Xia Qiu had no idea that when he went to the student union, a drama took place in the light music club. Now he has arrived at the student union. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Shizuka Hiratsuka wearing her white coat that had never changed for thousands of years, but this time she was not smoking a cigarette, but holding a lollipop in her mouth.

Maybe it was because he had to smoke in front of the students, so it was not suitable for him to smoke, but he was not used to having no taste in his mouth, so he just held a lollipop in his mouth.

It was fine.

Anyway, Xia Qiu didn't like the smell of cigarettes very much.

He himself had tried it before, but he didn't try it again after it got stuck in his throat.

It was just like the first time he ate Langzi.

It was terrible and easy to get angry.

Cigarettes were okay, but Langzi should never be touched.

"Yo you're here, you shouldn't have come"


"Hahaha, just a joke. You are from China, right? Don’t you understand Chinese jokes?"

Haha~ Of course I understand, but it’s weird when this joke comes out of your mouth

"Has Ajing gone to see it?"

"Of course! Do you know Tiktok? I have Douyin on my phone! I check it out occasionally, but the Chinese is a little hard to learn."

If we talk about the most popular short video software now, it is undoubtedly Tiktok! It is so popular overseas that it has almost become the spiritual food of foreigners.

"Oh, I've strayed off topic. I came here to talk to you about the school live broadcast. Now is the age of the Internet, and the school must keep pace with the times. So we plan to broadcast live and edit promotional videos for this campus festival. So I asked you to come this time to let you perform well."

Shizuka Hiratsuka patted Xia Qiu's shoulder while speaking.

Well, it feels good and firm. Compared to the skinny look when they first met, Xia Qiu's physique is better now. Shizuka Hiratsuka can even feel the muscles hidden under his clothes.

In the past, when she patted him like this, this guy would rub his shoulders in pain, but now he doesn't feel anything at all.

"Live broadcast~ I understand."

Live broadcast or not doesn't make any sense to Xia Qiu. It's just a live broadcast of the campus festival. It will help him to build his reputation in the light music club and perform at the Budokan in the future. Xia Qiu thinks this kind of activity is good.

"Anyway, our class doesn't have any programs, so it all depends on your personal performance! Teacher, I believe in your piano level!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka said, not forgetting to give Xia Qiu a thumbs up, indicating that she is optimistic about Xia Qiu.

After all, this guy's piano level is very high.

"Ah Jing, it was you who reported it to me."

After saying that, Xia Qiu looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka with a face full of resentment. He hadn't made up his mind yet, but Hiratsuka Shizuka said that she wanted to perform on stage.

"Come on! I don't know you. I remember I asked you if you wanted to go, but you said you wanted to consider it. I don't know your character. If it's something you don't want to do, you will definitely refuse. Besides, you took half of my bonus!"


It is just as Shizuka Hiratsuka said. Xia Qiu will refuse anything he doesn't want to do, instead of agreeing verbally but rejecting it in his heart. Anyway,

Xia Qiu doesn't reject this performance, so just treat it as a fun thing~ and he can also decide where to go for the subsequent school trip.

Xia Qiu has already decided where to go!

After chatting with Shizuka Hiratsuka for a while, Xia Qiu walked into the student union. But when Xia Qiu left, Shizuka Hiratsuka asked herself shyly, does smoking really affect fertility?

Xia Qiu:???????????????

After that, Xia Qiu plans to go see Manabe and Adult. Xia Qiu has respect for this"mother" of Dai Wei!

The other party has put a lot of thought into the light music club, including the stage layout, lighting, rental of sound equipment, etc. If the girls in the teatime after school are the protagonists, then Manabe Kazue must be the female lead behind the band.

In a place where no one can see, she is silently caring about all of this.

After finding Manabe Kazue who was taking statistics, Xia Qiu took out a small bag of black tea and some small cakes from her bag and placed them on the table.

After brewing the black tea, she brought it to Manabe Kazue.

Don't ask, if you ask, it means she was brought out from the light music club, but to be precise, it was everyone's request, and it was a comfort gift for Kazue.

"Thank you."

Manabe did not refuse Xia Qiu's kindness, pushed his glasses, and accepted the tea and cake.

"It's really hard. I can't even attend the school festival and can only work here."

Hearing this, Manabe and the adults didn't complain and smiled slightly.

"There is no way. The student council has a lot of things to do, but it will be much better in the future. There will be other members to take over. I don’t have much work to do. The one who has the harder work should be Yukinoshita. She has been so busy lately that she is not seen."

Yukinoshita... That girl...

Xia Qiu thought about it and it was indeed the case. After all, she has a big mountain named Yang No on her shoulders. Anything that surpasses her sister, Yukino will not miss.

Xia Qiu can only say that the two sisters are abstract.

""Oh, it smells so good!!! Oh, it's the junior! The junior is here to comfort the president! That's great!"

Smelling the aroma, Senior Sister Shirokai Xun came in, and her eyes were fixed on the black tea and small cakes on the table. Her eyes were self-evident.

After getting Xia Qiu's approval, Senior Sister Shirokai Xun sat down naturally to drink tea and eat cake.

It was a pity that I didn't taste it when I went to the light music club last time! This time I must have a good taste!

"You should have a cup too, you can't stand working all the time."

Xia Qiu said as he looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, who came in with Senior Sister Shirokai. She hadn't said a word since she came in, and sat at her seat to handle official business.

Due to the sudden idea of the school, Yukino had to rearrange many things, which inadvertently increased Yukino's workload.

The school is like this, just say live broadcast, unlike Yukino, who has to rearrange the order of the program and consider all aspects of the live broadcast.

"I don't need it. I don't have time to waste on enjoying it."

Declining politely, Yukino kept her head down to deal with her own affairs.


Gurgle~ Gurgle~

Someone's stomach seemed to be protesting.

Even a girl like Yukino would easily feel embarrassed when her stomach growled with hunger.

Her fair face flushed for a moment. Miss Yukino almost couldn't hold it back for being so rude in front of a stranger.

But when she was annoyed with herself, she met Xia Qiu's eyes that seemed to have a little smile... and Senior Sister Shirokai Patrol who kept calling her over...

Miss Yukino sat down to drink tea.

Speaking of cooking, it turns out that making tea also includes the aspect of making tea? It's really puzzling. Xia Qiu's tea-making skills are only slightly worse than Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi.

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