"It's so hot."

Waving his hand, Tian Zhongli complained that today's weather was a bit too hot. It felt that playing in such weather would be very tiring.

"Since it's hot, why don't we find a cafe to sit in? Anyway, it's quite lively here in the afternoon, and there are many people performing here."

Xia Qiu's proposal was recognized by everyone. After all, playing in this hot world is almost the same as being in prison.

Naturally, the law team led the team into a maid cafe, and Xia Qiu stared at this maid cafe for a long time and couldn't calm down.

Damn! It's this embarrassing maid cafe again.

"Welcome, Master."

The maid at the door was still full of energy.

"Ah! It's the handsome master. Long time no see. Do you remember Nana-chan?"

The maid who received Xia Qiu last time was naturally there to welcome them at the door.

Without a doubt, the words spoken by this lovely maid made the girls in the light music club turn their heads and look at their president!

The president actually came here secretly once!

Team Lu and the cute Dai Wei immediately puffed up their cheeks. They already have a group of members like us, but he still wants to flirt with other girls. Maid costumes are so pretty!

Damn president!

Akiyama Mio was a little shy. Being welcomed by so many people in this way would be very socially dead for people with social phobia. Although the maids were not wearing very revealing clothes, Mio Akiyama still couldn't accept the exposed thighs.

Another lady, Kotobuki Tsumugi, first looked at the maid costume of the maid, then looked at her own president, and tilted her head in confusion, thinking.

President? Do you like this? It feels different from the maids at home.

"Ahem, I'm an international student and I've never seen a maid cafe before. It shouldn't be a problem for me to experience it. Besides, I'm just here to drink coffee."

Okay! Since the president has explained it this way, it would be rude to ask further.

No? Why are they asking?

Nana-chan came to take the order for Xia Qiu and the others. She also had some obsession with this cute and handsome boy.

Especially after teasing the cute master last time, even the service staff like handsome boys.(*σ´∀`)σ

"The masters are very lucky today. Our legendary maid Minalinsky-chan is also here to work today and can serve the masters."

Minalinsky-chan? I've never heard of this name, but she sounds really amazing to be called a legendary maid in Akihabara.

Soon, a maid with a soft and cute face and long flaxen hair down to her waist came out from the kitchen and came to Xia Qiu's table.

Wow, what a familiar girl! Xia Qiu inexplicably had a strong sense of déjà vu about this girl, as if he had seen her somewhere before, but where? For a moment, Xia Qiu couldn't remember.

"Would you like to order our specialty omelette rice?"

Not only does she look cute, but her voice is also very cute, and she sounds as cute as a little bird.

"Hey, Mina-san, we have to fill our stomachs for the afternoon performance.

So ~ Team Lu took the menu without hesitation and started to order.

"I want an extra-large parfait!!"

Dai Wei raised his hand to signal!

"I'll just have an omelette rice and an orange juice."

Akiyama Mio felt a little uncomfortable with the environment here.

"I feel like ordering all the dishes above."

The eldest lady's speech was still so embarrassing.

"President, don't you need it?"

Team Lu flipped through the menu, looking at the dishes on it, and asked Xia Qiu who was still thinking with his head down.

"Whatever you order, I'll just order the same thing as you."

"OK! Then give me a couple's meal!"

""Pah! Pah! Pah!"

Three crisp knocking sounds were heard.

"Woohoo, why did you hit me again? MiO, forget about that, but what about Weiwei and Tsumugi?"

Kotobuki Tsumugi blinked blankly. Yeah, subconsciously! Subconsciously!

As for Dai Wei, she might have just seen everyone doing it, so she followed suit. After all, nothing this single-core processor does is enough to make people feel strange.

Hahaha, these girls are so interesting, just like her, Xiaoguo and Xiaohai.

Before she knew it, Minalinsky started chatting with the girls in the light music club. As they were all cute girls of similar age, they became familiar with each other very quickly. Minalinsky was surprised by the dreams of these girls. At the same time, she knew that they would be performing on the streets of Akihabara today, and she admired them from the bottom of her heart.

And the purpose of today's performance was just to make money to buy a guitar for this girl who looked a little confused.

It's great to have such friendship

"Hey, haven't you found a good place for the street performance? Actually, I can talk to the store manager and let you perform in front of the store.

Although I don't know how good this band of girls is, I have to give them a chance, right? Besides, she is very familiar with the store manager, so she should be able to help with this little favor.

"Great, Minalinsky-chan! You are indeed a legendary maid!"

Captain Law gave you a thumbs up!

"Great maid!"

Dai Wei gave you a thumbs up!


Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi looked at the two people's actions first, and gave you a thumbs up.

What a stupid move...MIO was knocked down. Well

, I can't remember, it should be a character in the second dimension, but this memory is too long ago, I can't seem to remember it.

"Oh, sorry, I have to leave you for a while, masters."

Realizing that he had been staying at this table for too long, Minalinsky pointed to his order menu and went to the kitchen.

He also went to tell the manager about the performance of these girls.

"President, President! Did you hear that? We have a place to play. We can play at people's doorsteps. This way we don't have to blow hot air."

""Hi, hi!"

Xia Qiu held back the head of the law team that came over, and said that he had heard it, so there was no need to repeat it to him.

He should thank him properly later, right?

Then Xia Qiu looked at Hirasawa Yui.

"Weiwei, have you bought the mask I told you about? The one I’ll use for today’s performance."

Sitting on a high stool, swinging her legs, she made cute sounds like"whoosh!" from time to time.

Daiwei is so cute no matter how you look at her.

"Bought it!"

After hearing Xia Qiu's words, Dai Wei patted his tablet and promised, then took out a few masks from the bag he brought with him.

Hiss! What?

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