Xiaobai was looking at Lu Wei curiously, wanting to see what skills he would use next.

He saw that his master had grown bigger again, and it was not just a normal growth.

That's right, Lu Wei's figure had undergone another earth-shaking change.

He instantly expanded more than ten times, turning into a towering giant, hundreds of meters high, like a towering mountain, standing between heaven and earth.

The morning mist lingered around him, and his upper body pierced the sky, as if connected to heaven and earth, looking down at the earth below, showing the posture of dominance.

Suddenly, Lu Wei let out a deafening roar, the sound rolled in like thunder, resounding through the sky, shaking everything in the world. The surrounding clouds and mist were pushed away and cleared in front of this invisible force, unable to get close.

Then, Lu Wei slowly raised a huge foot, as heavy as a small mountain. Then he stomped his foot down suddenly, and the ground shook violently in an instant, as if a nuclear bomb exploded on the spot.

Countless boulders were shaken off the ground, and the stones weighing hundreds of pounds drew amazing trajectories in the air and shot in all directions. The scene was shocking.

At this moment, Lu Wei's strength has surpassed the imagination of mortals. He seems to have become the incarnation of this world, controlling endless power.

Every move he makes is full of shock and majesty, making it impossible for people to look directly at him.

Xiao Hei in the distance was so scared that he went into the house and shivered in the corner.

Xiao Bai also hurriedly hid and propped up the water curtain to protect himself from being hit by the flying stones.

After a long time, when everything calmed down, Lu Wei looked at his feet again. He had stepped out a large pit that was hundreds of meters long and more than 50 meters wide.

The pit was more than ten meters deep, which was good for storing water.

Lu Wei stroked his chin. He could step on a few more such pits when he had nothing to do, so he wouldn't have to worry about water shortage in the future.

Looking at the dozens of meters high trees on the ground, they were just small grasses to him now.

Lu Wei stretched out his hand and pulled out a piece, shook off the dirt on it, and threw the big tree into his backpack for decomposition. After a while, thousands of pieces of wood were decomposed.

With a big body, it is convenient to work. Just pulling out is equivalent to the amount of work that others would do in more than ten days. After clearing a path and stomping it down with his feet, Lu Wei put away his magical powers.

There are other things to do. Although it is interesting to become a giant, the powerful feeling of controlling the world fascinates him, but he can't play it all the time.

After returning to normal human size, Lu Wei suddenly felt his feet go soft and sat down on the ground.

A feeling of powerlessness and exhaustion made him smile bitterly.

It seems that this ability is not omnipotent. It cannot last too long and it puts too much burden on the body.

After recovering for a long time on the spot and drinking some spiritual spring water, Lu Wei felt much better.

When Xiaobai saw the giant disappear and saw the road opened up by Lu Wei, he hurriedly ran along the road.

"Master!"After seeing Lu Wei, Xiao Bai jumped and hung on Lu Wei.

Lu Wei patted Xiao Bai's little butt with a smile.

"You, how come you are like a child."Although he said so, he felt very happy in his heart.

After all, how could he not be happy when a beautiful fairy-like beauty was so attached to him?

"Master, your skills are so powerful that you can actually turn into such a big giant. Can you take me with you next time?"

Lu Wei smiled and pinched Xiaobai's pink face, teasing:"Aren't you afraid that I will eat you?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai hugged Lu Wei's neck and acted coquettishly:"No, Master loves me the most, right?"

"You are so shameless."

"Is that right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, come on, stop being awkward. If you continue to be awkward, you won't be able to go out with me today."

"Hahahaha, I'm not afraid of you."

"When I grow up, are you afraid?"

""Ah? That won't do, it's too big!"

Xiaobai shook her head decisively, she was not stupid, thinking about the owner who was dozens or even hundreds of meters tall, she shuddered all over.

How could she bear it, it was too scary.

The two of them went back to the house talking and laughing, looking at the mess in the house, Lu Wei was too lazy to clean it up, so he planned to build another small house next to it.

Fortunately, it was not the mountaintop cottage in the middle of the island. Yesterday, Lu Wei was too lazy to walk into the island, so he lived in the original yard by the sea.

But this house is of great significance to Xiaobai, which stopped Lu Wei from building another one, and she ran in to clean up the house herself..

This is the beginning of her transformation as a woman, how can she just throw it away?

Xiaobai was tidying up the room, while Lu Wei continued to open boxes on the beach outside.

There were still two level 2 lucky crits left today, and Lu Wei planned to use them to open the gold treasure chest.

The platinum treasure chest would be opened with a level 3 lucky crit.

With a flash of golden light, Lu Wei saw clearly what was at the bottom of the box.

A palm-sized, ink-black token.

Lu Wei took it out and looked at it carefully. On one side of the token was a demon statue, which looked hideous and terrifying.

On the other side were two strange characters:"Pass."

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