The Arrancar

Chapter 35 - Izanami no Mikoto

In Hueco Mundo, four Captains made their way to Las Noches under the silent but watchful eyes of the Arrancar, "There are Soul Reapers making their way into Las Noches, while I doubt the Privaron Espada need our help, I do not want to have any losses during my time as Full Senior. (Full Senior- this phrase is used referring to the highest-ranking individual in a specific scenario.) Grimmjow I would like it if you oversaw the battle from the shadows. There is no need for you to take action, The one they will bump into is strong enough to hold her ground against an Espada."

Standing in the courtyard where the 4 petrified statues of the invaders remained, Medusa's eyes locked onto the pathway the others came from. She made eye contact with the First captain to walk through, the scarf around his neck swaying slightly as he looked at the carnage that remained. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the Arrancar, "Was this your doing?"

"WE are the only ones here, if not US then who?" Medusa looked at the Captain with disdain, her tail slamming down in the sand out of frustration. Her eyes gazed at the 3 Other Captains besides the one that spoke, 'The Captain's of Squad 4, Squad 6, Squad 11, and Squad 12, it seems my Lady Layla correct, These truly are valuable targets'

Medusa looked at the Four petrified beings along with the legless one, 'While I didn't kill them the state they are in would make almost anyone ȧssume the worst. Also the Orange haired one seems to be needed for something in the future.'

"*Bankai, Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi*" The Captain let go of his blade and it phased through the earth, Blades rose from the ground and surrounded Medusa.

"A Captain, WE were informed that this was a possibility however, WE thought the 13 Court Guard Squads abandoned these children. It also seems like the Captain's of the 13 Court Guard Squads act on their emotions before surveying the situation….Interesting."

The Blades shined pink before scattering into million of cherry blossoms, "Oh such a beautiful Bankai, WE must add you to our collection." Medusa's eyes wandered as she looked at the pink blades floating through the air. The Blades then start to move due to Captain Kuchki's will as they surround Medusa.

"Acting on emotion? I am simply fulfilling my duty, a mere hollow would never understand. *Gokei, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi*"

The number of tiny pink blades increased immensely and began to surround Medusa quickly in a spherical formation of innumerable blade fragments, which swirled around her like a cloud. Her eyes lit up as she looked at the spectacle, "It's been a while since WE have seen a technique so beautiful, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi which means Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms. It truly lives up to its name, the lovely display of this Bankai makes death by this almost acceptable."

Medusa's eyes turned sharp as she snorted lightly in disdain, "But WE are not so weak." Slamming her tail down a powerful shockwave empowered by her Spiritual Pressure broke the encirclement with force. The Blades of Senbonzakura flew about in all directions as the spiritual Pressure of Medusa rained down upon the Captains, "Do you think that WE have no duty to fulfill? Do you think WE are just here as decoration? WE were entrusted with a task by Lady Layla, Therefore even if OUR body is reduced to nothing more than a smear on the ground as long as WE can fight OUR task will be completed!"

The Captains on the sidelines felt the density and power of the spiritual pressure and turned serious, 'The Level of completion these Arrancar have achieved are far beyond my calculations, the one before us is clearly powerful enough to deter at least 2-3 of the captains present."

The Snakes on Medusa's head rapidly started to collect Spirit Energy, causing the surroundings to Glow bright Purple, "*Cero Sen Hebi*" (The Cero of a Thousand Snakes) Opening their mouths the snakes released a densely packed array of Cero, which flew at the Captain's at an incredible speed.

Raising her hand, Captain Unohana erected a triple-layered wall of Kido, when the Cero hit the wall the impact caused the sand in the area to be blown away revealing the bȧrė Quartz floor below.

The Captain's turned their heads to look at Unohana, this was the first time they saw one of the Oldest Captain's in the 13 Court Guard Squads take action in Battle. "I came here to heal the wounded, however after considering the power of our advisory it would be irresponsible for me to stand back and do nothing. Don't you agree Captain Kuchiki?"

Unohana said this with a smile that wasn't a smile as she looked at Captain Kuchiki, "I'm not so Arrogant to think an opponent that could turn all 4 of them into statues is someone I can best in a solo scenario." Standing on the now Quartz floor of Las Noches, Captain Kuchiki made eye contact with Captain Unohana briefly before returning his gaze to the Arrancar.

Medusa's face displayed a pleased expression as she overheard the conversation the Captain's had with each other, "We are glad that you understand, Sneak attacks, Ambushes, Kido, Bankai, do what you must to reach US, it has been so long since WE have had such entertainment. WE will respond to your best with OUR best so be prepared!"

