The only thing left is the problem of grain seeds. Lu Wei has asked the guild members to purchase them with all their strength, and everyone has actively contributed seeds. Because Lu Wei gives a lot of points, one grain of wheat or corn seed is 1 point, and there are not many such good things.

However, a treasure chest has at most 10 seeds, and if you are lucky, you can only get about 20 seeds.

Lu Wei planted all the collected seeds on his own land. Although they mature faster, it is impossible to cultivate so many seeds in a month.

Besides, he can't handle it all by himself.

There are so many things to do, and there is no point in being anxious. He can only do it bit by bit.

Thinking that he hadn't talked to Zhang Ruoruo on the phone for a day, Lu Wei sent a voice call to Zhang Ruoruo.

Zhang Ruoruo answered the call immediately.

"How's it going? Are you done?"

"Well, it's done. I'll call my baby right away."

Zhang Ruoruo raised her lips unconsciously when she heard this. She felt that it was her greatest luck to meet Lu Wei in this cruel world.

"Smooth talking, is everything going well?"

"It went very smoothly. We collected 3 islands. When you come here, you will find that earth-shaking changes have taken place here."

"What has changed? Isn't it just a little bigger?"

"You will know when you come. By the way, what did you do today?"

Zhang Ruoruo sighed and said helplessly:"What else can I do? I just deal with some small matters of the guild. I am almost going moldy because of nothing.

How about I go explore the islands, I have 4 islands here."

Lu Wei advised:"Don't worry, I will explore a few more islands tomorrow, and you can go after you know the details.

There are still many unknown dangers on the islands, so you should stay here honestly.

By the way, aren't you free? I need your help with something here"

"What's the matter?"

Lu Wei traded the"Cloak Blade" and"Wind Blade Technique" he got today to Zhang Ruoruo.

"Just learn these two skills when you have nothing to do. By the way, there is still a lot of fat here. If you have nothing to do, you can boil the fat into oil."

The big black bear contributed more than 2,000 kilograms of fat, and Lu Wei didn't know what to do with it.

If he boiled the oil himself, it would take him half a month, so it was just right for Zhang Ruoruo and Jian Jia to help.

However, after listening to Lu Wei's words, Zhang Ruoruo said embarrassedly:"Well, learning skills is no problem, but as for boiling oil, I, I have never done it."

She is a female star, she doesn't usually cook, she can cook noodles and porridge, that's good enough.

She has never seen her boil oil.

Lu Wei is also helpless. It seems that not only Zhang Ruoruo can't help, but Jian Jia probably can't do it either.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself. It won't go bad if I put it in the space backpack anyway, so I'll just eat a little and cook a little."

Zhang Ruoruo felt that she was useless. It was fine that she couldn't help with other things, but she couldn't even help Lu Wei with such a small matter, which made her feel guilty.

"Otherwise, you can teach me, I can learn, I learn things very quickly."

Lu Weiyi quickly refused:"Let's not do it, boiling oil is also a dangerous thing, don't burn yourself.

Okay, you learn the skills well, there will be plenty of opportunities to help me in the future, don't worry. I have something else to do, let's talk tonight."

"Oh, all right, go and get busy."

Lu Wei hung up the call and called Jian Jia again.

This woman was much more enthusiastic than Zhang Ruoruo, and she directly expressed that she missed Lu Wei.

Lu Wei comforted her and gave her the skills. As for the matter of staying up late, he didn't even mention it.

After ending the call with Jian Jia, Lu Wei contacted Zhang Tong and Gao Ren again. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly when he learned that there were hundreds of people who signed up.

These guys are smarter than each other.

He had purchased collection tokens before, but he collected less than 10 in total. He thought no one had opened this thing, but now he found out that it was not that no one had opened it, but that these guys were not stupid and knew that the good things had to be kept.

After dealing with the affairs of the guild, Lu Wei began to learn skills.

Wind Blade Technique and Cloak Knife.

With his current mental strength, learning these two skills is a piece of cake, and he fully mastered the use of them in a short while.

Cloak The sword technique is known for its swiftness, lightness, and erratic nature. The sword moves are intertwined and unpredictable. Once they are deployed, they are like dancing butterflies, with pieces of residual images flying in the air. The sky is full of flashing sword lights, like a galaxy pouring down, dazzling and difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

Lu Wei used his high-attribute body foundation to perform, and the sword lights in the sky were all real, not fake.

The only pity is that the cloak sword technique does not have extraordinary attacks such as sword energy and sword light, and can only rely on itself and weapons to attack.

However, for Lu Wei, it is also very useful, because it can improve his most basic fighting ability, which is exactly what he lacks.

After practicing the cloak sword several times, Lu Wei felt refreshed, and the heat in his body caused by the increase in attributes was also vented.

The whole person was refreshed.

Next, it is to learn wind blade technique.

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