Drink tea?

Yukino Yukinoshita, who wanted to go back to the service club, paused. Are you guys in the light music club so friendly?

But... it was Kotobuki Tsumugi, the eldest daughter of the Kotobuki family. Yukino was quite familiar with this person. After all, the Yukinoshita family was still a wealthy family, and the family business was spread all over Chiba Prefecture. She was quite familiar with Kotobuki Tsumugi, who was also a lady from a famous family.

After all, she had seen her several times at the cocktail party.

As for her evaluation of Kotobuki Tsumugi, Yukino just thought that this eldest daughter was very"naive".

"No, let's talk about it next time."

Yukino politely rejected Kotobuki Tsumugi's proposal and went back to the service club directly. On the one hand, she was not very familiar with the people in the light music club, and she was actually an outsider if she sat down. Yukino still had some self-awareness.

After Yukino left, Tianzhong Ritsu sighed and said

"As expected, it was just like the rumors. She was a cold and icy beauty who gave people the feeling that she was not easy to approach. I didn't expect that Tsumugi would dare to invite Miss Yukinoshita to have tea."

""Eh? Is that so? I think Yukino is pretty good, right? I've met her several times at cocktail parties before."

Holding the red teapot, Kotobuki Tsumugi put her index finger against her lips and said in a daze.


Akiyama Mio was speechless. What kind of a party for a young lady? It sounds so unattainable.

""Hello! Xiaoxue is back."

A big, energetic girl greeted Yukino in a very strange way.

This gave Yukinoshita, who had an icy temperament, a headache for some reason, because she really couldn't handle this silly and familiar girl.

"Can we not use the name Xiaoxue?"

"Eh? But aren't we very familiar with each other?"

Yuigahama Yui tilted her head. She thought it would be nice for good friends to address each other with more intimate names.

Forget it... Yukino couldn't correct the name issue, so she just let the big girl say it.

As for why Yuigahama Yui was here, it was also because of Hiratsuka Shizuka's introduction. Yui, who needed help with a certain problem, was led to the Service Club by teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka.

After the problem was solved, Yuigahama Yui found that Yukino was not as unkind as the rumors said. Instead, she had a special contrasting cuteness.

Yuigahama Yui was so enthusiastic all of a sudden. This silly girl attached herself to Yukino and later joined her club.

"Is the Light Music Society next to Xiaoxue?"


"Oh~ That's great! When I was in junior high school, I also wanted to learn a musical instrument. After trying several times, I couldn't even understand the musical notation. Oh, by the way, Yukino, have you read"Your Lie in April"? This light novel is so popular! Many people in our class are discussing it. The author's pen name is so funny. I heard that he is the same age as us."

In the empty and quiet classroom, Datuanzi was talking, and Yukino was listening quietly with a book in her hands, giving people an inexplicable sense of harmony.

"What do you think? I've read Your Lie in April. It's pretty good."

"Eh? I didn't expect Xiaoxue to read light novels? I thought you only read world classics."

Yuigahama Yui was a little surprised. Yukinoshita Yukino didn't answer. In her opinion, there are actually many works worth reading in light novels. It's not fast-food online literature as rumored, so what's so strange about her reading it? Over at the light music club next door.

I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon tea. The eldest lady's tea-making skills are really good, and the key is that the quality of the black tea is also very good, which really makes Xia Qiu wonder if Kotobuki Tsumugi brought the high-end black tea from home.

I heard that the high-end black tea costs hundreds of thousands of yen per gram, and only a heartless guy like Tianzhong Ritsu tastes it as ordinary black tea.

"It's so boring! Every day, besides drinking tea and chatting, it's so boring~"

Tian Zhongli lazily lay on the table

"If you are bored, you can choose to study in the classroom"

"Hey~ President, you are so harsh! Don’t study anymore."

He hit Tianzhong Ritsu on the forehead with a knife.

"You should behave yourself. If your academic performance is not good enough, you may not be able to participate in club activities."

Akiyama Mio tried to correct her best friend's improper thoughts.

""We don't have club activities on weekdays?"

Kotobuki Tsumugi asked in confusion after washing the red tea cup and putting it in the cabinet.

Hearing this, Xia Qiu, who was about to open his notebook to write, looked up at the idle people.

"You can go and practice whatever you want. Besides, I've said that I don't have any club activities here. You can do whatever you want, just don't tear the classroom down."

"Oh, that's right! Mio and I's dream is to form a band and participate in a concert!"

Taizhong Ritsu suddenly became excited and ran to the drum set to prepare to play, but suddenly! Tianzhong Ritsu collapsed in front of the drum set like a salted fish without a dream.

"But even so, we don't know what to play. We haven't even formed a band yet, we don't have any repertoire, and we're still short of a guitarist.……"

Everyone's eyes fell on Xia Qiu.

"Hey, please don't make the onomatopoeia"stare" with your mouth."

Xia Qiu sighed, feeling that everyone was just a little bored. After all, it's not good to drink tea every day. If you don't do anything, you will become a salted fish.

""President! President! Why don't you play a song?"

Tian Zhongli suddenly suggested. After all, as the president of the light music club, how could Xia Qiu not play a song? Besides, it would also let Tsumugi, who had never heard of it, know that


When it comes to this, Akiyama Mio's eyes light up and she nodded in agreement. They hadn't heard enough of the president's piano music last time, so they listened to���After a while, now thinking back, it was really the best piano piece they had ever heard in a live performance.

"Hi! I haven't heard the president play either! I want to listen, too!"

Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi joined in the fun.

"Is that so? After I play, can you be quiet for a while?"

The hand that was tapping the keyboard paused, and then said to Tian Zhongli and others


Several people nodded in unison.


There is still half an hour left for lunch break. It is indeed not enough time to type. I have nothing to do anyway, so I might as well play a song.

Under the expectant gazes of several people, Xia Qiu sat in front of the piano.

One hand was placed on the keys.

What should I talk about? A famous piano piece in history?

Not very good, not in line with the style of the light music club, let's play a song with a more two-dimensional sound.

Then you! One last kiss!

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