The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Feng Zheng's eyes were red instantly.

He looked at the tree beside him, his voice trembling, "I grew up with my grandma. My parents divorced when I was very young. My mom said that the high school here is good, so my grandma always wanted me to take the exam here. My hometown is not here..."

"I used to go back to see her every month, but there is no vacation in the third year of high school. I also had the flu last time, so I didn't make it..."

"...It's been more than a week, and they didn't tell me. I couldn't even see her for the last time..."

"Brother Yan, I don't have a grandma anymore." Feng Zheng's voice became choked, "I don't have a grandma anymore..."

Yan Shu felt like something was stuck in his throat.

He looked at the boy in front of him. In Yan Shu's memory, he had always been cheerful and independent.

The only thing was that he was inexplicably persistent in love.

He said that the girl accompanied him through the most difficult times.

Before, Yan Shu thought that the most difficult period was the third year of high school. Now it seems that it is very likely to be this stage, right?

Yan Shu reached out and patted his shoulder, saying helplessly, "I didn't bring tissues. If you cry, you can only wipe your tears with your hands..."

He even said an exaggerated "huh" after that.

Feng Zheng turned his head and glared at him, his eyes were red, but the tears did not fall, "Go away!"

His voice was full of speechlessness.

But he finally held back his tears.

He stared at Yan Shu for a while, then suddenly yelled, rubbed his eyes with his hands, "Damn, the good atmosphere is gone."

Yan Shu finally laughed, "No, you're going to cry, I'm really scared, if you cry here, it will be embarrassing for people to see me..."

Then he said with a smile, his voice slightly restrained, sighed softly, "My condolences."

No more comfort.

Yan Shu knew the pain of losing a lover, and naturally knew that some comfort was even harsh in the ears of sad people.

Many times they don't need comfort, what they need is to digest it slowly.

Feng Zheng said thank you and didn't say anything, squatting quietly beside him with his head down.

Yan Shu didn't say anything either, just squatted here with him.

The two of them were like mushrooms growing under a tree.

This is how Zhang Xian felt when she passed by.

Zhang Xian's home has always been not far from Xu Mi'er's home.

Before Yan Shu and Xu Mi'er were not together, she often accompanied Xu Mi'er home together.

Didn't Mi'er fall in love later?

So Zhang Xian came back alone.

She was doing the test paper in the classroom late tonight, and just came back now. She saw two people squatting under the tree from a distance.

At first, she didn't recognize that they were Feng Zheng and Yan Shu.

She also took a photo and sent it to the group, [I saw two human-shaped mushrooms at the gate of Yan Ge and Mi'er's community. ]

Xu Mi'er, who had just put away the test paper, clicked on the photo and saw at a glance that one of them was Yan Shu.

Yan Shu also said that he was going out for a while, and Feng Zheng was looking for him, so the other one should be Feng Zheng.

Her slender fingers tapped a few times on the phone, [Is there a possibility that this is Yan Shu and Feng Zheng? ]

Program: [Hahahahaha~]

Luo Yulin: [Hahahahaha~ So why are you squatting there? ]

Zhang Xian also wanted to ask, why are you squatting there?

She blinked and slowly approached, and sure enough, she saw Yan Shu looking at Feng Zheng, and Feng Zheng lowered his head and didn't know what he was doing.

But can you feel a little depressed?

After all, Feng Zheng in Zhang Xian's memory is always very energetic.

She walked over slowly and squatted in front of the two of them, "Hello, do you two mushrooms need help?"

Yan Shu looked up when he heard her voice, a little surprised, "Why are you still outside so late?"

Feng Zheng also looked up, his eyes were still a little red, "Yes? Just came back?"

He saw the schoolbag behind her.

Zhang Xian raised her phone and took a photo of the two of them, sighing, "No, Brother Yan, Brother Zheng, do you know what you two look like at this moment?"

Yan Shu said vigilantly, "I don't want to know."

He thought of the past two days when he found that Xu Mi'er didn't talk much on the way home, and when asked, he said he was playing with his phone.

Yan Shu was really curious, because Xu Mi'er didn't play with his phone much.

Except when she played for a long time when chatting with him, she didn't touch it much at other times.

So after parking the car, he curiously leaned over to take a look...

Don't ask, just ask

The person concerned regretted looking at it.

It was a strange couple building between him and Feng Zheng.

There were a lot of comments saying that they were hit...

If they hit everything, it would only hurt them!

But Yan Shu had this awareness, Feng Zheng didn't.

He was in a bad mood to begin with, and didn't notice that Yan Shu's voice was wrong at this time, so he asked, "What do you look like?"

"You look like a poor little girl abandoned by a scumbag~" Zhang Xian sighed with pity, and her eyes were full of pity.

Yan Shu's face turned black and a little disgusting.

Just like Feng Zheng, a big guy of 187cm, is still a poor little girl?

Zhang Xian really dares to say anything.

Feng Zheng's face flashed with confusion, then turned into realization, and then shocked...

He turned his head and glanced at Yan Shu, who looked disgusted.

The shock on his face also turned into disgust.

"He and I..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head quickly and vomited with a "wow..."

Yan Shu had not yet put away the disgusted expression on his face, and he immediately exclaimed, "Feng Zheng, are you really that bad?"

Vomited because of disgust?

Zhang Xian was also stunned. She just wanted to tease him.

Why did he vomit because of disgust?

But she reacted immediately, stuffed the phone into her pocket, and didn't look down on Feng Zheng for just vomiting. She patted his back with her hand, "No, Brother Zheng, I was wrong, you're not that bad..."

Feng Zheng burst into tears while vomiting.

Yan Shu saw it and sighed, stood up and said, "I'll go buy a bottle of water and tissues."

He knew that Feng Zheng didn't vomit because of disgust, but people would vomit when they were extremely sad.

Although he didn't cry just now and suppressed it, tears came out the moment he vomited.

Feng Zheng was very sad.

Zhang Xian was still apologizing in a low voice, and she remembered to turn around and say, "By the way, buy some refreshing mouth-clearing candy."

Yan Shu hummed and walked quickly to the convenience store next to him.

Zhang Xian took out a tissue from her schoolbag, "Brother Zheng, it's not that serious, it's not that serious. Brother Yan is really handsome. Didn't you say before that his eyes are so affectionate that he can even look at a dog? In fact, it's not a loss. At most, I won't say you are a poor little thing next time..."

Feng Zheng, who was originally distressed, couldn't help but hear the words "even looking at a dog is so affectionate".

He laughed and cried, and wanted to vomit.

He looked up at Zhang Xian with tears in his eyes, "Zhang Xian, you are sick!"

But his voice was weak and helpless.

Zhang Xian took the tissue and slapped it on his face, but her tone was very gentle, "I may be sick. Don't cry, no, you should cry, it's uncomfortable to hold it in."

Feng Zheng's eyes became more blurred in an instant, but he could still hear the tenderness in the girl's voice, "It's okay to cry in front of me, anyway, I will forget it after tonight."

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