On the sea, a speedboat sped past, leaving a long white wave on the sea.

Next to the speedboat, a mermaid swam quickly, and her speed was not much slower than the speedboat.

After a while, the boat and the fish stopped near a small island.

Xiaobai emerged from the water and looked at Lu Wei with a smile.

"Master, your boat is too slow. How about you lie on my back next time and I'll carry you."

Lu Wei's heart was instantly moved. It was much more pleasant to ride a mermaid in the sea than to drive a boat by himself.

"Xiaobai, after the evolution, besides swimming faster, have you experienced any other changes?"

Xiaobai tilted his head and thought for a while:"There are many more, such as my strength has increased a lot, and I can control part of the sea water."

As he said that, Xiaobai waved his hand, and suddenly a huge water column with a diameter of several meters appeared on the sea surface, rushing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Then, Xiaobai pointed his finger, and the huge water column seemed to turn into a huge water dragon, rushing directly towards the island.


Wherever the huge water dragon passed, it swept away everything with overwhelming force. Wherever it passed, even the big trees that several people hugged together seemed like dead branches and rotten wood, and were easily broken and destroyed.

After a while, the water dragon opened up the entire island, and a passage from one end of the island to the other appeared in front of Lu Wei.

Lu Wei looked at everything in front of him and was a little confused for a moment.

This power was too great. Even he probably couldn't cause such great destructive power now. If he had known earlier, this island would be one size larger than the previous one, and it would be at least a thousand meters from one end to the other.

A casual attack would have such great power? Xiaobai is going against the will of heaven.

Of course, if all his attribute points are added up and he learns a powerful skill, he can easily achieve this.

Looking at Lu Wei's surprised look, Xiaobai said proudly:"Master, is Xiaobai powerful?"

""Awesome, Xiaobai is awesome." Lu Wei gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely.

I didn't expect that Xiaobai would become so strong after one evolution.

However, it was obvious that Xiaobai's ability was different from magic. She could only use it in water, which meant that she couldn't use it out of water.

But even so, it was enough.

Xiaobai was even happier after hearing Lu Wei's praise.

"Master, I have something even more powerful." As he spoke, he raised his hands, and suddenly a huge wave a hundred meters long rose on the sea surface. The wave was dozens of meters high, like a huge tsunami rushing over like a huge tsunami covering the sky and the sun.

Lu Weiyi looked at it and his face suddenly changed. If this tsunami hit him, it is estimated that the small island in front of him would be gone in an instant, and even he would be washed to pieces.

"Xiaobai, quickly put away your magical power."

After hearing what Lu Wei said, Xiaobai immediately smashed his hands, and the huge waves just dissipated instantly, and the sea surface returned to calm.

"Master, why don't you let me show you something?" Xiaobai pouted.

Lu Wei said helplessly:"It's fine if you want to show it, but we are still in front of the waves. If the waves come over, won't I be swept into it too?"

"Hehe, so Master, you are worried about this. Don't worry, I am here. How could I let you get hurt? Look."

As he said that, Xiaobai raised his hand, and a transparent light shield covered Lu Wei.

Lu Wei looked at the light shield in front of him in surprise:"You have quite a lot of tricks."

"Of course, I still have many tricks that I haven't shown you yet."

""Okay, I'll show you when I have time. I'll go to the island first and take it over first."

Although Lu Wei was a little curious about what other tricks Xiao Bai had, it was getting late, so he decided to get down to business.

"Master, wait for me. I will go with you."

Xiaobai said, catching up with Lu Wei and also came to the island

""Huh? What's wrong with you?" Lu Wei turned around and looked at Xiaobai in surprise.

Xiaobai was wearing a water coat, which looked colorful under the reflection of the sun, and the whole person looked like a mosaic.

Xiaobai pouted and looked at Lu Wei dissatisfiedly,"My stingy master doesn't even let me wear clothes, so I have to do this. What if there are other people on this island?"

""Ahem, when did I stop giving you clothes? Am I such a stingy person? There is nothing I can do if you don't have clothes." Lu Wei coughed awkwardly and turned his head away guiltily. He couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He didn't expect Xiaobai to have this trick. It seems that the light can no longer be seen.

Xiaobai looked at Lu Wei with contempt:"Huh, don't you know whether you have clothes or not? I was just naive before, not amnesia."

Being directly exposed, Lu Wei was helpless. It seems that he has to give up the clothes.

"Oh, now that you mentioned it, I just remembered that there is indeed a set of clothes. I forgot about it. Come on, put it on for you."

Lu Weiyi slapped his forehead, pretending to have just remembered it, and took out the cold, heat and dustproof clothes from his space backpack and gave them to Xiaobai.

As for himself, he was wearing the optical camouflage suit, which completely concealed his figure.

Xiaobai took the clothes and finally put down his pouting mouth.

"The master wants to see it, and I won't refuse to give it to him."

"Ahem, what are you looking at? Who wants to see it? Don't slander me, I'm not that kind of person.

Let's go, stop talking nonsense, do you want to explore the island together?"

As soon as the two finished talking, they were about to go into the forest.

As a result, the branches in the woods suddenly shook, as if something was about to rush out.

Lu Wei looked, and the wind-breaking spear appeared in his hand in an instant, then he pulled Xiaobai back a distance and came to the beach.

At this time, a huge black shadow emerged from the woods.

It was a black bear, a very large black bear. Even when it was on all fours, it was a head taller than Lu Wei.

If you stand up, it is more than three meters tall, as tall as a floor.

The broad bear paw seemed to be as big as a large iron pot. When it walked, the ground under its feet trembled slightly.

Two canine teeth were exposed, looking extremely ferocious.

When the black bear saw Lu Wei and Xiaobai, it howled excitedly, and then rushed straight towards them.

Lu Wei didn't think that the black bear was welcoming them enthusiastically. This guy was drooling, and it was obvious that he regarded them as lunch.

Just when Lu Wei was about to go forward with his gun, Xiaobai grabbed Lu Wei

""Master, leave it to me, watch me." As he said that, Xiaobai raised his hand, and a water arrow appeared out of thin air. It turned out to be the magic water arrow technique, which Lu Wei was too familiar with.

With a whoosh, the water arrow flew out and went straight to the black bear.

Although the black bear is huge and fast, its flexibility is much worse.

Facing Xiaobai's water arrow technique, there is no way to avoid it.

Seeing that the water arrow was about to hit its head, he raised his bear paw and slapped it directly. Bang! The water splashed and the water arrow was directly smashed by it.

And its huge bear paw was only slightly injured, and it was not a big deal.

But this time, it completely angered the black bear, and it continued to rush towards the two of them with a roar.

Seeing this, Xiaobai said angrily:"You can shoot, right? I'll let you shoot enough." As he said that, he stretched out his hands, and dozens of water arrows appeared in front of her in an instant.

This time, Lu Wei was dumbfounded. Damn, can the water arrow technique be played like this?

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