Unexpectedly, the recently popular Ai Lolita, Ai Fa Luoli teacher, can actually do a whole god-like work in the book, which makes people sigh...

Damn, how can this guy be so abstract?

But more people's evaluation of him is that he is very powerful! Even in the book, he can do different things, which makes other readers more curious about what the future works of such a light novel writer will be like.

However, more fans of Lao Zei hope that Lao Zei will not knife him again. Two works were almost ruined by people!!!

But more publishing houses are more jealous of Rouge en Rouge Publishing House. Damn, why can this newly established publishing house get the works of Gaara teacher! It's really jealous!

At this time, Akane Ayane, who was sitting in Rouge en Rouge Publishing House, was almost smiling crookedly. It was not only this work that made her famous, but also her publishing house. Making money is a small matter, and for the publishing house, fame is even more important.

With a reputation, wouldn't it be easier to poach writers in the future? So, this is something that is particularly worth being happy about, but more of it is! Akane Ayaka's desire for Gaara teacher!!

Now it has been confirmed that Gaara teacher is indeed a genius!!! No writer can guarantee that his new work will be a hit! And Gaara teacher has proved that he is that person with two works!

So! Akane Ayaka is now envious of Gaara teacher! I wish I could go to her house in person and tie this guy up!

Of course, this is just a joke, but Akane Ayaka still hopes to cooperate with Gaara teacher more in the future.

On the other hand, looking at the comments on the Internet, Eriri doesn't know whether she should be happy or helpless? There are comments, and the painting style is praised, but... more of it is criticizing the old thief for being a bad person.

But... overall, this work should be considered a success!

At least it proves that I didn't drag Xia Qiu down.

Thinking of this, Eriri had a happy smile on her face. It doesn't matter to Eriri whether she makes money or not. As long as she can continue to create with Xia Qiu in the future, she will be happy even if she loses money.

Moreover... when she thought of the scene she created with Xia Qiu, Xia Qiu would gently stick to her back, holding her hand and whispering behind her back to point out where there were mistakes.

Wow wow wow!!!

Ying Lili was immediately aroused by her own fantasy! Her face was red and her heart was beating fast!

She threw herself on her bed and raised her little feet wrapped in white silk. She was so embarrassed!!!

Then Ying Lili took out her mobile phone and thought about sending a few messages to Xia Qiu, but she didn't know what message to send, and her finger hesitated on the screen.

Send a message to celebrate? It seems unnecessary?

So tangled... I don't know if that guy cares about our work!

Unconsciously, Ying Lili suddenly thought of what Xia Qiu said at the beginning, our child!

Suddenly, her face flushed again!

"our children……"

Hehehe... smiling foolishly, Eriri was in a daze and didn't notice Sayuri who was secretly observing, holding up her phone to secretly take pictures of her daughter's magical behavior.

Why is she still smiling foolishly? Is puberty coming?

Sayuri immediately sent the photos she took to Xia Qiu. This was the contact information that Xia Qiu exchanged with Sayuri last time when he went to Eriri's house.

At Xia Qiu's house, he was writing a new book and noticed that his phone had received several messages. He picked it up and saw that it was from the lady who was driving very fast.

Eriri duck sitting picture.JPG

Eriri silly smile.JPG

Eriri white silk small jiojio.jpg ps: Come on, take my daughter, Xia Qiu!

Hiss!!! Why does the angle of this lady's photo look so erotic? Obviously there is nothing strange in the photo, but after Sayuri's wife said this, Xia Qiu had a bad fantasy. It should be said that if they are not from the same family, they will not enter the same door?

"What? The little golden retriever must be so happy because he knows that the work is very good. It's so cute."

Xia Qiu sighed and saved a few photos.

It's pretty good~ Pretty.

The next day, Xia Qiu met Ying Lili on the road. It was rare for this guy to get up so early. In the past, this guy often went to bed late and got up late when he was rushing to finish the manuscript at night. He often had to ride a bicycle to go to school without stopping. When

Ying Lili saw Xia Qiu's face, she couldn't help but think of what she had imagined last night.

The little golden retriever's face was flushed, like a ripe big apple, making people want to take a bite to try the taste.

"Is teacher Kashiwagi Eri very happy?"

The big hand rubbed Eri's head, and the little golden retriever patted Xia Qiu's hand in dissatisfaction.

What! Touching the head right away! You won't grow taller!

"I don't know a guy with that name!"

There's nothing wrong with being a little arrogant every day

"Well, success is inevitable, after all, she is Kashiwagi Eri! Kashiwagi Eri is so awesome."

She whispered this in the little golden retriever's ear, and the boy's scent made the little golden retriever step back quickly!!

It smells a bit good... like the scent of gardenia after being exposed to the sun!!

If you look closely, you will find that Eriri's ears are incredibly red. It seems that the little golden retriever's ears are very sensitive.

"Don't get so close! What if someone misunderstands you?"

Ying Lili looked around nervously and found that the students who were walking over didn't pay attention to this side, so she was relieved at once.

Xia Qiu smiled happily. He liked to see the panic reaction of the little golden retriever after being teased. It was indeed a kind of coquettish feeling, like a little golden retriever who kept crying at you. It was obviously very cute, but it had to cry at you.

Just like this, Ying Lili pushed the bicycle and went to school with Xia Qiu.

Now the relationship between the two was tacitly assumed to be unclear in the class, but everyone didn't investigate it deeply, so it didn't matter if they went to school together like this, but Ying Lili was afraid that the intimate behavior just now would be seen by others.

In that case! I will be with Xia Qiu, we will become boyfriend and girlfriend, and go to a couple hotel! And then it hurts! And then we will have a child, and she will drop out of school! When we are old enough, we will get married!

No, no, it's too fast, too fast! Ying Lili doesn't want to be a mother so soon! She hasn't had a good relationship yet. At least the two of them should progress a little deeper, and then...

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