Then Dai Wei took out five masks from her bag. It was these five masks that silenced all the girls, including Xia Qiu.

I thought Dai Wei would buy a simple, slightly cute cat or dog mask, or a two-dimensional mask with some characteristics.

But, everyone still underestimated this cute guy...

Whose good band would wear an Ultraman mask during a road show!!!!!

We are distinctive, not special effects!

This is the kind of crude mask that children would wear when they were young!

Now... silence is the bridge tonight.

Looking at Zero, Taro, Ultraman, etc. on the table, Xia Qiu, who originally wanted to pick one at random, didn't know what to say.

I'm afraid only the lovely Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi would not care so much. She picked one at random and put it on her face, and asked everyone if it looked good.

"Hey, I think this is interesting? I saw it on the street and bought it."

Daiwei cutely puffed out her chest, as if asking why everyone didn't praise her.

A single-core processor is indeed a single-core processor.

But everyone is used to Weiwei's unreliability, after all, this guy can do anything.

The law team quickly accepted this fact and picked one to wear on his face.

Only mio~

"Oysters! I would never wear this even if I kill you!"

It's so embarrassing. This is something that only children would wear. If she wears it outside, it will really be a social disaster.

"Dai Wei, we are here with you. Besides, we are all embarrassed together. And doesn't Mio have to sing? He will have to speak at that time."

In this way, the girls accepted the extremely unreliable"gift" from Dai Wei.

Xia Qiu picked a Zero mask and put it in front of her.

Forget it, there is nothing to say. Besides, if she goes out wearing this mask, maybe it can attract passers-by to watch, which is also a good marketing method.

"Masters, your order is here. I have already talked to the store manager and she has agreed to your request to perform in front of the store."

Minalinsky winked cutely and said to the girls

"Great, thank you minalinsky!"

"Mina-san! Work hard to fill your stomach and work hard for the afternoon performance!!"


Ala Ala~ What a group of lovely children fighting for their dreams.

The female manager standing at the cashier counter looked at the noisy boys and girls with a benevolent face.

Youth is great~

Then after having a full stomach, they set up the stage for the next performance.

It was also time for the maids in the store to take a break at noon, and they all came out to help. A large parasol was set up at the door.

It's great, when you repay the world with kindness, others will also treat you with her kindness. This feeling of helping each other without saying much is really good.

The Lu team got their spare drums from the storage place, Kotobuki Tsumugi was debugging their electronic piano, and Mio was also testing their bass. Only the cute Dai Wei looked around first, then took out a tattered bowl from her pocket and placed it in front of the band.

""Hmm, stop pinching my face, Xia Xia."

He looked at Dai Wei unhappily. This silly kid took advantage of his inattention to do something fancy.

"Hehehe, I was thinking, wouldn't it be better to get something this way?"

Smiling foolishly and rubbing his cheek, Dai Wei's train of thought was so confusing that even Xia Qiu couldn't keep up.

"Weiwei, we are doing a road show, not begging. Begging is illegal.

Xia Qiu corrected the girl's behavior.

""Huh? ? ?"

This silly kid doesn't think road shows are begging, does he?

We are earning money through legitimate behavior.


Playfully sticking out her tongue, Dai Wei accepted the criticism from the president with embarrassment.

That's great~

Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi is watching!

"But when did Weiwei become so close to the president? Obviously the president always calls us by our names and adds the title of classmate, but Weiwei calls us that in a very intimate way. Moreover, Weiwei calls the president Xia Xia, and none of us have such a title."

Kotobuki Tsumugi muttered to herself.

It seems that among the girls in the light music club, only Daiwei and Ritsu have a good relationship with the president. Both of them have their own titles. For example, Weiwei calls her Xia Xia, and Ritsu calls her"President" ~ Only she seems to have no title.

Unconsciously, Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi glanced at Mio Akiyama again. Oh, Mio doesn't have one either, so I'm relieved.

After placing the instruments of the band, Xia Qiu assembled a piano and a violin from a nearby music store and returned to the band.

"Thank you for your help."

Looking at the already decorated scene, everyone in the light music club expressed their sincere gratitude to the maid cafe staff.

"You’re welcome, keep up the good work on your performance!"

"This is the first time I have seen a performance in front of a coffee shop. Girls, please don’t smash the sign~"

The maids cheered everyone up enthusiastically.

Xia Qiu held his guitar and wanted to complain for some reason. There was a boy in the team.

Minalinsky didn’t say anything, but secretly gave everyone a cheering gesture.

"To show our appreciation for your help today, the Tea Party Band will perform a song for you after school. Please enjoy"Love Cycle"》!"

I have to say that Lu Dui is really suitable to be the captain of the band. In Xia Qiu's heart,

""Let's get started!"

The team leader spun the drumsticks in his hand, and then everyone responded by putting on their masks.

Gradually, people on the street were attracted by the movement here. They saw a group of young girls and a boy who were performing on the road. They all came over curiously to find out what was going on. What made people want to complain was, why did they wear Ultraman masks on their faces?

What kind of postmodern performance art? So abstract!


"One, two, three!"

With Tianzhong Ritsu's command, the girls' first official collaborative performance began!



"I'm one with you"

(But that won't work.)

"I'm a kid"

(If that's the case, you can see it.)

Dai Wei's cute voice sounded, and the girls played in coordination with each other.

《The song"Love Cycle" is really suitable for Dai Wei's super cute voice.

So, in addition to Hanazawa Kana, Xia Qiu feels that Dai Wei is also suitable for this song.

Finally, if possible, I hope you can move your hands to make money and give me a gift that generates electricity for love. There is really no way, I am too poor!

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