The last second Yan Shu was still trying to build up his emotions, making himself look like a poor guy who had a crush on Xiao Erduo but was not very happy in love, mainly to fool around this time.

After all, this matter is over, and they probably won't mention it again in the future.

He felt that he had laid the groundwork well before, and was ready to continue, but his mother gave him such a show?

The words Yan Shu had prepared were directly stuck.


He was interrupted by Yan Cheng as soon as he opened his mouth. He looked at Liu Ya and said, "What are you thinking? You haven't even caught up with your son yet, and you're going to propose marriage now? What kind of ancient bully style is this?"

"Yan Cheng, are you blind? Xiao Erduo obviously likes our son. Xiao Shu is so outstanding!" Liu Ya's voice was full of disbelief, "Are your eyes decorations?"

I saw it very clearly last time. It was Xiao Erduo who took the initiative!

Xiao Shu who took the initiative to kiss, how can this little girl kiss you if she doesn't like you? Are you dreaming?

Liu Ya really likes Xiao Erduo. Who doesn't like a well-behaved and beautiful little girl?

When she was a child, she loved her like Xiao Shu, and it would be even better if she became her daughter-in-law.

The more Liu Ya thought about it, the more feasible it was.

I ignored Yan Cheng and turned to look at Yan Shu, "Xiao Shu, what do you think?"

I don't think so...

Yan Shu smiled helplessly, "Mom, the college entrance examination is over and I promised to accompany Xiao Erduo to see a doctor. Don't make a fuss. Don't go and say anything to Uncle Xu. We are all going to take the exam."

After that, he stood up with his schoolbag and went back to his room.

Watching Yan Shu return to his room, Yan Cheng realized that something was wrong, "No, did we forget something?"

Isn't this about asking his son about the psychological counseling?

Liu Ya said "ah" and obviously didn't remember it.

"That teacher called us..." Yan Cheng reminded.

Liu Ya said "oh", "Didn't my son say it was because of Xiao Erduo? It doesn't matter if the child doesn't want to say it. The teacher also said that he is doing well now. It is inevitable that children have secrets when they grow up..."


This matter was originally over.

Yan Shu's CPU was almost burned out before he could say the reason he came up with.

For the first time, Yan Shu felt directly that his parents might be really cunning in this regard.

They had never doubted Yan Shu's words.

Just like Yan Cheng had asked Yan Shu many times before why he didn't go home at night.

Yan Shu said he went to a classmate's house to play, and he really believed it...

Before, I thought he didn't want to care about me, but now it seems that he really believed it, and just told him to smoke less at his age, and then nothing more...

Yan Shu found it funny.

Sighing, sometimes looking at things from a different angle can be regarded as a kind of relief for his soul.

Yan Shu looked at the book on the table, which listed the university he would apply for after the college entrance examination, as well as the major.

This is something Yan Shu has not figured out yet.

On the contrary, Xu Mi'er told him that day that she wanted to learn animation design.

This was something Yan Shu didn't think of at first. In theory, Xu Mi'er had some art skills, although not much.

He had also said before that the comics she drew were very cute, and if she liked it, she could stick to it.

But at that time she hesitated and denied herself.

Unexpectedly, the final choice was still a major related to art, which surprised Yan Shu and made him happy at the same time.

Xu Mi'er had never considered medical majors, even though Huang Yi was a doctor.

But Xiao Erduo didn't like it. She really chose this major for herself in her previous life.

Yan Shu actually asked Xu Mi'er before, but she didn't admit that she studied this major for Yan Shu.

There are always many reasons, but Yan Shu knew they were all false.

Now it is completely certain.

Xiao Erduo can do what he likes in this life, which makes Yan Shu happy.

Then it also narrowed the range of his major choices a little bit, after all, he wanted to go to the same school with Xiao Erduo.

Xu Mi'er's school choice was also very clear, and she didn't consider Tsinghua or Peking University directly.

Although Tsinghua and Peking University are good, they are not what she wants.

And Yan Shu knew that she probably considered her grades and chose Q University, a key university. The computer major of this school is excellent, which is in line with her choice of major.

And if Yan Shu works harder, there is a high probability that he can go to this school.

The girl has thought of everything.

Yan Shu thought that he would not do the test paper tonight, so he would just look at the major.

Feng Zheng called at this time, "Yan Shu, I'm across from your community, come out and chat?"

Yan Shu was a little surprised. It was almost eleven o'clock, and Feng Zheng's house was not in the same direction as his. Did this kid come back after school?

But Yan Shu still found something wrong. Feng Zheng's words were not right.

He replied, "Okay, wait for me."

Then he put down the book and took the phone out. Yan Cheng heard the voice and asked where he was going.

Yan Shu just vaguely said that a classmate passed by here to get him something, and then went out.

When I got on the elevator, I still remembered to send a message to Xiao Erduo.

The other side replied [Come back early. ]

Well, this is just like a wife telling her husband who is out, Yan Shu likes it very much.

The good mood disappeared when he walked out of the community and saw Feng Zheng squatting under a tree biting candy.

This kid looked discouraged.

It was not until Yan Shu walked in front of him and cast a shadow that he looked up and pulled the corner of his mouth, "Hi~"

Yan Shu stared at him for a while, and chose to squat down with him. It was really not beautiful for two tall guys to squat like this.

Feng Zheng himself laughed, "Are we a little stupid?"

"Then why don't you get up?" Yan Shu asked back unhappily.

Feng Zheng shook his head, "I've been walking all the way, a little tired."

"Then you're really boring, actually there is a car..."

"I know, I don't want to sit, I just want to walk. Originally, I would have reached the Chengxujia community by walking four more intersections. I was tired, so I just asked you to get off." Feng Zheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm the backup, right? So do you want to chat?" Yan Shu didn't look at him, just stared at the small group of ants in front of him walking slowly.

Feng Zheng was silent.

Yan Shu didn't urge him.

After a long time, Feng Zheng finally spoke, "My grandma passed away."

Yan Shu was stunned, and he looked at Feng Zheng from the side.

Feng Zheng grew up with his grandma, but when Yan Shu met him in his previous life, his grandma was gone.

Feng Zheng only mentioned it once during a casual chat, and Yan Shu didn't know that she died in his third year of high school.

"...Are you okay?" Yan Shu opened his mouth but could only say this. In the face of the pain of losing a loved one, all the comfort seemed powerless.


Wow, typos:

I’m sorry, because I’ve just returned to work and I’m a bit busy. I’m meeting the client every day and have a hard time slacking off…

Every night, I guess some friends will occasionally see my replies after 1 a.m.…because I’m still typing…

So maybe I was too sleepy to check after I finished writing and didn’t see it, (Also, I’m not going to start a new book! I’ve only written so little of this one, I’m risking my life to start it…purely because the input method is stupid!) I’m sorry for affecting the reading experience…QAQ I’ll check more often in the future, sorry, kowtow to you guys a few times. (Kowtow.jpg)

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