[QUEST: Learn more about the world by learning about the past from the other race's perspectives.

REWARD: Random High-Ranking Human Skill.

Do you wish to accept? Y/N]

Quickly accepting both, I put them on the backburner of stuff to do after getting some stuff from this village and learning what to do next.

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