Dozens of arrows were shot out continuously, and the black bear that rushed over was stunned.

How could they use magic like this?

It was impossible to dodge, so they could only bear it.

The black bear protected its head with its two paws, and lay on the ground, choosing to stand firm.

Not to mention, the black bear had thick skin and flesh. This kind of water arrow technique would only make a shallow hole on it, as long as it was not a fatal part, and it could not even break its fat layer.

It could only make it scream in pain.

Seeing the black bear lying there screaming with its head covered, and then seeing Xiaobai throwing water arrows with a smile on his lips, Lu Wei couldn't help but shiver.

Women are really cruel. Even Xiaobai, a mermaid who had just become a woman, showed what the most vicious woman's heart is.

The black bear thought that it would stand like this until the dozens of water arrows were finished, and then pounce on them and eat them.

This idea is not wrong, but it is a bit naive. When you are close to the sea, Xiaobai's water arrows are unlimited, and the whole sea is her ammunition depot.

The black bear waited for a long time, and it found that the water arrows on the opposite side seemed endless, and it could not shoot them all.

If the black bear could talk, it would definitely ask, are you made of water? Why is there so much water?

However, it couldn't even lift its head and could only scream.

In the end, Lu Wei couldn't bear it anymore. There is no such thing as bullying a bear.

"Well, Xiaobai, why don't we give it a quick death? After all, there is no deep hatred."

Xiaobai was having fun. When he shot an arrow, the black bear screamed. He was almost shooting out of rhythm.

After hearing Lu Wei's words, Xiaobai blinked in confusion. Although she didn't understand the ways of the world, she was obedient.

""Okay, I'll listen to the master."

One hand continued to shoot small water arrows, and the other hand slowly gathered a big one.

The black bear, who had been shot for a long time, heard that the two people were still chatting leisurely while being shot here, and he was immediately angry. He just wanted to tear the two people to pieces regardless of everything.

But it was too late.

As soon as it stood up, the huge water arrow had already shot at it.

Bang! There was a bang.

Blood and flesh flew.

The black bear without a head shook and fell to the ground, finally ending this painful torture.

"Ding, your pet Xiaobai killed a giant black bear and gained 50 experience points. Do you want to use lucky crit? Level 3 lucky crit 0/1, level 2 lucky crit 0/2, level 1 lucky crit 6/10"


"Ding, congratulations on triggering a lucky critical hit, the experience value critical hit 7 times, and 350 experience points were obtained."

After the experience value was critically hit, Lu Wei hurried forward, put the bear away, and put it on the system's decomposition interface for decomposition.

This kind of bear is not a disgusting thing like a goblin or an ogre. The bear meat should be edible, and Lu Wei will naturally not watch it go to waste.

Back in the temple, Lu Wei wanted to decompose some meat to taste, but those monsters were all pitch black and disgusting, and he really couldn't eat the meat.

"Ding, decompose the black bear, get 700 kg of bear meat, 200 kg of fat, 4 bear paws, 4 raw tendons, a bear skin, and a bear whip. Do you want to use lucky crit? Level 3 lucky crit 0/1, level 2 lucky crit 0/2, level 1 lucky crit 5/10."

So many things? Critically attack again, you won't have to worry about not having meat to eat in the future.

"Critical hit."Anyway, Lu Wei doesn't care much about this level 1 lucky critical hit. 10 times a day is definitely enough.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the lucky critical hit, decomposition harvests 10 times the critical hit, and gains……"

Now, 7,000 kilograms of bear meat, 2,000 kilograms of fat, and 40 bear paws as big as pot lids are not enough to eat in a year.

"Ding, the island challenge is successfully passed and the ownership of the island is obtained. Do you want to use the lucky critical hit?"


"Ding, congratulations on triggering a lucky critical hit, the island area has been critically hit 10 times, and the island area has been increased to 25.66 square kilometers."

Lu Wei's eyes lit up, it was a 10-fold critical hit, and he finally made up for the loss last time.

This time it was 25 square kilometers, or 37,500 acres of land. With so much land, it would be no problem to grow food and feed 300,000 people.

He picked up the bronze treasure chest that fell on the ground and opened it directly.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the sword skill book"Cape Sword", do you want to use Lucky Crit?"

A skill has been released? Lu Wei's eyes lit up immediately.

This must be a critical hit!

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the lucky critical hit,"Cloak Blade" critical hit 8 times, get"Cloak Blade" x 8."

Seeing that it was a quantity critical hit, Lu Wei was a little disappointed.

Forget it, quantity is quantity, just to improve the strength of some members in the guild.

After Lu Wei left 3 books, he put the rest into the guild warehouse, set the same contribution value exchange price as magic skills, and left it alone. He drove the speedboat and took Xiaobai to the next island. That island was the largest of the three islands. I don't know what good things there are.

In the guild chat channel, the members saw that there were 7 more skill books in the warehouse, and immediately sparked a heated discussion

"Look everyone, there are 7 more sword skills books in the guild"

"Let me see it? That's great, a melee skill is out, I don't want magic, I want this"

"The president is so awesome. 7 skill books, all the same. How did he get them?"

"1000 contributions? Not much, just find an island and give it to it."

"Nonsense, how can an island be so easy to find? Didn't you hear what the president said? The island is also very dangerous, and it is not something that ordinary people can pass through."

"Brothers, I have an idea. I have a call to action. I can call a friend to join me for 12 hours. Is there anyone who wants to explore the island with me?"

"I advise you to exchange the summons for contribution points or sell it. There is not much difference between two ordinary people and one ordinary person.���Even if I help you take down the island, how will you two divide it?"

Lu Wei, who was driving the boat, had nothing to do and happened to see these messages. He suddenly had an idea.

So, he directly sent a message in the channel.

"Brothers and sisters who have the summons, don't be in a hurry to use it. If you have an island, you can summon me over.

Everything you get from conquering the island belongs to me, and I will give you a skill book.

Anyone interested can sign up."

In fact, it's hard to say who loses or wins in this kind of thing, it can be said to be a win-win situation.

Lu Wei got the island area, treasure chests and experience points.

And the team members no longer have to drool over the island, seeing it but not eating it. They only need to pay a summons to exchange for a skill, which is very cost-effective.

Everyone is not stupid, and of course they will not miss such a good thing.

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