After dinner, Lu Wei took a look at the corn seeds he had planted last night and found that they had grown to a height of one person.

Moreover, this corn was different from other corns. The stems and leaves were thicker, as thick as an ordinary person's arm. There were not one but more than 10 corn cobs on it.

At this growth rate, they would be ready for harvest tomorrow night.

He watered all 10 corns with spiritual spring water, hoping that they would not only grow fast, but also produce delicious corn.

"Master, I want to drink water too." When Xiaobai saw Lu Wei take out the spiritual spring water, her eyes lit up immediately, this was her favorite.

Lu Wei chuckled and raised his eyebrows:"Didn't you drink enough last night?"

Xiaobai looked confused:"I didn't drink it last night, I only drank that milk-like thing, you fooled me, it doesn't taste good at all."

"Ahem, drink it quickly, and then we'll set off."

"OK, Master, can you give Xiao Hei some too?"

"Give it some."

Lu Wei glanced at Xiao Hei and warned him,"You stay at home and watch the house. There are goblins on the island. Don't let them into the house, understand?"

"Woof woof woof……"

After drinking the water, Lu Wei sent a message to the girl named Ye Zi, telling her that she could use the summoning order to summon him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Wei received a system prompt:"Player Ye Zi is using the summoning order to summon you, do you agree?"

"Agree."Lu Wei said, hugged Xiao Bai, and disappeared from the spot.

The summoning order can usually only summon one person, but Xiao Bai is not counted as one person.

She is Lu Wei's pet and has a formal contract, so it is not counted as two people, but only as Lu Wei's subordinate.

After a dizzy spell, Lu Wei appeared again, already on a small island full of yellow sand.

The island is not big, only about 20 square meters, but it is still okay among players.

In the middle of the island, there is a simple small pot made of stone and wood, and there is a stove next to it. There are also a lot of dried salted fish hanging next to the stove.

A young girl in her 20s with a green face was looking at Lu Wei with curiosity.

The girl looked pretty and quiet, thin and weak, and looked malnourished.

""President?" Seeing Lu Wei and Xiaobai who suddenly appeared, the girl called out tentatively.

Lu Wei nodded and said with a smile:"It's me, you must be Ye Zi, right? Let's talk business, here are the magic skills of Water Arrow and Fireball, as well as Cloak Sword and Wind Blade, which one do you choose?"

Time is running out, and there are still many people queuing behind, so Lu Wei didn't chat and started talking about business directly.

Ye Zi nodded and said simply:"I want Fireball"

""Okay, I'll give it to you. I'm going to the island then." Lu Wei gave her the Fireball spell directly. The Fireball spell was the most popular among these skills, so it was no surprise that he chose this one.

After that, Lu Wei drove the boat in a hurry and took Xiaobai away.

For some reason, he always felt uncomfortable when he saw this woman.

It was not disgust, but the creepy feeling, the feeling that everything was out of control, which made him subconsciously want to stay away.

Feeling that something was wrong with Lu Wei, Xiaobai asked in confusion:"Master, what's wrong? What happened?"

Lu Wei shook his head:"It's okay, Xiaobai, we have to hurry this time, there are still many islands waiting for us, so the main force still depends on you, and I will play auxiliary on the side."

When Xiaobai heard what Lu Wei said, he was immediately filled with a sense of accomplishment.

"Master, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"When you reach the island, you use the biggest tsunami to wash away the entire island."

"No problem!"

Soon, the two arrived at the first island.

This is an island with an area of less than 1 square kilometer. On such an island, the monsters on it are very weak.

Lu Wei nodded to Xiaobai, indicating that she could start.

After receiving the order, Xiaobai slowly narrowed her eyes and slowly raised her hands.

After Xiaobai received the order, she squinted her eyes steadily, with a firm light like stars in her eyes.

She raised her hands, just like a light dancer, waving gracefully and powerfully.

With her movements, the surrounding sea water seemed to be endowed with souls, and began to rise slowly and firmly.

In an instant, a huge wave tens of meters high gradually formed behind Xiaobai, like a towering mountain, proudly standing above the sea, majestic and magnificent. Awe filled my heart.

Then, Xiaobai pointed at the island, as if she was a queen giving orders.

The huge waves seemed like thousands of troops, roaring and galloping, rushing towards the innocent island with the determination to devour everything.

Boom! A loud noise resounded across the entire sea.

Under the fierce impact of the huge waves, the trees on the island fell down like ears of rice in the wind, the branches broke, and the leaves fluttered like broken butterflies.

Those hard stones, under the impact of the waves, were as fragile as eggs, shattered into countless tiny pieces, and scattered like raindrops.

The entire island seemed to have experienced a doomsday disaster under the ravages of the huge waves.

All life and matter seemed so small and powerless in the face of the powerful destructive power of the huge waves.

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