The Arrancar

Chapter 17 - Removing the Trash

When he saw that Layla was making eye contact with him, Nnoitora scowled. "The Idea of a woman being in a position of power over a man is preposterous! You aren't Espada Cero because you are powerful! You just have more experience than the rest of us! You are weak! Nothing more than a useless bimbo!"

Around the room, the Espada had varied reactions. Ulquiorra put his head down and closed his eyes, Nel had an Angry look on her face yet she just stared at Nnoitra, Hexxius shook his head back and forth, Grimmjow started to sweat, The Espada all showed signs of apprehension with the exception of number 6.

"Interesting." Cyan Spirit energy fell onto the enter group like a curtain forcing them to their knees. As the brunt of Espada Cero's might fell down on Nnoitra his body started to be crushed.

"I thought we moved far beyond this level of absolute idiocy when we became Espada. Not only that, who was it that trained you? Who was it that selected you? Who was it that made you the Arrancar you are today? It would seem that there are still people who harbor such thoughts even after you are the one that made them into what they are today!" Each moment that went by the intensity of the Spiritual Pressure grew, Layla was actually furious at this moment as her face distorted.

"I took the time to turn you into something that you would have never achieved in your life! Yet you stand before me saying such terrible words, you sound like the Humans that take time out of their day to hate." The Pressure continued to increase and Nnoitora's bones started to crack.

"Humans, they are expected to hold these ignorant views when it pertains to sėx, sėxuȧŀ orientation, gender, Skin color, and more. It's expected because they are weak-willed and primitive. Yet before me is an Espada, a being that in the World of the living has the power to bring about the apocalypse, stating that Women are inferior." Looking at the man before her, Layla saw the people of earth that suppressed her within him.

"Did you think that because I allowed you to become an Espada that you are irreplaceable? Idiot." Putting her hand on the hilt of her Zanpakuto, Layla's spirit energy continued to rise as her Anger increased. At this moment Hexxius placed his hand on her shoulder which brought her out of her stupor.

"There is no need for you to dispose of this trash, you are the beacon that acts as our shield and this idiot has yet to realize that." Hexxius turned his attention to Nnoitora as well, yet Layla removed her pressure from the room.

"Carry out my plans." Standing up Layla handed her snacks to her Faccion as she dusted the crumbs off of her body. "By the Next Espada meeting, I expect the 6th Espada to be dead. We have no room in Hueco Mundo for bigots."

The Espada watched as Layla left the throne room along with her Faccion after passing down her orders. They waited until her back was out of sight before 8 gazes locked onto Espada number 6.

"I Knew you were odd but I didn't know you were a misogynist, well actually I think you're just a bigot because Luppi is definitely gay. He's about as Bottom as it gets, and you seem rather uncomfortable around him as well." Tier said this as she used Sonido to arrive behind Nnoitra. Drawing her Zanpakuto she split the former Espada in two.

"What do you mean by 'I'm as Bottom as it gets?!' I am definitely a top!" Luppi stomped his feet as he pouted.

Ignoring him Nel spoke "Since the 6th Espada is now Vacant all the Espada below that will be promoted. Therefore, Espada's numbers 7 and 8 will carry out Layla's task, while Luppi you will go find the Gillian by the name of Aaroniero Arruruerie. Go through the process of advancing his rank to Arrancar, he will be Espada number 9."

The remaining Espada understood and moved to complete all the tasks.

Passing through the gates of Las Noches, Zommari and Szayelaporro walked out into the sands of Hueco Mundo, "This is the first time we have ever genuinely done something together huh."

Zommari paused and thought about it, "I think you are correct. Espada of our rank are bȧrėly deployed together, there is always one 4 or above that goes with the lower-ranking ones. I think Lady Layla is trying to place more importance on our Ranks, it seems like soon Espadas above 5 won't get deployed unless it is absolutely necessary."

"I completely agree with that, it's a refreshing feeling honestly. Nnoitra was an idiot, he came to me once and asked me to create something that would trick one of the big 3 women so he could eliminate them. I was shocked, the power they have isn't something that can be taken lightly, in fact, I doubt his Zanpakuto would have been able to cut them."

"Yes, Lady Layla, in particular, is quite frightening when she is serious, in fact, I don't think I have ever seen her resurreccion. During the first stages of training, we all attacked her at once and were still utterly defeated, Ulquiorra even released his Zanpkuato."

"HAHAHA I REMEMBER THAT! She then said something like 'ooo what a cute little bat.' and when he fired a cero SHE ATE IT!"

"Haha yes! Then she said something like 'Your spiritual pressure needs more refining, it tastes a bit ghoulish.'"

"Ahh that was scary, the cero would have killed me, yet she just... Ate it."

"Yes, Nnoitra deserved what he got. His bigotry outweighed the numerous privileges we have been given since we have become Espada. Soon, we will have even more."

Zommari and Szayelaporro continued talking about a number of things as they searched for the Various Hollow. On Luppi's end, things were much more simple as the Gillian in question was already in Las Noches so all he had to do was take him to Layla's palace so she could grant him access to hell, but that was easier said than done as he looked at the Palace extremely nervous.

The Number on his body was already updated, so the number 6 displayed would easily grant him access, he was more concerned about Espada Cero's mood.. "I Hope she doesn't kill me."

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