The reason why Xu Mi'er felt guilty was that she had read some things recently.

Well, no, some study materials.

She had never thought that people would know so much before she went to college.

It turns out that the saying that girls are afraid of boys is true.

This matter started from that night.

Hasn't Xu Mi'er been learning some knowledge about being a blogger from Wen Yuwei recently?

Wen Yuwei was also very generous. She directly sent her some tutorials from her early days and some pictures she had drawn.

Unexpectedly, there were many... borderline pictures in them.

Xu Mi'er was stunned.

Wen Yuwei looked quiet and homely. How could she draw such bold pictures?

And although it was censored, but... can it be posted?

Xu Mi'er was reading it at the desk, and she saw it at a glance when Li Xiuxiu came over to ask her if she wanted to eat snacks.

She sighed, "It's a good drawing, is it you, Mi'er?"

Xu Mi'er's face flushed at the time, "No... No, it's not me..."

But she didn't know whether she should say that it was drawn by Wen Yuwei. It would be embarrassing to be known, right?

Wen Yuwei heard that the drawing was good and poked her head out to ask, "What is it?"

"It's a setu..."

Zhou Zhou also became interested after hearing it, and came over to take a look.

Xu Mi'er didn't know why, it was obviously not her drawing, but she was the one who was socially dead.

Wen Yuwei came down curiously to take a look, and said hi, "This is what I drew before, for the purpose of attracting traffic, the drawing is okay, right?"

Her attitude was really calm.

Then Xu Mi'er watched them exchange various books and various poses...

They were all shocked when they saw her blushing face.

"No, Mi'er, you are the only one among us who has a boyfriend? How can you be so innocent!?"

"Too innocent, I need to pollute you!"

"Come, I'll send you some good stuff..."

Anyway, in the end, Xu Mi'er learned a lot from them.

Well, her mind is not so clean.

Now she feels guilty even to refute Yan Shu.

Yan Shu wanted to say something, but the nurse called their number.

The doctor who examined Xu Mi'er was a student who had taken her grandfather's class, so he was very careful and gentle.

Fortunately, Xu Mi'er recovered very well.

It was almost twelve o'clock when the two came out of the hospital.

This was quite time-consuming.

Maybe because she had just met her cousin and her grandfather's students.

When Xu Mi'er came out, she suddenly asked, "Yan Shu, do you want to go with me to meet your grandparents? Their home is not far from here."

In fact, Xu Mi'er wanted to take Yan Shu home during the last Chinese New Year.

But isn't this inappropriate?

Now she thought, it should be suitable, right?

She wanted to show Yan Shu to her grandparents.

Yan Shu was still thinking about what delicious food there was here, and was stunned for a moment when he heard Xu Mi'er's words.

Then he smiled and said, "Okay, then we have to buy something first, otherwise it's not good to go empty-handed."

His frank and unhesitating answer made Xu Mi'er smile.

But it was also true that they had known each other for so many years, and her grandparents had seen Yan Shu.

At that time, they were still young and would occasionally visit Xu Mi'er.

Naturally, they knew the boy from the Yan family.

But the impression of Yan Shu still remained in elementary school. The little brat was arrogant and protected Xu Mi'er.

So he should have a good impression of him.

Yan Shu remembered that the old man and his family liked him very much in his previous life, so he didn't have any psychological pressure.

It was indeed wrong not to visit them after coming to City B for so long.

Xu Mi'er here had happily called her grandmother's house and said that she would be there soon.

Grandma was also very happy, and Shu prepared delicious food for them.

Yan Shu took Xu Mi'er to the nearest mall, bought tea leaves and a piece of ink.

Finally, he went to buy materials for aromatherapy for grandma.

Because grandma studied Chinese medicine, Yan Shu bought the materials directly from the pharmacy, and other aromatherapy items directly from the aromatherapy store.

Xu Mi'er looked at him and always felt that he was very skilled?

And how did he know what grandpa and grandma liked?

She was curious, so she asked directly.

Yan Shu said, "I heard my aunt and uncle tell my parents when we were having dinner before. Before I came out, I knew that I must find an opportunity to visit the elderly, so I asked my uncle, and my uncle told me.


It was Xu Wang who said that, but it was Xu Wang who said that in his previous life when he took Yan Shu and the others to visit the two old people.

Yan Shu always remembered it.

Xu Mi'er whispered, "Doesn't my dad look down on you? You say one thing and mean another?"

Yan Shu took the things handed over by the shopping guide, took her hand and walked out, and said with a smile, "You don't know your uncle yet, he is the toughest talker in the whole body, you like me so much, he will definitely not let you feel sad."

"Yan Shu, you are so shameless." Xu Mi'er said with a smile.

But her heart was warm, that's right, she was very happy, and everyone around her doted on her.

Yan Shu was not angry when he was said, but hummed, "Shameless, you have a wife. "

Xu Mi'er was too lazy to talk about his twisted logic.

Yan Shu went to buy some fruits, and then the two of them took a taxi directly.

After registering their information at the door, they went in.

While walking on the path, Xu Mi'er suddenly remembered that she had seen a back figure that looked very much like Yan Shu here last time.

So she smiled and told him, and even joked to herself, "I guess I missed you too much at that time, and I thought a back figure looked like you."

Yan Shu knew that it was him.

He was a little surprised. Did the little ears come out that day? If he looked back, would he be able to see her?

But it's okay. If he looked back and saw her, it would be really hard to explain.

Finally, he smiled and said, "You like me so much."

Xu Mi'er hummed, very hard, "Didn't I say it? I like you very much. "

The once arrogant little girl, now watered by love, will now bravely and frankly express her love.

Yan Shu reached out and rubbed her head.

The old lady waiting in the yard in front called out, "Is it our little ear?"

The two looked over and saw the old lady standing at the door happily watching.

Xu Mi'er ran over happily, "Grandma!"

The old lady hurriedly took two steps forward, "Hey, hey, hey, slow down."

Looking at the old and the young hugging in front, Yan Shu walked over with a smile in his eyes.

As a result, he saw a man coming out of the door behind him just after he walked over.

A familiar face, Wu Bin?

Why is he here?

Wu Bin obviously saw Yan Shu as well, and was stunned for a moment, then saw the little girl in the old lady's arms, and raised his eyebrows slightly. Isn't this a coincidence?

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