(Additional update completed! I have paid back all the money I owed. I have paid back 3 large rewards in total. Am I keeping my word?)

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Abyss Pass. Do you want to use Lucky Crit? Level 3 Lucky Crit 0/1, Level 2 Lucky Crit 2/2, Level 1 Lucky Crit 10/10."

Abyss Pass: Special item, no level, use it to go to the Abyss Battlefield.

Lu Wei frowned. What will happen to this thing after using Lucky Crit? It won't be a direct quantity crit, right?

Moreover, is this thing difficult to get? It can only be opened from a gold treasure chest?

What is there in the Abyss Battlefield?

Lu Wei pondered for a long time and decided to try it with a crit. If he lost, he lost.

The Abyss Battlefield must be a place for fighting, so would it be much more convenient to gain experience points by himself?

"System, use level 2 lucky crit"

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the level 2 lucky critical strike, the critical strike effect is 36 times, and the Abyss Pass Token is upgraded to the Abyss Lord Token."

Abyss Lord Token: can be teleported into the abyss and establish your own base in the abyss.

Lu Weiyi was stunned, and then he uttered a word with a complicated expression:"Fuck!"

I don't even have a human settlement token, but I got an Abyss settlement token.

Are you asking me to put the guild settlement in the abyss?

I'm not afraid, but can the guild members go?

However, this thing should be useful in the future. Now I don't know what the situation is like in the abyss.

Let's put it aside for now. Although the abyss is terrifying, Lu Wei is not afraid of it.

With the Dharma Realm, he is now very confident.

Putting the token away, Lu Wei thought about it and did not open the second gold treasure chest.

He wanted to save a level 2 lucky crit. What if he found something good today? Wouldn't it be a pity to not have a level 2 lucky crit?

As for the gold treasure chest, if the level 2 lucky crit is not used this time, it will not be too late to open it at night. After putting the treasure chest away again, Lu Wei was just about to get up and make some breakfast when Zhang Ruoruo called.

"are you awake?"

"Well, she's awake." Lu Wei felt a little guilty. He hadn't eaten his legal girlfriend yet, but he had eaten the mistress and Xiaobai first. If Zhang Ruoruo knew about this, wouldn't she be so angry that she would explode?

Zhang Ruoruo smiled gently and said,"I made breakfast for you. Do you like the noodles I made? I'm making noodles for you again. Take it."

Hearing this, Lu Wei clicked on the transaction and traded a bowl of noodles.

It was a bowl of seafood noodles with a lot of fish sauce.

When Lu Wei saw the bowl of noodles, he felt a little ashamed and said quickly,"Thank you. You've worked hard. By the way, don't cook tonight. I'll make you something delicious."

"What's delicious?" Zhang Ruoruo asked curiously.

"You will know in the evening, I guarantee you will never taste it before." Lu Wei kept it a secret, but the food he prepared was indeed a rare delicacy. Zhang Ruoruo did not delve into it, and said expectantly:"Then I will not eat lunch, and wait for your delicious food.

By the way, Zhang Tong and Gao Ren sorted out the list and ID of the players who want you to help explore the island and gave it to me. I wrote it on a piece of paper and will trade it to you right away."

""Okay, give it to me." Lu Wei responded and opened the transaction interface, and sure enough, he saw a piece of paper.

He opened it and took a look. The first person was a girl named Leaf Penguin, and her ID was: 957740864.

Lu Wei looked at the ID and felt familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that this was the survival expert who taught everyone survival knowledge when it rained once. Unexpectedly, it was a girl.

Knowing that Lu Wei was busy, Zhang Ruoruo said directly:"You are busy, but remember to call me when you are done."

Feeling the resentment in Zhang Ruoruo's tone, Lu Wei quickly assured:"Well, when I am done with this busy period, I will accompany you for a few days. I have wronged you these days."

Zhang Ruoruo felt a little embarrassed when she heard what Lu Wei said, and hurriedly said:"Oh, it's okay, I'm not a child, don't worry about me, business is important, you should also pay attention to rest, don't get too tired."

Lu Wei smiled and nodded:"Well, don't worry, I will take good care of myself, bye"

""Wait a minute!" Zhang Ruoruo suddenly stopped Lu Wei.

""Hmm? What's wrong?" Lu Wei asked in confusion.

Zhang Ruoruo stammered shyly,"Well, well, you, don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Lu Wei listened and immediately understood.

"mua! Goodbye baby, I will miss you"

"How corny!" Zhang Ruoruo hung up the call and smiled foolishly.

Lu Wei shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He opened the interface, entered Penguin Leaf's ID, and clicked Add Friend.

Soon, the other end passed the authentication.

"Hello, President."

Lu Wei replied:"Hello, how many islands do you have? When is it convenient for me to go there?"

"I have two islands here, both are very close, you can come anytime"

"OK, wait for me, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"We are waiting for you"

(If you still don't understand this obvious hint, don't blame me. You only have one chance. If you miss it, it will be gone.)

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