[Machida Yuanzi: Xiaoshi, look, it would be great if you could kidnap Teacher Xia Qiu.】

【Kasumigaoka Utaha: It’s great for you, right? I want to find Xia Qiu to publish a book at your place?】

【Machida Sonoko: Hey~ But why don’t you two be a couple of light novel writers?】

【Kasumigaoka Utaha: Climb! 】

While Kasumigaoka Utaha was waiting for news from her junior, Xia Qiu had already opened Word and started typing, trying to write 30,000 words before midnight.

《" Your Name" was adapted into a novel of about one volume, which is equivalent to a short story, so it is relatively easy to write.

Moreover, Xia Qiu not only pays attention to the sales of the novel, but he knows better than anyone the value of the"Your Name" animated film. The adaptation and peripheral products are the big ones, and the sales of the novel are just the icing on the cake.

However, Xia Qiu did not realize that a certain resentful senior was waiting for his news at this moment~

Who told our dear classmate Xia Qiu to flirt with our lovely senior before leaving?

This behavior is no less than a scumbag who eats everything and runs away.

The next day, the little guys were sent to school as usual.

During the lunch break, I came to the light music club with my lunch box.

It is called the light music club, but it is actually no different from the tea tasting club. The eldest lady greeted Xia Qiu with a smile while holding a red teapot and asked if he wanted a cup of black tea.

Looking at Akiyama Mio and Tianzhong Ritsu, the two guys had already been lying on the chairs with a comfortable look on their faces, enjoying the black tea and cake brought by Tsumugi Zhuangzhuang

"Speaking of which, President, when I came here, I saw someone in the classroom next door. What club is that? It feels strangely quiet. Is it the literature club? If we practice on weekdays, will it disturb them?"

Taizhong Ritsu suddenly thought of something, sat up straight, and asked Xia Qiu curiously.

"Next door?"

Tasting the high-end black tea brought by Kotobuki Tsumugi, even Xia Qiu, a coffee lover, thought it was delicious.

Hearing Tian Zhongli's question, Xia Qiu raised his head and looked at the door.

"You mean next door? It's a club called the Service Club. Besides, don't you guys just drink tea and chat on weekdays? Where else would you practice and disturb others?"

Speaking of which, the arrangement of this club is actually quite unreasonable. The light music club is indeed a club with a louder voice. Usually, there will be other vocal clubs, instrumental clubs, or wind instrumental clubs next to it to prevent disturbing people from other clubs.

However, because the light music club may be about to be abolished, otherwise teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka would not have arranged the Service Club here.

"What? I want to practice with the president!"

Taizhong Ritsu pouted. Who asked the president to set a prerequisite that they must find a guitarist before they can join the club?

"Service Club!!!"

Akiyama Mio's face turned red after realizing it. This sensitive child must have thought of something wrong.

But if it's true that the Service Club... it's easy to think wrong.

"Ahem, although it is a bit rude to interrupt your conversation, I need to explain to this lady that the Service Department is not what you think."

I don't know when a"guest" arrived at the door.

She was a very beautiful girl, with a proper appearance, long black hair that was longer than her shoulders, a face that was so cute that it was unfair, crystal clear and delicate skin, thin cherry lips, red bows on both sides of her hair, and black knee-high socks. She was a typical black girl with long straight hair.

She was also one of the school's celebrities. Her name was the arrogant iceberg beauty - Yukinoshita Yukino.

In Xia Qiu's opinion, Yukinoshita Yukino and Kasumigaoka Utaha actually had a lot in common. They both liked to be sarcastic and were equally arrogant.

But... Yukino's arrogance was just a different kind of arrogance in Xia Qiu's opinion. After all, the senior sister had surpassed the boundaries of high school students and achieved a certain status in society, so she thought she was far ahead of her peers.

But Yukinoshita Yukino... as always, she was self-righteous, eager to prove herself, competitive, and so on.

In short, she was actually just a problem girl.

"The Ministry is actually……"

"It's just a Yorozuya, but compared to the Yorozuya, the Service Club emphasizes the concept of"giving a man a fish is not as good as teaching him how to fish."

What Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to say next was directly beaten back by Xia Qiu's speech, and the long speech stuck in her throat was stuck.

But what she said is indeed right.

But...how does this person know the philosophy of her own Service Club? She doesn't seem to have met classmate Xia Qiu, right? Although I don't want to admit it, from the perspective of others, the name of the Service Club is indeed easy to make people think of bad things

"Oh, I see. But how does the president know about the service club next door?"

Taizhong Ritsu and Akiyama Mio suddenly realized that this is what the so-called service club means.

"Famous quotes are very good. Xia Qiu, I am also curious about how you know about my service club. I remember that you seem to have never come to my service club to issue commissions."

Same Yukinoshita Yukino also wanted to ask this question, with her arms folded across her chest, her cold eyes full of probing expressions.

If it wasn't a special investigation, it might be that this guy has a good impression of me and wants to get close to me, so he knows so much.

Tsk~ just the boring behavior of adolescent boys

"Well, before I became the president of the light music club, Ms. Shizuka Hiratsuka was interested in having me join the Service Club, so ~ I just got a little bit of the truth from her." The chopsticks poked in the lunch box. There was indeed nothing wrong with what she said. Many commissions of the Service Club were introduced by Ms. Shizuka Hiratsuka. Otherwise, how could an unknown club let others know about it?

That's fine. Xia Qiu's answer was recognized by Yukinoshita Yukino. Indeed, if it was Ms. Shizuka Hiratsuka, would she do such a thing?

But let him join the Service Club?

Yukinoshita Yukino thought about it, and it seemed to be the case. Not long ago, Ms. Shizuka Hiratsuka complained to her that there was a student in the class that was difficult to deal with, and asked her if she could join the Service Club to help him.

At that time, Yukinoshita Yukino also agreed, but there was no follow-up to the matter. She didn't care at the time. Now after hearing what Xia Qiu said, Yukinoshita Yukino remembered.

"Since we are all neighbors, it is normal to know each other better."

"I didn't expect that the club president I liked almost became a member of someone else's club."

"Would you like to have a cup of tea, Ms. Yukinoshita?"

I think I typed glass into a whistle earlier, and I'm almost done with it. The main reason is that the author is a bit nearsighted and doesn't like to wear glasses!

How about some free gifts, Qiuli Paste...

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