Lu Wei is very good at magic skills.

Not only can he quickly master the basic magic of wind blade, but he can also use it in a magical and ever-changing way.

He first compressed the wind blade to the extreme, turning it from light blue to dark blue compressed wind blade.

The compressed wind blade is more powerful, and even has a whistling sound of tearing the air when flying.

A big tree shot at the stone, and unlike the ordinary wind blade bursting, it went straight through and split the stone in two.

In addition to compressing the wind blade, the wind element can also be gathered into an extremely sharp wind sword.

However, this is just the beginning. One wind sword is not enough. Lu Wei directly condensed hundreds of wind swords.

Forming thousands of sword rains, pouring down.

You can also let these wind swords rotate and gather continuously to form a wind sword tornado, sweeping everything with a violent momentum, and turning everything into ruins.

With such a strong mental power, it is so willful!

Even this seemingly ordinary low-level magic can radiate amazing power in his hands.

Xiao Hei, who was standing by and watching, was already stunned. He could never have imagined that the Wind Blade Technique could have so many variations and ways to play!

After playing with the Wind Blade Technique for a while, Lu Wei returned to the house, took out the ordinary treasure chest, and started to open the box.

I got dozens of ordinary treasure chests today, but I haven't had time to open them yet.

"Ding, 10 corn seeds are obtained. Do you want to use Lucky Crit? Level 3 Lucky Crit 0/1, Level 2 Lucky Crit 0/2, Level 1 Lucky Crit 1/10."

Corn seeds (ordinary): 1,000 jin per mu, 100 days to maturity.

Lu Wei was immediately surprised. He didn't expect that the first box would give him the corn seeds he wanted most.

You know, corn seeds are basically the highest yield of all major grains.

A yield of 1,000 jin per mu is just average.

Fortunately, there is still one lucky crit left. Use it quickly.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering a lucky critical hit, the corn seeds have a 10x critical hit, the seeds have been sublimated, the yield has increased 10x, and the growth time has been shortened 10x."

Damn, isn't this equivalent to evolving 100 times directly?

Lu Wei began to count on his fingers. The land can shorten the planting time by 5 times, and the seeds can be shortened by 10 times, which means 15 times?

No, no, that's not how it's calculated.

First of all, for the seeds, after being shortened by 10 times, the maturity period is 10 days.

After being planted in the ground, it is shortened by another 5 times, which means 2 days?

Mature in two days? Really?

If that's the case, these 10 seeds, after being planted, can yield 10 corns in 2 days.

Generally, one corn can yield about half a catty of food, so 10 times is 5 catties, and 10 corns... The rice seeds can yield 50 kilograms in 2 days.

After another two days, 50 kilograms will become too much to calculate, because 1 kilogram of corn seeds has between 1,000 and 1,500 grains. 50 kilograms means at least 50,000 seeds. In this way, the food may not be eaten up in less than a month.

The food crisis was resolved, and Lu Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Now they just have to wait for enough land to see how many people they can provide in a month.

Suddenly, Lu Wei seemed to think of something.

He opened his backpack, put all the fish hooks in the guild warehouse, and set a very low price.

1 point contribution in exchange for a fish hook.

Needless to say, the importance of fish hooks is self-evident. At this price, everyone would sell their pots and pans to exchange for them.

Some people even exchanged several. After all, when fishing, if the hook is lost, you have to have a spare one.

"Wow, President, you are awesome. You got so many fish hooks. Now we don't have to worry about going hungry anymore."

"Wow, we are both trying to survive, but the guild leader has hundreds of thousands of followers, and I still can’t even afford food and clothing."

"Guildmaster, can you put some water on the shelves? Many people are short of water."

When Lu Wei saw this message, his eyebrows frowned. He had neglected this. Although he was already so powerful, many people had not yet solved the problem of food and drink. He quickly sent a message:"I have a lot of fresh water here. I will put it on the shelves later. Everyone in the guild can get 2 liters of water for free every day.

However, the water here is also limited. If you have enough drinking water, don't take it. Leave it to those who need it."

There is fresh water on the island, but the freshwater lake is not big. If 300,000 people drink it, it should be enough.

Now I hope it will rain again. The big pit that was smashed with the jade seal and gold seal yesterday can form a small reservoir.

Alas, solving the problem of food, drink, defecation and urination for so many people is really a headache.

I am really worried about them. If I don't make a lot of money, I will be sorry for myself.

Fish hooks are selling very well. The things in the guild warehouse are piling up more and more. There are the most basic material drawings.

Some people even took out rare materials and asked how much contribution they can get.

Lu The only thing he saw was the materials for making extraordinary weapons, and he generously gave 10 contribution points.

In fact, the guild warehouse is equivalent to his other space backpack. As the president, he can use the things in it at will, which is equivalent to his personal property.

Before he knew it, it was dark. After Lu Wei put the fresh water on the shelf, he returned to the room, chatting while waiting for the lucky critical hit to update.

After the update, he can open the platinum treasure chest and the gold treasure chest. He has been thinking about this all day.

At this moment, Xiaobai, who has been playing in the sea until now, suddenly ran in, threw himself directly on Lu Wei, blinked his big eyes and asked

"Master, you said you would give me a more comfortable reward when we get home. You didn’t forget it, did you?"

(Since I'm so well behaved, can you give me a reward?( 。ớ ₃ờ)ھ)

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