The Arrancar

Chapter 18 - A Talk with Hexxius

In the next few weeks, Las Noches was completely revitalized. The Espada Palaces were renovated and made larger which drastically increased the overall size of Las Noches. The Espada each became the leader of a large force with 100 subordinates each. Los Diez Palacios de la Espada(The 10 Sword Palaces) will be going against the 13 Court Guard Squads. The position of the Espada in the heart and minds of the Arrancar and other hollows grew to the point of reverence.

Las Noches was separated into 5 Sections. Lord Aizen, Gin, and Kaname lived in the central region where the throne room was located, The eastern portion was where the Palaces of Espada 0-4 were located. The Western region is where the newly restructured Exequias are located, The Southern Region is where the research facility headed by Szayelaporro Granz is located along with his Palace. Then there is the Northern region where Espada 5,6,7, and 9 are located.

Each Espada palace varies in size and is unique to the personal designs of the Espada. Layla's Palace was modeled after Versailles, under the artificial sky of Los Noches the Palace stood in stark contrast to the sandy surroundings as there were large Grasslands, gaudy fountains, and elaborate shrubbery. The Arrancar of Palace Cero lived a more luxurious life than most, but their training was something no Arrancar envied as The Cero Espada did not accept weaklings.

Nel's Palace was more modest in comparison, she had a traditional Japanese estate, with a Zen Garden and all, the palace was simple yet beautiful. Hexxius's Palace was large, modeled after the Grand Kremin, it's ostentatious gold ornaments reflected the light making the area brighter.

In Hexxuis's Palace, the small Espada was having a conversation with Grimmjow. "Today we will be starting the next step of our plans, I want you to go to the world of the Living. There you will spread a little chaos, this will make Aizen, Kaname, and Gin think that you acted on your own."

Grimmjow sat down on one of the couches in the sitting room as a servant brought along a cup of tea for the two Espada to drink. As he watched the tea flow into the cup he spoke. "Aizen is a very intelligent man, yet I have started to realize how pretentious and self-centered he is. His power is also nothing to scoff at but, with Lady Layla perfecting her Resurgimiento along with Lady Nel and yourself you should be able to take him on in a fight. Why must we continue following that man?!"

Grimmjow raised his voice in anger, his hand clenched the teacup yet before it could crack he saw Hexxius in the corner of his eye looking at him while taking a sip of his tea. There was no threatening, no intimidation but that gaze contained something that caused Grimmjow to calm himself before he did something he would regret.

"While it might be possible to win a battle against Aizen if he was alone there is no way we could beat Gin, Kaname, and him together at this point in time. Plus even if we did this wouldn't change the way that the Soul Society views us Arrancar, it would only further agitate it. So for now, we wait, we want all of you to learn the Resurgimiento. Besides the aforementioned individual's Tier, Ulquiorra, and yourself have learned it. Once the others do as well our survivability will skyrocket which makes further plans much easier." Placing his teacup down, Hexxius looked at Grimmjow and continued to explain his mission.

Grimmjow looked puzzled but stayed silent. "The purpose of you going is to act on the Anger you had in the Throne room after the first mission. You're gonna push Ichigo to the limit but not kill him, we need him for the next phase of our plans. Take 6 Faccion, even if they die it's fine, your life is the priority here."

Walking over to a table as his bȧrė feet lightly tapped across the floor, Hexxius described in detail what Grimmjow had to do.

"Most likely Director-General Tosen will leave Hueco Mundo and go to the world of the living to retrieve you. He's a little boy scout so shit like that is right up his alley. Currently, you aren't powerful enough to defend against a serious Tosen therefore I will defend you. There is no way Kaname can contend against me in a battle." Hexxius's body glowed pink as his Spirit energy flared at the thought of battle, the spiritual pressure warped the wood and metal in the area as Grimmjow struggled to stay on his feet.

Realizing his blunder, Hexxius ceased releasing his energy. "*Cough* Go now."

Grimmjow was far different now than he was in the original, unlike the other Espada his mask remnant didn't shrink but his hair was slightly longer. His spirit energy took on the same color as his hair, as his power became something deeper and purer. No longer was he an Adjucha turned Arrancar but a genuine one His power before was nothing more than a drop in the bucket compared to what he has today.

Walking from Hexxius's Palace to his own Grimmjow made preparations, His Palace was modeled after the White House. Grimmjow's Arrancar are more combat-oriented than the other Espada's therefore his Palace was built with function in mind rather than appearance.

Walking inside he made his way down to the lower Levels where his Faccion were training the rest of the Arrancar. " Shawlong, Edrad, Nakeem,Yylfordt, and Di Roy, you five will be coming with me.. Everyone else continue with your training."

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