Dai Wei's lovely voice, coupled with the performance of the girl in the light music section, made people immersed in the cute singing girl wearing a Taro mask.

Especially at the end, Dai Wei sang more and more vigorously, and even stopped playing the guitar, twisting his waist and dancing happily.

This made Xia Qiu, who had been assisting him, laugh and cry. The lead guitarist went to sing and dance.

Xia Qiu sighed helplessly, and then took over Dai Wei's position to play.

【Thank God, even if this is a trick of fate】

【Meeting you in the crowd makes me extremely happy】

【The season of love is an insatiable cycle】

【The feeling of love is an insatiable cycle】

【The eyes of love are an insatiable cycle】

【A girl in love is always greedy】


Passers-by passing by the maid cafe were attracted by the girl's singing and stopped to listen to the first performance of this young band. There is only one comment, very nice! It's so nice that it makes people want to fall in love, so sweet! Sweet and cute.

The cycle of love~ No matter how this love feels, I still like you, like a gift from God.

It's really good.

After the performance, Dai Wei patted her chest. The singing with jumping and dancing was really too tiring. Even a lively girl like Dai Wei couldn't support it. She took the water brought by Xia Qiu and gulped it into her mouth.


Suddenly realizing that this was not the light music club where they usually practiced, Dai Wei suddenly started to speak solemnly, just like a singer introducing himself on stage.

"Anone! Anone! We are the tea party after school! This is our first performance. I was quite worried whether we could perform well. That, that! I was so nervous this morning that I almost forgot to eat breakfast. And, this road show is to help me buy a guitar."

"Is she a bastard?"

Team Lu couldn't help but laugh and curse as he drank his water. Why was this guy still reciting the same words? Did he really think this was a concert?

"Isn't this good? Weiwei is very cute."

Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi looked at Dai Wei who was talking in front of her with a smile on her face.

""Okay, okay, it's time for the next song."

He interrupted Hirasawa Yui's nagging in time. If he let this guy continue, he might even mention the cat he was petting on the side of the road.

""Oh! Then please enjoy! Take me hand!"

Hirasawa Yui nodded blankly, and then announced the name of the next song.

Then Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi sat down in front of the piano, Xia Qiu put down the guitar, turned around and picked up the violin. This song is a full English song, and it is suitable for piano and violin.

However, the original opening should be the harp, but none of the girls in the light music department can play the harp, so they can only let Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi use the piano as the prelude.

The prelude of this song is very long, and the sound of fingertips pressing on the strings sounded, and the prelude of the lady began..

While nodding along with the rhythm, the drums of the law team came in, followed by Weiwei's guitar and Mio's bass.

Then the piano ended, and Xia Qiu, holding a violin, stood in front of Kotobuki Tsumugi and played a beautiful piece of music.

At this moment, Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi was staring at the president's back. The president who was playing was so handsome!

Just like... just like Arima Kousei and Miyazono Kaoru in Four Lies!

What an excellent prelude! The prelude is undoubtedly killer!

Whether it is a professional or a passerby, they are deeply attracted by this perfect prelude.

…………………………(I don’t want to write too many lyrics, there’s no need to waste words)

At the end of the song, the girls in the light music section received loyal applause from the audience and the maids behind them.

It was great, it was really great, it was hard to imagine that these young girls, oh and that boy, could play such a good song, compared to the first one, this song was a little higher level.

Then, as if their Ren and Du meridians were opened, the girls’ performance became more and more exciting, and then after playing One Last Kiss, they received full applause again.

So far, the first road show of the light music section has officially ended.

"Ah~ I'm so tired"

""Boss, come and rub your dear Lulu's shoulders. They are so sore."

She is a drummer and has to play three songs in a row. Her arms are so sore.


A glass of iced juice is placed on the girl's cheek

"Ah, it's so cold! The president is bad!"

With puffed cheeks, Team Lu lay on the table biting the straw, staring fiercely at Xia Qiu who was sitting opposite her.


Xia Qiu ignored Lu who was acting cute and turned to look at Dai Wei and Mio who were counting small coins.

"One, two, three! Wow, that's a lot. Can I buy a guitar with all these?"

"There is absolutely no problem, even if I buy a good guitar, there will be no problem."

Today's road show made nearly 150,000 yen, so there is no problem buying a good quality guitar

"Oh, the performance was a complete success."

Really? I smiled and rubbed Dai Wei's head. It's just a road show. Is there any need to be so excited? I will take them to a better stage in the future. Oh, by the way, there is still a surprise for them. Well, I will wait until the second volume of Four Lies is released.

"Masters, your drinks are here."

Minalinsky brought the drinks ordered by the girls. She watched the entire performance of the light music club today.

It was really super, super outstanding!!!

I have never seen such a good performance. They can almost debut, and the songs they wrote are also very nice.

Minalinsky's eyes were fixed on the boy who was touching Dai Wei's head with a smile. The girls said that the songs they performed were all written by this boy? It's amazing.

Everyone is the same age, but no one thought that someone could be so outstanding.

After the performance, there was no need for everyone to stay any longer. They should go back and have a good rest as soon as possible. The girls' physical strength is really worrying. However, the only one who looks a little better is probably Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi. After that, everyone agreed to help Dai Wei choose a guitar tomorrow. When asked if the president wanted to go, Xia Qiu just shook his head to say that he had things to do.

As a result, he was ruthlessly exposed by the law team. What is there to be busy with? It is obvious that he plans to stay at home and play games tomorrow!!!

Damn the president! Bad!

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