The Arrancar

Chapter 34 - The Power of a Privaron Espada

Layla, Nel, Hexxius, Tier, Aizen, Gin, and Kaname were seated in a more private meeting room as they hashed out the details of their Invasion, "It is highly likely, that the 13 Court Guard Squads have erected a barrier in the world of the Living. Before carrying out the plan to create the Oken we will first need to defeat the Captains and Other officers. Things will get a little tricky once the Head Captain makes a move but Wonderweiss was engineered for that very purpose, he will deal with Ryūjin Jakka's flames."

"Awhhh!" Wonderweiss who was seated on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees exclaimed slightly. Layla's face was stoic as she looked at the Modified Arrancar, 'While it's true that Ryūjin Jakka is the oldest and mightiest of all Zanpakuto, it takes a unique individual to put a living being so similar to themselves through such horrific experiment.'

As the meeting continued the Intruders made their way through the Menos Forest with Ashido's help. They made their way through the underground passageway that connects Las Noches to the Menos Forest. Using his Zanpakuto like the brute he is without a once of tact in his body Ichigo slices through the door, Which sends an alert to the control room where the Privarion Espada were seated.

"Wow, it seems we won't have to do anything, after all, They have broken into THAT part of Las Noches." Tensi said that as his voice cracked slightly the cigarette in his mouth fell down onto the tile floor as he looked at the location of the alert on the screen.

Standing by his side the Burly Titus started to sweat, "Lord Szayelaporro's Palace…"

The Research Complex of Las Noches was Szayelaporro's palace, every Arrancar in Hueco Mundo has stepped through its gates and has experienced the overbearing attitude of the Espada within, only a select few can garner respect from him, and that is those that carry the Title of Espada.

Currently, Szayelaporro was in the middle of changing the artificial Arrancar into Natural ones, his research was the single most important thing that was happening in Hueco Mundo besides the invasion prep. Therefore his palace was heavily fortified to keep his work protected and maintain utmost secrecy.

Alarms began to resound throughout the facility causing the guards to spring to life, a Large Female Arrancar with faded purple hair, and heterochromatic eyes with one being royal purple and the other a bright green. Their brėȧst made their burly frame the perfect blend of both masculine and feminine energies as -4 was tattooed on the left side of their neck. their Zanpakuto was a large claymore that was sheathed parallel to their spine, "Oooo Intruders." They said as the pearly white teeth hidden behind large pink lips came into view, standing up from their chair the Privarion Espada made their way towards the indicated location.

The 3 Soul Reapers, Human, and Quincy walked down a long corridor until they arrived outside, well under the artificial sky of Los Noches, in a rather large courtyard. Standing there waiting for them was Arrancar number -4, their arms resting by their sides as their eyes scanned the quintuple, "When we were informed that we had intruders I was under the impression that I would get a Bloody and exciting battle. Yet as the 5 of you stand before me I must say that I am not impressed, The Spirit Energy coming off of your bodies is at the level of a Vania, maybe a lower-ranking Faccion. Yet you came here to rescue your little friend with this poor level of wow...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." rambunctious, rowdy, The Intruders looked at the Arrancar before them and these were the only thoughts that came to mind.

"*Dance, Sode no Shirayuki*" Rukia was the first to take action as she released her Zanpakuto, 'Her guard is lowered, it is the perfect time to strike.' Using flash step Rukia arrived in front of the burly Arrancar and slashed at their heart. Strike fast, if you can catch your opponent off guard and get a solid hit in the fight will go in your favor. Something that most Soul Reapers are taught in the academy.



The Zanpakuto made contact with the target yet no damage was, "Huh?" Looking down at the small soul reaper before them Arrancar Number -4 frowned. Grabbing Rukia by the wrist they gazed into the small Soul reaper's eyes, "How rude."

Then it happened, all the other four saw was a flash of green energy and the sound of wet meat hitting a solid surface. When the light faded Rukia was laid on the ground with both of her legs missing screaming at the top of her lungs. "You're noisy, silence." Using kido the Arrancar knocked her unconscious.

