The old lady was obviously very happy to see her granddaughter, and she hugged her and called her baby.

Actually, when Xu Mi'er's surgery was successful, the old couple wanted to take a plane to see her.

But during that time, the hospital invited the old couple to attend a very important academic conference, anyway, it was the kind with big leaders.

Xu Wang and his family asked them not to travel.

In the end, after such a delay, the child came here to study.

Originally, I wanted to call her and ask the child to come and see, but she came by herself.

The old lady held Xu Mi'er and looked him up and down, saying, "It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine~"

Then she looked at Yan Shu, "Hey, the boy from the Yan family has grown up so much, he's so handsome."

Yan Shu laughed and called out, "Grandma~"

The old lady happily responded, stretched out her hand to take his hand and patted it, then looked at the things in his hand, "Why do you bring so many things to eat?"

Yan Shu smiled and said, "Not much, you can't really come empty-handed when visiting, right?"

The old lady probably didn't know the relationship between the two at first, but seeing her granddaughter turning her head to look at Yan Shu from time to time.

And Yan Shu's eyes that basically never moved away from Xiao Er'er, what else could the old lady not understand?

Inevitably, there was a surprised expression on her face.

At this time, Wu Bin finally came over and called out, "Professor Liu, what a coincidence Yan Shu, Xu Mi'er."

He smiled and greeted the two, but his eyes stayed on Xu Mi'er for a long time.

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xu Mi'er to be Professor Liu's granddaughter. This is really fate.

In his previous life, Yan Shu had met Wu Bin at his grandparents' place.

But when he thought about the fact that they repeated a year in their previous life, he thought they missed each other.

At this time, Yan Shu nodded to Wu Bin and said hello.

Xu Mi'er also said lightly, "Hello."

Professor Liu, that is, the grandmother, seemed a little surprised, "Do you know each other?"

Xu Mi'er said, "Not really, I met her at the welfare home when I was a volunteer, but I didn't expect that she was someone my grandmother knew."

The old lady waved her hand and her voice was a little vague, "It's just some younger children. Okay, don't stand there stupidly, come in, come in, your grandfather has prepared delicious food for you."

The old lady's vague words were not only heard by Xu Mi'er, but Yan Shu could also hear that she probably didn't like Wu Bin very much.

The old lady has a great reputation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and some younger generations come back to visit from time to time.

She has a good temper, is kind, and is willing to give some pointers.

This is the first time Yan Shu has heard her describe him so vaguely. The younger generation doesn't need to be called just a child of the younger generation.

Yan Shu couldn't help but take another look at Wu Bin.

Wu Bin still had a gentle smile on his face, looking at the things in Yan Shu's hand, "Do you need help?"

Yan Shu smiled, "No."

Originally Xu Mi'er was walking in with the old lady on the left.

Wu Bin didn't know what he was thinking, but he walked to the right side of the old lady as if he wanted to help her.

Tsk, does this make him seem redundant?

Yan Shu was originally holding things and standing a little back.

Did Wu Bin do this on purpose?

Unfortunately, the old lady seemed to avoid his outstretched hand as if she didn't notice it, and stretched out her hand to pull Yan Shu's wrist back, "Why is Xiao Shu walking so slowly? Don't bring these things next time you come to grandma's place, why are you being so polite..."

"Hey, I know, grandma, I won't dare to do it next time." Yan Shu said with a smile, and was pulled to her right by the old lady.

Wu Bin glanced at his hands. After all, he was young, and his expression was a little stiff.

But he quickly restrained himself, still with a gentle smile on his face.

The old lady brought people in, and Mr. Huang in the kitchen came out, "Hey, little ears, come to see grandpa."

He happily pulled his granddaughter up and down to look at her, and took the time to reach out and pat Yan Shu who followed him to call grandpa, "The boy has become stronger, why is he so dark?"

"Grandpa, I just finished military training."

"Our little ears are white and tender."

"That's because she didn't go to military training. Grandpa, I'm a boy, and it's okay to be dark."

"Don't listen to your grandpa, it's good like this, so handsome."

"It's still grandma who appreciates..." Yan Shu said with a smile.

Xu Mi'er on the opposite side glanced at him, "You are so sweet today..."

Wu Bin stood there, obviously feeling that he was redundant.

After all, he still had some eyes, waiting for them to be cold

After the chat, he smiled and said goodbye to the two old professors.

The two just said a few polite words and then saw them off.

Yan Shu saw the guests off to the door. After all, it was enough for a junior Yan Shu to see them off.

Wu Bin looked at Yan Shu standing behind the small garden door, and then glanced at the small garden house behind him.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that Yan Shu was really lucky. Xu Mi'er was so beautiful, and her grandparents were so powerful.

Yan Shu's vision was really good.

It was so good that people were a little jealous.

He pushed his glasses and smiled at Yan Shu and said, "Goodbye."

Yan Shu also smiled and said, goodbye.

After the other party walked away, Yan Shu raised his eyebrows slightly.

This Wu Bin, that look just now, didn't he intend to hide it?

He was actually very curious, whether Wu Bin in his previous life also knew that Xu Mi'er's grandparents were so powerful and insisted on doing so.

Otherwise, it would be really hard to explain. It could also be that he was not a person with moral concepts?

This possibility can't be ruled out...

At this time, Xu Mi'er was curiously asking the old lady at home. "Grandma, who was that just now?"

The old lady sighed, "Just a young man who is a little eager for quick success."

It turned out that Wu Bin's mother was once a student of the old lady. His mother is talented, but unfortunately she is also a little eager for quick success. After learning a little from the old lady, she lost her patience.

He went out to open his own clinic under the banner of the old lady.

It is too difficult to learn Chinese medicine thoroughly.

The old lady never learned it thoroughly in her life.

The other party opened a clinic just after graduating from the graduate school of the university, and opened it under the banner of the old lady's beloved disciple.

This is definitely not okay. The old lady also advised him after she knew it.

But the other party seemed very unhappy because of this. At that time, he was already famous, so he stopped using the old lady's banner.

It was also very popular for a while, and it was said that it could treat cancer and so on.

As a result, some accidents happened...

"Cancer is something like this," the old lady shook her head and sighed, "Medicine, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, must be based on the symptoms. What Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine, Western medicine is better than Chinese medicine, it's all nonsense, only those who can save lives are good."

She didn't want to say anything more.

"This kid named Wu Bin has been visiting me from time to time since his freshman year, wanting me to accept him. I saw that he came often before, and I thought he was sincere. Although I don't accept students anymore, I can still give him some advice. Later, I asked him why he wanted to learn Chinese medicine?"

The old lady sighed, "He said he wanted to prove to those who laughed at his mother that Chinese medicine is very powerful."

She shook her head, "He is too much like his mother."

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