The registration option cannot be opened, apparently because the time has not yet come.

What interests Lu Wei the most is the start of a national war, which is obviously a war between countries.

Doesn't that mean that we can beat up the little bastards? Oh, and there are also the little sticks who bark all day long.

If nothing else, just to beat them up, we have to work hard to improve our overall strength.

It's a pity that the national war has not started yet, and we have to wait 10 days.

As for the fifth item, all humans have arrived, but it made Lu Wei frown.

At present, many people are having a hard time surviving on their own. If the elderly and children are teleported over, life will definitely be even more difficult.

Although there is still a month left, it is very difficult to store enough supplies and land for so many people to live in such a short month.

However, no matter how difficult it is, we have to try, and we can't just watch so many people die.

Lu Wei can't control others, but he must try to receive as many people as possible in his area.

There is no clue about the abyss in the sixth item yet, and Lu Wei doesn't know where it is or how to get there.���I can only wait for a chance to talk about it later.

After processing all the information, Lu Wei breathed a sigh of relief, took out the jade seal and gold seal, and looked at it carefully.

I couldn't help but want to try the power of"Seal the Heaven and Seal the Earth".

Seeing that the skill description is so powerful, I don't know if it is so powerful.

With a thought, the jade seal and gold seal in his hand suddenly turned into a stream of light and went straight into the sky.

Just when Lu Wei was thinking, it won't fly away like this, right? Suddenly, a golden light shone in the sky, illuminating the entire night with a golden glow.

Then, a huge golden mountain emitting golden light fell rapidly from the sky.

The huge pressure caused by the whistling strong wind made Lu Wei feel breathless.

Before it fell, this power shocked Lu Wei.

This is because he deliberately controlled the landing speed. If he fell with all his strength, the power would definitely be more amazing.

The golden mountain is square, and it is one kilometer long and wide.

It may be a bit exaggerated to fall down to fill the sea, but it is absolutely easy to cut off the river.

In order to avoid causing too much damage to the island, Lu Wei chose a small hill several dozen meters high in the distance as the target for the golden seal to smash.

As the golden seal fell, there was a loud bang, the earth shook, and the whole island trembled.

Huge dust and sand raged with the strong wind, like a roaring tsunami hitting the surroundings.

Big trees with thick arms were directly blown off and bent, and there was a mess wherever they passed.

Lu Wei looked at it and accelerated decisively and rushed into the house in an instant. Although he was far away and would not be hurt, he was bound to get covered in dust. As soon as

Lu Wei entered the house, dust and sand that covered the sky and the sun swarmed past, as if it was the end of the world, and the house was crackling.

"Ding, the ogre is killed. Congratulations on gaining 5 experience points. Do you want to use lucky critical hit?"

"Ding, Goblin is killed. Congratulations on getting 1 experience point. Do you want to use Lucky Crit?"


Lu Wei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would accidentally kill many wild monsters on the island and gain some experience points.

However, although there were still 9 level 1 lucky critical hits, Lu Wei had already made arrangements and would not waste them here.

After everything calmed down, Lu Wei left the room and looked at the small hill in the distance that was hit. The small hill that was dozens of meters high had turned into a square pit dozens of meters deep.

Lu Wei waved his hand, and the golden seal instantly turned into a stream of light and flew back.

Putting the golden seal into his backpack, Lu Wei looked at the big pit in the distance and slowly uttered two words.


Turning back to the house, there was still something to do.

It turned out that there were still 100,000 square meters of land and hundreds of thousands of plots of land that had been saved, which would be merged with the island.

All the land and plots were placed around the island to form a circle of beach.

As for the original buildings, they were placed directly on the beach as temporary residences.

Then a new house was built on the top of the mountain.

Things like spiritual spring water and vegetable fields were all moved to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was thousands of square meters, and Lu Wei placed a circle of stones around it as a fence.

He took out another house drawing and started building the house.

After the house was built, he chose to attack directly.

The original two bungalows became a three-story small building.

The two sides in front of the small building were used as vegetable gardens, and the back was used as a flower garden, which looked comfortable and beautiful.

Build a few more bungalows in front of the yard, which can be used as storage rooms.

When Lu Wei had everything rearranged, it was already dawn.

Although he hadn't slept all night, he didn't He didn't feel sleepy, because his body was getting stronger every moment due to the addition of 430 to all attributes. He had nowhere to vent his super energy, so he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to.

The island was shrouded in thick fog in the morning, and the temperature dropped even lower. Lu Wei estimated that although it was very hot during the day, it was only about 15° in the coldest morning.

At this rate, it would take less than a week for the whole world to enter winter.

It seems that we have to find a way to get the station token and turn the entire island into a guild station.

In this way, members of the guild can freely travel between their own island and the guild station.

At that time, we can use the wood on the island to build a large number of houses, and we don't have to worry about everyone freezing in winter.

However, it is a bit of a waste to use this island to build houses. After the land here has been upgraded, the planting time has been shortened by 5 times. It is better to open up wasteland for planting.

However, in this case, we have to find a way to live.

In an environment where more than 300,000 people live, a small place is definitely not enough.

Then we have to go out and look for wild islands. Fortunately, a magic-powered speedboat was attacked yesterday, and we can drive it out at that time.

Now we just have to wait for the thick fog to dissipate and see if there are any islands around.

With nothing to do, Lu Wei made some pickaxes, hoes, shovels and other farm tools, reclaimed the land on the top of the mountain, and then planted tomatoes and peppers.

Then he collected some wheat, rice and corn seeds, and planned to plant them and cultivate some seeds.

However, rice can only be put on hold temporarily because there is not much fresh water.

It would be best if sea rice could be grown one day, so that there would be no need to worry about water problems.

After everything was done, it was dawn. After the thick fog receded, Lu Wei stood on the roof of the second floor, looked around, and looked for wild islands nearby.

After looking around, he found that there were quite a few wild islands. He found 3 around.

Although it seemed to be far away, he could only see some small black dots.

But this was not a problem for Lu Wei at all. With a 100-knot speedboat, he could get there in a few minutes.

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