Lu Wei's breath was choked, and he felt the little rabbit jumping and ravaging him. Then he looked at Xiao Bai's beautiful and innocent face, and his heartbeat began to accelerate.

The moonlight outside was hazy, and all the plants on the upgraded land were growing rapidly.

In a dense forest, a mushroom quietly broke out of the ground, facing the moonlight, and grew wildly, as if it wanted to touch the charming and holy moonlight.

In the corner, Xiao Hei listened to the strange noises in the house, and his breathing became a little rapid.

His eyes were more complicated than ever, and at this moment he seemed to understand a lot of things. There was some envy, jealousy, and a hint of determination.

‘One day, I will get these rewards too.’


Late at night, Lu Wei looked at Xiaobai who was sleeping soundly and sighed slightly. He still couldn't control himself. He was with a fish... Never mind. It had already happened. Xiaobai was so cute and well-behaved. Why should he be so hypocritical?

He turned his head to look at Xiaobai who was sleeping soundly beside him. A gentle smile appeared on his face. He gently kissed her delicate little mouth, as if cherishing her.���The most precious treasure in the world.

Then, he carefully moved away Xiaobai's hand that was tightly holding him, and prepared to get out of bed quietly so as not to disturb her sweet dream.

But as soon as he moved, Xiaobai woke up.

""Master, where are you going?" Xiaobai opened his eyes dazedly and grabbed Lu Wei's hand, unwilling to let go.

"I'm going to open some treasure chests, and then go out for a while, you go to sleep."

When Xiaobai heard that Lu Wei was going out, he was even more reluctant to let him go. He had just experienced an important growth, and it was the time when he was most dependent on Lu Wei. How could he bear to be separated from Lu Wei?

Looking at Xiaobai's pitiful eyes, Lu Wei's heart softened immediately.

Originally, he planned to take over the islands of the guild members after opening the treasure chests.

Because of Xiaobai's special nature, he originally did not plan to take Xiaobai with him.

Now think about it, is there anyone in the world who is more trustworthy than Xiaobai?

As for what others say and how they see it, what does it have to do with me?

It's enough for Xiaobai and I to be happy and happy. There is no need to make Xiaobai sad and unhappy in order to keep the secret.

Having made a decision in his heart, Lu Wei gently rubbed Xiaobai's hair.

"If you are not tired, I will go with you."

Xiao Bai jumped up happily and jumped directly onto Lu Wei.

He kissed Lu Wei on the face.

"Master, that's great, you're so nice."

Lu Wei's heart was moved, and he hugged the lovely girl in his arms and patted her gently.

Snap! There was a crisp sound, which was particularly obvious in the quiet night.

"You put on your clothes first, otherwise you can't go today."

Xiaobai got off Lu Wei with a smile, turned around and put on his clothes.

Lu Wei didn't dare to look at it for fear of delaying things. He resisted the urge to score twice and took out a platinum treasure chest.

The lucky critical hit has been refreshed, and it's finally time to open the box.

I hope that the first box opening today will bring me good luck.

Turning to look at Xiaobai who is getting dressed, with Xiaobai here, the luck should be good.

Take a deep breath and slowly open the box.

A soft white light gently brushed past, and Lu Wei's sight slowly focused, and the items deep in the box gradually appeared in front of him.

It was an ancient thread-bound book with slightly yellowed pages and a little old.

Although the appearance is not ostentatious, it exudes an indescribable sense of mystery.

It seems that it is not an item of the mortal world, with an ancient and vast mysterious power.

There are several words on the cover of the book that Lu Wei has never seen before, but he can understand

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the legendary skill"Dharma Golden Body". Do you want to use lucky crit? Level 3 lucky crit 1/1, level 2 lucky crit 2/2, level 1 lucky crit 10/10."

Legendary! A legendary item was directly opened? And it was a legendary technique.

If there was anything he needed the most, then the technique would definitely be at the top of the list.

Platinum treasure chests have a chance of opening a legendary item, but that is too low.

Even a higher level treasure chest has a very small chance of opening a legendary item.

After all, every legendary item has a characteristic, that is, it is unique.

For example, this technique, once Lu Wei opened it, no one else can open it.

Therefore, a platinum box can open a legendary technique. Although the probability is not as small as winning 500 in the lottery (after all, that thing does not depend on luck), it is almost the same.

Lu Wei was so excited that he didn't dare to breathe, for fear that he would accidentally blow away the legendary item.

In the past, he always felt that he was very unlucky, not just ordinary unlucky.

Now he knows that all the unlucky things were for this moment of luck.

With such luck, it is worth it to be unlucky all his life."

""System, give me a critical hit, level 3 critical hit, a hard critical hit!"

Lu Wei shouted excitedly, scaring Xiao Bai beside him.

"Master? Are you okay?"

Lu Wei ignored Xiao Bai and stared at the box without blinking.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering a level 3 lucky crit, which increases the crit effect by 100 times. The legendary skill"Dharma Golden Body" has been upgraded to the mythical skill"Dharma Heaven and Earth".》"

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