"Dharma World": Skills.

Effect: When proficiency is low, the body can be enlarged 10 times, and the attributes and skill effects are all increased by 10 times.

When proficiency is intermediate, the body size, attributes, and skill effects are increased by 100 times.

When proficiency is advanced, the body size, attributes, and skill effects are increased by 1000 times. When proficiency is top-level, the body size, attributes, and skill effects are increased by 10,000 times.

When proficiency is perfect, unlimited increase, free control

(The skill effect is affected by one's own cultivation and energy.

All attributes 100 points can produce primary effects.

All attributes 1000 can produce intermediate effects.

All attributes 10000 can produce advanced effects.

All attributes 100,000 can produce top-level effects.

All attributes 1 million can produce perfect effects. )

After reading the skill introduction, Lu Wei was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. It was not until Xiaobai hugged him from behind worriedly that he woke up.

""Master, what's wrong with you? Talk to me, don't scare me." Xiaobai's eyes were red with worry, and he kept calling Lu Wei.

Lu Wei finally woke up and hurried to comfort him,"Huh, I'm fine, I was just a little too surprised, and I was a little dazed for a moment, Xiaobai, don't worry."

Lu Wei said, holding Xiaobai in his arms, kissing him lovingly, suppressing his excitement, and hugging Xiaobai tightly.

Xiaobai finally felt relieved after hearing what Lu Wei said.

"Is it because you got something good out of the box?"

""Yes, it's a very, very precious thing. Thank you, Xiaobai, it's all the good luck you brought me." Lu Wei happily kissed Xiaobai again.

He doubted very much that it was Xiaobai's first blood that brought him good luck.

Because there is a legend that a mermaid's first night can indeed bring good luck to people.

Of course, Lu Wei thought that those were all made up by old perverts.

But he believed that Xiaobai could bring him good luck. What

Xiaobai loved to hear the most was Lu Wei's compliments, and his eyes narrowed with laughter.

"Hehehe, then did the master give Xiaobai a reward?"

Lu Wei was in a good mood, and waved his hand generously:"Tell me, what do you want? As long as I can do it. I guarantee to satisfy you."

Hearing this, Xiaobai hugged Lu Wei's neck without hesitation, and said with seductive eyes:"I also want the comfortable reward just now."

She is a mermaid, and because of the contract, all her emotions are poured into Lu Wei.

Therefore, she is completely defenseless against Lu Wei. She will say whatever she wants to do, without any shame or embarrassment at all.

She dedicated everything to him, so what is there to be embarrassed about.

Lu Wei heard his words, his heart was moved, and he swallowed his saliva.

He used great willpower to suppress the impulse in his heart.

"That's no problem, but you have to wait a minute. I will reward you after I finish my work, okay?"

Although Xiaobai was a little disappointed, he was very well-behaved:"Okay, but you have to give me a small reward first."

As he said that, he took Lu Wei's hand and asked him to catch the little rabbit.

Lu Wei had no choice but to study"Dharma of Heaven and Earth" while catching rabbits, and he was very busy.

The moment Lu Wei gave the instruction to study, a huge stream of information slowly poured into his mind.

Countless words mixed with images made Lu Wei feel that his brain was not enough, as if it was about to burst.

Fortunately, after these information entered his mind, it seemed as if they were born with him, and there was no sense of disobedience at all.

At the same time, his body was also undergoing subtle changes.

The attribute values that were originally increasing slowly were rising rapidly.

The attribute points that originally required two days to be fully added were consumed in a short while. Clean.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Wei opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a divine light flashing in his eyes, illuminating the entire room.

His temperament changed dramatically at this moment, as if he was a giant from ancient times, giving people great majesty and pressure.

He clenched his fist, and it seemed that he had endless power, and could punch a hole in the sky.

The surging and powerful force made him unable to help but punch.

Bang! With a loud bang, the air seemed to be blown up.

The wind from the fist swept the room into a mess, and the tables and chairs fell to the ground.

Xiaobai, who had been sleeping on the side, was awakened at once.

Seeing Lu Wei awake, he immediately rushed over.

"Wow, Master, you finally woke up. I was so worried. No matter how I called you, you didn't respond. I was scared to tears."Xiao Bai hugged Lu Wei tightly, as if he was afraid that he would disappear.

Lu Wei looked at the sky outside. The night had faded and the day had dawned.

"Okay, dear, I'm fine, I just entered into a state of trance while learning skills. Now that I've learned the skills, I'll wake up naturally. By the way, I was in a state of trance for a whole night?"

""Well, it's been a while since dawn." Xiaobai nodded obediently.

Last night, she was enjoying her master's massage, her face flushed, her mouth slightly open, and she hummed twice in comfort.

As a result, Lu Wei suddenly stopped moving.

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