Hearing that it was one night, Lu Wei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was only one night, as long as it was not a few days.

After comforting Xiaobai, Lu Wei opened the system's personal interface. His body had undergone such a big change, so the system interface must have changed.

Name: Lu Wei

Race: Human, Fire Spirit Body (Blue Star)

Level: Level 22

Strength: 1000

Constitution: 1000

Agility: 1000

Spirit: 1000

Talent: Lucky Crit Level 3 (10 lucky crits at level 1, 2 lucky crits at level 2, and 1 lucky crit at level 3 per day)

Skills: Dharma Heaven and Earth (Intermediate), Hundred Slashes of the Prairie Fire, Water Arrow, Fire Dragon, Fireball, Wind Blade, Cloak Blade.

Free Attributes: 0

Pet: Xiaobai (Fairy Dragon Mermaid)

Territory: 823.57 square kilometers

Experience Value: 80111/110000

Damn, all attributes are 1000?

Lu Wei's eyes widened immediately, full of disbelief.

Moreover, he found that not only the attribute values that had not been added were all gone, but also the 666 attribute values that were saved were gone.

However, after careful calculation, it seemed that he still made a profit.

If all those points were added up, it would be at most about 700 points for all attributes, and now all attributes are 1000.

He made nearly 300 points for all attributes, which was a big profit.

He closed the system interface with a smile, and Lu Wei couldn't wait to try out what effect the Dharma World had.

"Xiaobai, I'm going to try out the new skills I learned. Do you want to come with me?"

Xiaobai blinked:"Is it the skill that the master learned all night?"

Lu Wei smiled and nodded:"Yes, that skill."

Xiaobai snorted:"Humph, then I must see what kind of skill it is that makes the master unable to even take care of Xiaobai."

Lu Wei smiled mysteriously:"Then come with me."

The two left the room and came outside.

Lu Wei looked around and found a relatively spacious place.

After all, when this skill is performed, it can become 10 times or even a hundred times larger. After choosing a good place, Lu Wei silently closed his eyes, and silently recited the mysterious spell passed down from ancient times in his heart:"Dharma of Heaven and Earth."

Accompanied by a low and powerful humming sound, it seemed that the whole world was shaking because of it. A visible ripple spread out from Lu Wei as the center and rushed to the surroundings. The surrounding trees were rustling due to the impact, as if a strong wind was raging.

At the same time, Lu Wei only felt an indescribable and majestic power in his body, surging like a raging tide, rushing into his limbs and bones like crazy, as if to completely devour his entire body.

Driven by this power, his body began to undergo earth-shaking changes. His limbs and torso quickly became thick and slender, as if they had been tempered a thousand times, and every muscle contained endless power.

At the same time, a faint golden halo appeared on the surface of his skin, as if he was wearing a layer of sacred armor. Flashing with an awe-inspiring brilliance.

His head also swelled rapidly, and his eyes shot out sharp light like a knife, shooting straight into the sky, as if to penetrate the mysteries between heaven and earth.

In a short period of time, Lu Wei has transformed into a giant who stands tall and upright, with a body of more than ten meters tall, towering like a majestic mountain, standing under the sky.

At this moment, he exudes an unparalleled powerful momentum, which makes people feel awe, as if he has really become the master of this world, holding endless power and authority.

He gently raised his arm, bringing a gust of wind whistling, clenched his fist, turned his head to look at Xiaobai who was already stunned, smiled slightly, and said:"Xiaobai, wait a moment, I want to try the power of this new skill." After that, Lu

Wei strode towards the forest in the distance. Although those towering trees were tens of meters high, they seemed so insignificant in front of his huge body.

With a flick of his hand, he broke off a piece, and with a light pull, he lifted it up with the roots.

1000 points of basic attributes multiplied by 10 times, that is 10000 points.

All attributes are 10000 points, Lu Wei didn't know how powerful he is now.

He moved away from Xiaobai, took a deep breath, and slammed his clenched fists to the ground.

There was a loud bang, deafening, and the ground collapsed instantly, dust and gravel splashed everywhere, like a violent storm sweeping in.

The whole island seemed to tremble at this moment, as if even the earth was shaking under the impact of this force.

The surrounding big trees fell one after another, branches and leaves broke, and it was a mess.

Xiaobai, who was far away, heard the huge noise and looked at the giant with admiration.

After a long time, the strong wind blew over with branches and dust.

Xiaobai quickly raised a water curtain in front of him to resist.

After everything calmed down, Xiaobai hurriedly shouted to Lu Wei in the distance:"Master, come back soon after you are done. Although Xiaobai was far away from Lu Wei, Lu Wei's attributes were 10,000 at this time, and his five senses were very sharp, so he clearly caught Xiaobai's voice.

""Xiaobai, wait a minute, I'm not done yet."

Indeed, he was not done yet, because he still had the intermediate Dharma Realm to use.

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