Listening to the girl's chatter and looking at Honoka's admiring eyes, Xia Qiu knew that this girl really liked school idols.

It's good to have a dream that can be realized and work hard for it. Xia Qiu still likes such a girl. She has a very special appeal.

Because the school that Honoka attends will be closed in the future due to insufficient students, she hopes to become a school idol to save her alma mater that is on the verge of bankruptcy! A very good goal and dream.

Xia Qiu knows that this girl will definitely succeed, it's just a matter of time. In the future, she and her friends will become the best school idols.

Meeting Honoka is just a small episode.

Time soon came to the release date of"Transformation". The reason why it can be released so quickly is that this work does not need any publicity at all, just print it, and then release the source of goods.

Logically speaking, this type of book should be sold on doujinshi, but the nearest doujinshi conference is still in August, which is too late.

So Akane Akasaka decided to print and sell it directly! Then there are the names of Gaero-sensei and Kashiwagi Eri-sensei! The sales volume cannot be bad!

"This woman, Akane Hongsaka, is really quick to act."

Looking at the news from the rouge en rouge editorial agency, Xia Qiu sighed at this strong woman who acted swiftly and decisively. This woman was a strong woman who could drag herself into the hospital.

【Kashiwagi Eri: A little worried……】

Eriri sent this message with mixed feelings. This is not only her first work after landing, but also her first work with Xia Qiu! So it is normal for Eriri to worry, which is related to her expectations for the future.

【The First Assaulter of the Tipping Garden: Don't worry, sales volume is not a big deal, we just need to focus on word of mouth.

After seeing the news from Xia Qiu, Eriri felt a little relieved, and then she waited in front of the computer screen nervously and excitedly for readers' comments.

On the day of the release, many people had already received the book"Transformation". As a single volume, it is quite thin, but the price is not very high, and it is still within an acceptable range.

In the dead of night, the otakus who had already bought"Transformation" secretly locked the door, prepared lubricants and paper towels, and prepared a cup if they had the conditions, and were about to release themselves.……

"This painting is really good, a lovely girl!"

He pointed his finger downwards, and then when he looked down, his hand stopped moving.

"Isn't this the plot? Are you serious? ? ?!"

At this time, in Rouge en Rouge Publishing House, Akane Akasaka was also paying attention to the online reviews. She was also curious about the online reviews of the work"Transformation", even though it was just a book.

Soon, it only took about half an hour to read the entire book plot, and this was still a careful reading.

After a while, the overwhelming comments on the Internet appeared under Xia Qiu's personal account, and the readers who had been immersed for a long time once again pressed a question mark in front of the screen.

(No way, sir, you want to disgust us with this book too! Damn it! When I knew how much I was looking forward to this work to bring me a good first charge environment! You made me do this, now it’s good, my brother is not strong anymore!)

(Damn, how can someone be so sinister? It’s fine if you stab people in the book, but you can also make me depressed in your notebook? ? ? ?)

(Damn it! I knew this was an absolutely abstract stroke!!! You old thief, you are not a human!)

(What should I do? After reading this, I don’t want to read any other books anymore. I want to quit masturbation and become a monk to cleanse my sinful heart.)

(Damn, what the hell is going on? ? ? ? ? ? I thought that no matter how twisted and perverted the old thief is in the book, it would only be about NTR, or the plot that my wife is currently committing, and these are acceptable. After all, who reads the book for the plot? It also brings in the perspective of the victim, but... this plot almost made me depressed! Now, the oil is smeared, and I am depressed. When I was about to smoke a cigarette, I almost burned my hair. )

The rhythm is not only that, there are still people who have opened a live broadcast separately, and then counted this work in detail

"Have fans of Lao Zei or Kashiwagi Eri purchased the work they collaborated on? And are the new viewers also particularly curious about the title of today's live broadcast?

As a book that cannot be put on the table, this is really strange.

However, if you really want people to appreciate it carefully, you will find out! How can this work be a book? It is obviously a book covered with the skin of a book, but the actual core is a forbidden work with a dark and cruel plot.

The vast majority of erotic products are actually to serve its audience, so no matter what the subject matter is, the characters will follow the audience's gaze, even if the plot crosses the line, the protagonist will be coquettish and contrived.

But when it is brought into reality or the structure of this world is filled, this gaze disappears, and the audience is really pulled into the protagonist's perspective to empathize, which is out of eroticism."

So this blogger with hundreds of thousands of fans paused and continued

"So, Lao Zei is a genius, and he lives up to his name. At first, I thought that Lao Zei was just having fun when he collaborated on a book, and I didn't take it seriously. But until I saw this work, I realized that a genius is a genius! Even if there are restrictions on the environment, you can only admire this guy, he is really awesome!"

"By the way, if a work resonates with you and makes you think deeply, then this work must be very good!"

Some readers who have read"Transfiguration" still agree with what the blogger said. Anyway, after reading it now, people are numb, as if they have lost the trembling emotions in their hearts and can't get excited at all.

But those who have not read it are very interested in the topic mentioned by this blogger. This kind of people have not read Four Lies, but only know that there is a very good writer who writes very good light novels recently, and then he is not doing his job to make some books.

Then this group of people also bought this work, and the result... In the book industry full of works such as Magical Girls and Tentacles, Imprisonment PLAY, NTRPLAY, etc., this book full of realistic colors and suffocating plots really gave them a head-on blow!!!

Damn! How can someone be so insidious!

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