Their face still in a frown as they looked at the invaders, "No fuċkɨnġ home training, didn't your parents teach you to at least introduce yourself when you walk into someone's home? Well, this is kinda a battle huh? I guess what you did is correct but, not even gauging the strength of your enemy? What if I was an Espada? What would you have done then? Well, I am a former Espada so I guess that counts? Maybe?" The Arrancar rambled on and on as if what they had just done was an everyday occurrence putting the 3 teenagers in a state of shock while Renji just looked on in sorrow.

"Well, I'll just tell you all my name! I'm Espada number -4, Heather Harribel. A Member of the Privarion Espada, and we were mobilized just for you 5, well 4 now because I'm guessing she won't really be of much use at this point huh? Actually, are those their Pronouns? I guess that doesn't really matter now." Heather said as she looked at the now Disabled Rukia.

Silence permeated the battlefield as Ichigo, Chad, Renji, and Uryu looked at their friend as she laid at the foot of the Arrancar in front of them. Her breathing shallow, her complexion pale, as she bȧrėly hung on to her life. For the first time, the reality of the invasion slapped them in the face as the wall that is Arrancar -4 stood in front of them.

Their breathing grew rapid and erratic as their heart rates increased, " I was informed that this was a possibility but I didn't think that I would have the luxury to be the first to meet you all! How unlucky." Heather said this as their eyes that were once bright as the sun dimmed slightly as their mood seemed to shift.

"If you encountered a faccion maybe you could have put up more of a fight but as of now, it looks like this will be a simple open and close case. *Petrify, Medusa*" The green spiritual energy changed into a lovely Royal purple color as the towering figure of the Arrancar shrank down by more than half.

All around Hueco Mundo the various Arrancar felt this burst of Spiritual Pressure, in Ulquoirra's Palace he, Grimmjow, and Luppi are seated on a couch seemingly in the middle of a discussion. Ulquiorra lowered the teacup in his hand and placed it on the table in front of him as he focused on the Spiritual pressure.

"The Unstable one has just released their Zanpakuto, they ȧssumed the Gorgon form this time so there shouldn't be any issues," Ulquiorra says as he looked at Grimmjow who nodded his head slightly in understanding. On the side, Luppi's face was covered in question marks as he asked, "Who is the Unstable one?"

"That's right, you weren't privy to this information. The Espada and Privaron Espada are ranked based upon their strength with the lower number usually representing Higher combat prowess. However, in Las Noches, there is one exception to that rule, Arrancar -4. They have multiple personality disorder, at first none of us had any clue because we didn't have knowledge of what this sort of neurodivergency was. Due to that, They got the nickname Scatter Brained Heather." Grimmjow said as he felt the spiritual pressure increase even further.

"Due to the instability of their mental condition, Lady Layla felt it was inappropriate to allow them to be ranked 1st out of the Privaron Espada. However, their combat prowess is on par with even some Espada, and when they release their Zanpakuto whatever Personality has control at that time is Manifested. So far there are 3 Known Personalities: Medusa, Neptune, and Jupiter, out of those three Medusa is the most reasonable but at the same time their weakest form. Jupiter is the most powerful yet at the same time the most unstable, even if put up against Grimmjow it is uncertain who would actually win." Ulquiorra paused as he looked at Grimmjow.

"The scariest thing is that they can switch at any time, when They were an Espada their Aspect of death was Chaos. The only one they will listen to is Lady Layla. It's unfortunate that They are the enemy that the intruders encountered. It would seem like new statues will soon be added to decorate Las Noches."

"Or it might get blown up by Lightning."

"The fact remains that besides us Espada they are the most powerful Arrancar. In fact if they didn't have such an unpredictable manner, they would still be an Espada. Lady Layla thinks very highly of Heather."

When the dust cleared what remained was a beautiful woman, well calling her a woman was a bit of a stretch. Her lower body was that of a snake with glistening Purple scales, small snakes replaced her long hair as her face became extremely charming. "It's been too long since WE were allowed free reign and before US are children unfit to clean my palace. (She's using royal language here hence the capitals.) Her face turned sour as she inspected her opponents.

"Gaze upon US!" Her purple eyes shined as she looked at the 4 remaining intruders. Like magic the four men became enthralled as they looked into her eyes, in their eyes, she was no longer an enemy but a loved one they must protect.

"Petrify." The snakes that made up her hair looked at the four of them and opened their eyes wide. Slowly starting from the face their skin began to turn to stone.. The Intruders couldn't even make it past the gate.

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