"You want this? If you want it, just tell me.

I'm not not giving it to you, why are you angry?

If you don't tell me, how can I know you want it? Your temper is bad for your health. As the saying goes, anger hurts the liver.……"

Lu Wei held the evolution liquid and kept waving it in front of Xiao Bai, but he refused to give it to her. He kept mumbling.

Xiao Bai was so anxious that he started to scold her.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Hey, who did you learn bad words from?"

Lu Wei was furious. This fish actually learned to swear. It's really easy to be bad if you don't do good things.

However, in the end, Lu Wei still gave the evolution liquid to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai took it and drank it all up.

Just when Lu Wei thought that there was no change from last time.

Xiaobai suddenly screamed and fell directly on the beach.

Blood kept oozing out from the gaps between the silver-white scales.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaobai's originally silver-white body turned blood red.

Seeing this, Lu Wei was shocked and hurried forward to check

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai……"

However, Xiaobai had already lost consciousness and had no way to respond to him.

Lu Wei hurriedly opened his backpack to see if there was anything that could help.

Before he could find anything, he saw the scales on Xiaobai's body begin to fall off bit by bit, revealing the bloody flesh inside.

As soon as the flesh appeared, it kept trembling and rising, growing new granulations, and then the skin.

Then the huge fish tail was split in two from the middle, slowly turning into a pair of straight and slender white legs.

Pearly round toes, delicate feet, slender calves, crystal-like thighs, pink... cough cough.

In less than a few dozen seconds, Xiaobai turned from a mermaid into a beautiful fairy.


Lu Wei swallowed hard.

Too perfect, she was like an elf created by combining all the advantages of humans.

There was not a single flaw on her body, snow-white, crystal, tender, smooth, like a jade-carved beauty, perfect like a human.

Because it is impossible for humans to be so perfect. Even the most beautiful women will always have some flaws on their bodies.

It may be a little black mole, or an inconspicuous birthmark, or something else.

However, Xiaobai is a perfect ordinary fairy.

Looking at Xiaobai who was still sleeping, Lu Wei bent down and picked her up.

The moment he touched her, Lu Wei couldn't help but tremble slightly.

It was icy, tender and smooth, making people want to play with it for a while longer and reluctant to let go.

Resisting the throbbing in his heart, Lu Wei took out a bottle of spiritual spring water and fed it to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai is indeed a foodie. Even when he was unconscious, he kept guzzling the spiritual spring water.

Seeing that Xiaobai could drink, Lu Wei was relieved.

After a while, Xiaobai drank the whole bottle of spiritual spring water.

Then she opened her eyes, and for a moment, Lu Wei seemed to see the starry sky flashing in her eyes.

"Xiaobai? Are you awake? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I...ah?! Where's my tail? Where did my tail go?"Xiaobai was about to speak, but when he moved, he found something wrong. He looked down and found that his tail was gone and had turned into two long legs. He was immediately anxious.

He wanted to stand up in excitement, but because his legs had just grown, he hadn't adapted to walking yet, so he fell down again...

At the moment Xiaobai stood up, Lu Wei seemed to see light, a scarlet light that slowed his heartbeat.

Then the light came directly at him.

Lu Wei, who was a little dazed, was hit.


At this moment, Lu Wei thought of an idiom: a face full of confusion_

……A few seconds later, Xiao Bai looked at Lu Wei with a rosy face, her eyes full of complexity, confusion, curiosity, and a hint of eagerness to try.

"Ahem, well, Xiaobai, why don't you tell me where your tail went?"

After Lu Wei reminded him, Xiaobai didn't care about telling Lu Wei that he wanted to try the same thing again.

He hurriedly said,"Master, where is my tail? Why did it become like this?""

"Isn't this good? You have evolved into a human being."

""I don't want to, I don't want to be a human, how can I go back to live in the water?" Xiaobai looked anxious.

Lu Wei looked at Xiaobai's appearance and was amazed. Xiaobai not only turned into a human, but even his IQ and speech were exactly the same as humans.

Lu Wei smiled and patted Xiaobai's head, comforting him:"It doesn't matter, you can live with me on land"

"I don't want it, the land is too dry, I like places with lots of water"

"I like it too... Ahem, it's okay, if you want to swim, you can swim in the water, if you want to find me, you can come to the land, how nice."

Xiaobai heard Lu Wei say this, his eyes lit up:"Yes, then I will go back to the water first." As he said that, without waiting for Lu Wei to react, he turned over and ran into the water

""Wow, Master, look, my tail is back after I got back into the water." Just as Lu Wei was thinking about the light he had just seen, Xiao Bai's voice woke him up.

Turning around, he saw that Xiao Bai had grown a tail again.

"Xiaobai, come back and see if you can change back."

Lu Wei was a little anxious. If it turned into a tail, the beam of light would be gone, which would be a pity.

Fortunately, Xiaobai returned to the shore as Lu Wei said, and the fish tail automatically turned into a pair of long legs.

Seeing this, Lu Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought to himself: Fortunately, fortunately

"Master, if I live on the shore, what should I do if I don’t have any clothes? Do you have any?" Xiaobai looked at his long legs and looked at Lu Wei helplessly.

Lu Wei listened and shook his head decisively:"No, I don’t have any either, but it doesn’t matter, there are only two of us on the whole island, and no one else can see us."

"But your eyes always make me feel weird"

"Slander, this is pure slander, how can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air?"

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