Although I lost a treasure chest, it's not a loss to get a black wolf as a pet.

"Woof woof woof……"Xiao Hei suddenly barked at Lu Wei twice.

Lu Wei frowned:"Silly dog, what are you barking for?"

Xiao Bai covered his mouth and laughed:"Master, Xiao Hei said there is something else."

Lu Wei raised his eyebrows and said:"There is something else? What is it?"

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Woof woof woof……"

"Master, it said it would bring it here"

"Well, tell it that if it dares to run away again, I will eat its dog meat today."

"Hehehe, ok"

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Woo woo woo……"Xiao Hei cried a few times in grievance, turned around and ran to the side, digging the ground with his two claws.

After a while, a big hole was dug in the ground.

Then he stretched his head out of the hole and took out a silver treasure chest, and ran to Lu Wei and put it down.

When Lu Wei saw the silver treasure chest, his face suddenly lit up.

He thought that there would be no treasure chest, but he didn't expect to find it back.

Lu Wei patted Xiao Hei's head:"Not bad, not bad, my master is very clear about rewards and punishments. Here, this is your reward."

Lu Wei took out a large piece of meat from his backpack and threw it to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei took a bite and was so moved that he almost cried. It was not easy, and finally he didn't have to be beaten.

He swallowed the meat in two or three bites, then ran to Lu Wei's feet and lay down obediently, waiting quietly.

Lu Wei took the silver treasure chest and opened it directly.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the magic skill"Wind Blade". Do you want to use lucky crit? Level 3 lucky crit 0/1, level 2 lucky crit 0/2, level 1 lucky crit 2/10."

Lu Wei's eyes lit up. He actually got another skill. It seems that he is lucky today.

Although there are only two lucky crits left, he can't let go of the skill when he encounters it.


"Ding, congratulations on triggering the lucky critical hit,"Wind Blade Technique" critical hit 10 times, and you get"Wind Blade Technique" × 10."

Another critical hit in quantity, Lu Wei sighed regretfully. He could only comfort himself in his heart that critical hits in quantity were not bad, and could improve the strength of those around him, and the rest could also improve the strength of the guild members.

Putting the wind blade technique into his backpack, Lu Wei sat astride the black wolf, hugged Xiaobai, and walked towards the beach.

When he arrived at the beach, he picked some coconuts, drove the boat, and took Xiaobai and Xiaohei back to the island.

After merging the two islands into his own island, he could clearly feel that the periphery of the entire island had grown a circle.

Moreover, the newly added land was significantly different from the original land.

On the original land, all the plants grew a lot taller overnight, just like they had been injected with hormones.

And the color of the land was also different, and the dividing line was very obvious.

In the future, the members' residential area will be on the periphery, and the high-level land inside, except for planting, can only be lived by himself.

Looking at the time, it was not early, and Lu Wei began to prepare dinner.

As for helping the guild members collect the island, we can only talk about it tomorrow.

There is only one lucky critical hit left today, so I'll keep it to see what I can crit at night.

I clicked on the system interface and took a look.

Name: Lu Wei

Race: Human, Fire Spirit Body (Blue Star)

Level: Level 22

Strength: 218+(320)

Constitution: 218+(320)

Agility: 218(+320)

Spirit: 217+(320)

Talent: Lucky Crit Level 3 (10 lucky crits per day at level 1, 2 lucky crits per day at level 2, 1 lucky crit per day at level 3)

Skills: Hundred Slashes of the Prairie Fire, Water Arrow, Fire Dragon, Fireball.

Free Attributes: 666

Pet: Xiaobai (Fairy Dragon Mermaid)

Territory: 823.57 square kilometers

Experience value: 80111/100000After one day, the attribute points have increased by 110 points, and the remaining two days will definitely be enough.

The territory area has also exceeded 800 square kilometers, with a planting area of 755 square kilometers and 1.13 million acres of land, which matures every 20 days.

If all these lands can be planted, it is easy to support 10 people per acre.

In this way, it is not a big problem to accommodate a population of 10 million.

If fish and other food are included, 20 million people can also be fed.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to find enough food seeds and enough land for living.

For living land, it can be done by constantly collecting islands.

But I am definitely too busy to do it alone, and I need someone to help me with this.

It seems that it is time to train a few loyal subordinates.

As for letting Zhang Ruoruo or Jian Jia go, Lu Wei has not planned to do so for the time being. The level of the black wolf is not something they can deal with at present, and it will be dangerous if they encounter it.

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