The battle between Arrancar Number -4 and the 4 Captains was in full swing as Grimmjow watched from the sky some distance away. The Shockwaves of the clash went far and wide as the Blue Haired Espada sat cross-legged, his eyes narrowed to keep the debris from flying into them while his hand rested on his cheek. 'Heather, no, Medusa is able to control the battlefield rather well, that Captain with the pink Bankai is giving her the hardest time due to the omnidirectional attacks he can dish out on a whim but other than that she seems to have everything under control.'

Grimmjow's eyes narrowed further as he looked at the One captain that never made any offensive moves, her eyes were calm, and her hands were hidden within her sleeves, however, her presence was the biggest impact on the Captain's side. 'She's using Kido extremely proficiently to defend and heal the other three as the battle goes on while Medusa's wounds are accumulating steadily. She is playing the long game with Medusa, drawing the fight out to weaken her then ultimately defeat her. Which in a normal situation is the perfect plan, but it seems like the captain neglected the fact that there are other Arrancar that are in Las Noches, not only that but it would seem this isn't even the full extent of Medusa's power.'

Back on the Quartz surface of Los Noches Medusa stood proudly, Blood trickled from various wounds across her body, "It seems that WE aren't good enough to finish the four of you off, but no matter. While WE are insufficient there are others within US that are far more powerful, in fact on the Hierarchy, WE rank the lowest."

Crossing her arms Medusa looked at the four Captains with Arrogance in her eyes, while their bodies were free of wounds, their Clothing was reduced to mere ribbons, and drenched in their blood with the exception of Unohana.

"Lets US see who is willing to switch." Medusa closed her eyes as her spiritual pressure began to rise to a level unimaginable before. In the distance Grimmjow widened his eyes as he quantified the Spiritual Pressure, 'Ulquiorra said that there are three known personalities within Heather. They are Medusa, Neptune, and Jupiter, however, the word Known is the scary aspect. From what I know about Heather, when she was an Adjucha she regressed back into a Gillian but a rare occurrence happened when another personality became dominant. This caused a massive mutation which allowed the Dominant personality to switch when it couldn't handle certain situations. This also means that out of the Thousands of souls she consumed over the years anyone can take control not just the 3 listed before. So who will it be?'

The spirit energy radiating off of Medusa grew dark and evil as her presence rose a few notches, the captains looked on as the energy acted as a barrier preventing them from getting any closer.

"Interesting." A regal yet sultry voice permeated the area as Medusa's gorgon body changed into something bipedal once again. The Green snakes on her head became long Black hair that fell down to the quartz, her hands became smaller, paler, and more delicate as her body was wrapped in a rather revealing Black Kimono with a red rose pattern. In her left hand, there was a fan that rose to her face covering her mouth and Nose as she opened her Scarlet eyes.

"To think you lot pushed Medusa to this extent, I applaud you." Folding the fan shut she clapped her hands as she looked into the eyes of her opponents with contempt, " Yet you fail to understand that there are taller mountains and deeper seas. However, Look at you all looking as if you're the victor...Makes me sick."


There was no warning, no preliminary actions, only the moist thump of a detached limb hitting a hard surface as the scarlet Blood dyed the area in its shade, "Gran Ray Cero." The Black-Scarlet energy ripped through the area hitting The Captain of Squad 11's Body and sending him flying into the walls of the Palace.

'What the fuċk was that?' Grimmjow, who was overlooking the battle from a distance, went wide as he couldn't see what just happened. 'It seems this is one of the hidden Dragons concealed within Heather, The only Privarion Espada with the ability to retake her place as an Espada. This Spirit Energy is much higher than mine falling near Ulquiorra's, Overlook the fight? Don't let anyone from our side die? Sir, I doubt even you could kill this Grand Ancestor in front of us, damn you Ulquiorra.'

"Oh, how fragile!" She exclaimed as she covered her mouth with her fan like a delicate, frightened woman but her eyes stayed sharp, deadly, and oppressive.

Byakuya, Unohana, and Mayuri all went wide eyed as they looked at their fallen comrade who had fallen unconscious. "*Bankai! Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō!* The big Poison baby made its appearance towering over the Arrancar.

"Before I kill you I'll at least give you my name, I am Arrancar -4 Izanami no Mikoto. *Bankai*" A word no captain would ever expect came out of the mouth of an Arrancar.

"Shi wa jinsei no ichibudesu(Death is a part of Life)" Their world collapsed as a mass of Spirit Energy erupted.

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