"I need to think carefully about the name of the band! Hmm...how about Hirasawa Yui's Happy Sisters!!"


The law team rudely hit Hirasawa Yui on the head,"What kind of band name is this? Why don't you call yourself Sailor Moon?"

"Why not call it after school tea time, or after school tea party for short?"

If the girls continue to struggle, they don't know how long it will take to come up with a name, so Xia Qiu decided on it.

"Besides, don't you guys drink tea in the club every day? I think this name is just right."

"Hey! The president is drinking too! Poof!"

No matter how the girls resisted, they wanted to come up with other names, none of which were as good as the after-school tea party that Xia Qiu said.

Moreover, this band name didn't sound like anything at first, but after listening to it for a long time, it was surprisingly good!

After school in the afternoon, Xia Qiu stayed in the light music club for the first time.

He didn't rush to go home early, because he still had to watch the girls practice, and he also needed to hand the songs to them.

During the afternoon class, Xia Qiu was writing music scores on paper.

He chose songs tailored for several girls, and soon Xia Qiu decided on three songs that were more suitable for light music girls to sing.

One song was"Love Cycle" suitable for Dai Wei's voice, and two songs were suitable for chorus,"Take My Head" and"One Last Kiss". The girls' voices had no problem singing these songs, and they just needed to practice a little bit.

"Oh~ this lyrics looks so cute!✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧"

Dai Wei was jumping up and down holding the"Love Cycle" album that the president gave her. I guess she was very satisfied with this song.

""Pay attention to your voice when practicing."

Xia Qiu rubbed Dai Wei's head with a kind smile and warned him. Thinking of the original story where Dai Wei's voice became hoarse because of long practice, Xia Qiu suddenly felt like laughing.

Of course, it's okay to do whatever you want at the campus celebration, but in a few days, it will be a more important road show, and Xia Qiu doesn't want Dai Wei to damage his voice.


Dai Wei nodded cutely like a little hamster.

Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi next door showed an envious look, staring straight at Xia Qiu's hand that was touching Dai Wei's head.

I wonder how it feels to be touched on the head by the president?

On the other side, Tian Zhongli and Akiyama Mio looked at the music score on the paper, and couldn't help but be surprised at the president's ability again. This song is amazing just by looking at it! Is it really okay to teach them to play it?

And just to raise money for Weiwei, using these songs for a road show... It feels a bit wasteful. It's not that we can't give it to Weiwei. Wei collected money.

But it really felt like a bit of a waste. If these songs were posted on social platforms, they would become popular on the Internet. If they were used for road shows... it would feel like eating AAA steak at a roadside stall.

But they had found a treasure! Tianzhong Ritsu and Akiyama Mio looked at each other. The president was really strong. It seemed that it was a wise move to let him join the band.

In fact, Tianzhong Ritsu and Akiyama Mio also knew that performing at the Budokan might just be a dream. After all, who wouldn't be a famous singer to be on that stage?

They were just girls who hadn't even graduated from high school. It's just that, it's a bit presumptuous to say that we will go to the Budokan to perform, but... maybe with the help of the president, this dream may become a reality!

Soon everyone started practicing under Xia Qiu's arrangement. At the beginning, the ensemble of everyone was a little bumpy. After all, it was the first time for everyone to play together.

Either Dai Wei ran away, or the law team made a wrong note, or Mio didn't keep up with the rhythm. Everyone had their own problems, except for the eldest lady. The eldest lady's playing level is really not low. If the girls are about to reach the professional level, then the eldest lady is already professional to the point of being professional.

After all, she has been learning piano since she was a child.

But even if there are bumps, it will only be a matter of time. Gradually, the girls' practice is getting better and better. Under the leadership of Xia Qiu, they are slowly becoming more audible. As long as they practice more, they can take it out to perform.

But... the problem now is that Mio always bites her tongue when singing because of nervousness.

It seems that it is difficult for Mio to overcome nervousness. After all, her personality is like this.

We need to think of a way~

""Akiyama Mio, are you afraid of people?"

Xia Qiu sat in front of Akiyama Mio, staring at the shy girl in front of her.


Mio pinched the corner of her clothes, not daring to look directly into the eyes of the president. Although she could talk to the president in the light music club, Mio seldom spent time alone with Xia Qiu. Either the law team was around, or Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi was around. It's difficult to deal with if you're afraid of people~

This problem is easy to solve, but it's also difficult to solve. You can grit your teeth and play in one go, but singing still requires opening your voice. If you can't sing, it will be difficult.

"How about we put on doll costumes?"

At this time, Dai Wei came up with a bad idea and was rudely beaten by Team Lu again.

"Are you a bastard? It's almost June now, it's going to be so hot. Besides, how can you play the guitar in a doll costume? The hands in the doll costume are so big."

Xiaoxiao complained,"Stupid Dai Wei


Xia Qiu touched his chin and unexpectedly agreed with Dai Wei's idea.

""Hey!!!!!!!" ×4

Dai Wei, what are you talking about? Wasn't it you who proposed this suggestion?

However, everyone was shocked that the president, who was always as steady as an old dog, would come up with such a crooked idea.

"What are you thinking about? I mean you can just cover your face. Isn't Akiyama Mio afraid that others can see her face? Then I ask, as long as others can't see your face, it's fine."

Xia Qiu complained unhappily, feeling that everyone didn't think of the point.

Akiyama Mio thought about it, if that was the case, the tension in her heart would indeed be reduced a lot, and then nodded in agreement.

"Isn't that easy? Why don't we just go buy some masks?"

So, after hearing what the president said, it seems feasible. If you are shy, just wear a mask. And it feels interesting, just like a hidden big band, playing in the crowded Akihabara, playing hot music!

Wow! I feel addicted just thinking about this feeling!

Now, even the problem of mio has been solved, and the practice of several people has become much smoother.

After practicing for four days, on Friday afternoon after school, several people came to Akihabara.

The author wrote this book out of helplessness.

The editor thought that there was no way my book could be successful!


Although it has been written now, the daily income is only a few dozen yuan, and eating has become a problem!

My parents complained, and my girlfriend even broke up with me because of this.

I am also very confused!

Dear readers, if you can give me some gifts, I will continue to persevere.

After all, I also need to eat, and of course I have to do what I can!

Thank you again!

This is the only time I ask for gifts! Thank you all!!!

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