Just when Lu Wei was about to drive the speedboat to find a wild island to have a look, Zhang Ruoruo suddenly called.

"Hello? Ruoruo, are you awake?"

"Well, I just woke up and took a look at the chat in the guild.

I found that many people were saying that the public island has become private. Did you clear the temple?"

Zhang Ruoru knew that if she cleared the temple, she could obtain the ownership of the island, because she was the only one who had entered the temple besides Lu Wei.

Lu Wei naturally would not hide it, and nodded and admitted:"Yes, it was me. By the way, have you seen the system update?"


"Any ideas?"

"Yes, I'm a little nervous." Zhang

Ruoruo said after a pause. Lu Wei was surprised:"Nervous? Nervous about what?"

Zhang Ruoruo hesitated for a while and said:"In one month, everyone will be back, and your family will surely come by then. What if they see me and don't like me? How can I not be nervous?"

Lu Wei laughed when he heard that. His eyes rolled and he thought of a bad idea. He didn't tell Zhang Ruoruo that he didn't have any family in this world.

Instead, he threatened:"Hahaha, then you have to please me well, so that I can support you and say good things about you."

"Humph, you are such a jerk."Zhang Ruoruo said angrily.

"Hahaha, okay, the opportunity has been given to you, it depends on whether you can grasp it.

I won’t tell you yet, I found a few islands on the sea here, and I am planning to explore them. Let’s talk when we have time."

"Well, then, be careful."

"Got it, bye"


After finishing the call with Zhang Ruoruo, Lu Wei came to the beach, made a simple dock with land and stones, and then released the speedboat.

This is a speedboat about 10 meters long, with a simple cab and several live water tanks.

The whole is made of wood, and no one knows what kind of wood it is, but it is extremely hard.

It looks like a fishing boat.

Lu Wei came to the cab, put a magic crystal into the energy tank, pushed the propeller, and the speedboat slowly drove away from the dock.

After leaving for a distance, Lu Wei began to try to speed up.

There was no wind and waves in the morning, and the sea was very calm, so the speedboat drew a white line on the sea and drove quickly towards the island.

The speed of 100 knots is nearly 180 kilometers per hour on land.

It only took a few minutes to reach the island.

After looking at the island, Lu Wei was a little disappointed. The island was too small. It was estimated that the total area was less than 1 square kilometer.

After circling the island, Lu Wei found that although the island was not large in area, there were many trees, even coconut trees.

He found a beach, put away the speedboat, and boarded the island.

As soon as he got on the beach, Lu Wei saw many small footprints.

He was very familiar with this kind of footprints. They were the footprints of goblins.

After Lu Wei walked for a distance along the footprints, he heard the unique sharp cry of the goblins.

Following the sound, not far away, we saw a gathering place of goblins.

Although the island is not big, there are many goblins here.

There are dozens of simple thatched houses alone.

In the middle of these thatched houses, there is a stone house, which is obviously very unusual.

Looking at the goblins coming in and out, Lu Wei did not waste time and directly threw a fire dragon spell over.

The huge fire dragon fell in the thatched houses, and the effect can be imagined.

Almost instantly, the whole gathering place was engulfed in a sea of fire.

The goblins turned into ashes before they could scream.

Occasionally, a few escaped, but Lu Wei didn't care about them.

"Ding, Goblin is killed. Congratulations on getting 1 experience point. Do you want to use Lucky Crit?"

"Ding, Goblin is killed. Congratulations on getting 1 experience point. Do you want to use Lucky Crit?"


The reminder sound kept ringing, and Lu Wei hurriedly blocked the sound temporarily.

When the flames went out, Lu Wei walked into the tribe, and the whole tribe had turned into a scorched earth.

Lu Wei walked around the tribe and collected all the treasure chests and copper coins.

Although they were just ordinary treasure chests, after a critical hit, there might be extraordinary items.

These low-level extraordinary items are suitable for most people now, and for them, they are rare good things.

A total of nearly 100 treasure chests and thousands of copper coins were collected.

Seeing that there were no treasure chests to pick up, Lu Wei set his sights on the stone house in the middle of the tribe.

Logically speaking, the fire dragon spell just now would burn even ordinary stones, and even if it didn't melt, it wouldn't be as intact as it is now, so this small stone house must have a problem.

Lu Wei came to the front of the house and just pushed open the stone door.

Suddenly, a water arrow shot out from the door.

Lu Wei didn't react at once.

Bang! He was hit in the chest by the water arrow.

However, the power of this water arrow technique was so strong that it couldn't even make his figure shake, but it scared him.

With his physique of more than 100, this low-level magic had little effect on him.

Of course, it also depends on who is using magic. The power of this water arrow technique just now was too weak.

Lu Wei looked up and saw a goblin in a robe in the stone house, looking at him with horror, as if looking at a monster. Lu Wei was also surprised. He didn't expect that there would be a magician in the goblin group.

How could there be a magician with the intelligence of the goblin?

Before Lu Wei could figure it out, the goblin wizard began to chant and prepare magic again.

This time, Lu Wei would of course not let it succeed again. The wind-breaking spear appeared in his hand. With a shake of the spear, he directly solved the goblin who had not yet used magic.

With a swing of the spear, he threw the goblin wizard aside.

The body disappeared, leaving a bronze treasure chest in its place.

Lu Wei put away the treasure chest and then looked at the whole room carefully.

The entire room was only a few dozen square meters and was empty, except for a stone altar against the wall facing the door.

On the altar was a wooden statue, and Lu Wei felt that the statue looked familiar, exactly the same as the statue he saw when he first defeated the goblin tribe.

Looking at the statue, Lu Wei felt an indescribable weirdness.

Subconsciously, he took out the jade seal and gold seal from his backpack.

In an instant, the gold seal emitted a golden light, illuminating the entire room with a golden color.

Lu Wei suddenly felt that the weird feeling disappeared.

Looking at the statue again, it was no different from an ordinary wooden sculpture.

Moreover, the statue slowly began to become charred, as if it had spontaneously combusted, and finally turned into a pile of ashes.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully challenging the island, destroying the evil god statue, and obtaining ownership of the island. Do you want to use lucky crit? Level 3 lucky crit 0/1, level 2 lucky crit 0/2, level 1 lucky crit 8/10."

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