After drinking tea, Yukino returned to her busy work, which made Xia Qiu have to ask her if she wanted to take a break.

Looking at Yukino's pale cheeks, Xia Qiu lowered his head and curiously asked the leisurely-looking senior from Johkai Patrol:

"Is Yukinoshita's face always pale?"

""Ah? Why is Xia Qiu asking this? You are not in love with Yukinoshita, are you? But she is indeed pretty and beautiful, and any boy would like her. However, I think Yukinoshita is not that easy to pursue. I advise you to give up and consider me, your senior."

After saying that, Johkai raised his eyebrows and winked at Xia Qiu. Who wouldn't like a cute, handsome junior who can make tea to comfort the president?

Xia Qiu showed a disgusted expression when he heard this.

"You are too narcissistic, President. I will punish you by not giving you the cake."

""Hey, hey, hey! No, my dear junior! I was just joking!"

Upon hearing that there were no more small cakes left, Senior Sister Cheng Huixun immediately and nervously protected the chestnut cake in front of her! Such a delicious chestnut cake should not be thrown away!

"But seriously, is Yukinoshita's face so pale?"

It's not that Xia Qiu has to look at Yukinoshita Yukino, but her skin is so pale that it's a bit... you can't even see any blood color?

What? Yukino has completely become a non-human because of the hard work? Is she planning to change her job to become a vampire who doesn't need to rest?

Huh? After hearing what Xia Qiu said, Johkai Patrol and Manabe Kazu who were sitting in their seats looked over and found that it was indeed as Xia Qiu said, this person's face was incredibly pale.

"Could it be that she is using very high-end cosmetics?"


Xia Qiu hit Cheng Huixun on the forehead with a knife in annoyance.

"How could she be using any high-end cosmetics? She's about to faint! Hey! Yukinoshita! Yukinoshita!"

In a daze, Yukino seemed to hear someone calling her, but she couldn't hear it clearly. Her head was dizzy and she couldn't muster any energy. Her eyelids seemed to be fighting.

In the end... Yukino's consciousness seemed to be disconnected.

From childhood to adulthood, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't know when she realized that there was an irreconcilable contradiction between herself and her sister, and she didn't know when she started to hate her sister in other people's mouths.

Maybe it was because of the treatment she received when she was a child, or maybe it was because she was just a bonus to Haruno in other people's mouths. When others mentioned the Yukinoshita family, the first person they thought of was Yukinoshita Haruno, and when they mentioned Yukino, they just said,"Oh~ this is Haruno's sister."

In the end, she didn't even deserve a name. Well... so, from then on, all Yukino wanted was to surpass her sister and let her family see that she was not the second daughter who had accomplished nothing, but an important member of the Yukinoshita family!

It's just... in a daze, Yukino opened her eyes, a strange ceiling... her whole body felt weak as if she had lost all strength, and she twisted her neck with some effort. There seemed to be someone beside her.

It was... that classmate Xia Qiu, who was sitting in a chair bored at this time, reading a book in his hand... Is that"Your Lie in April"? It is indeed a very good light novel, if only the ending was not so cruel.

She raised her arm with great effort and found a needle hanging on her hand. She looked up and wondered if she was on an IV drip?

It seemed that Yukino's movements were too big, which attracted Xia Qiu's attention.

""Oh, you're awake. Lie down for a while. You're really working hard. You didn't even know you had a low-grade fever. And you haven't eaten much recently. I really don't understand how a job at a school festival can make you like this."

He walked in front of Xueno. If Xia Qiu hadn't noticed that the other person's face was not right in time, Xueno would have been in big trouble.

And just as Xia Qiu thought, Xueno really put herself in the hospital. Although this is the school doctor's office, it's almost the same.

Looking at the liquid in the drip, it will probably take a while to finish.


Xueno was silent for a long time before she managed to say thank you.

"It's good, I can still say thank you, at least I didn't burn my brain."

Listening to Xia Qiu's words, Xue Noi's fists almost hardened!

She was actually ridiculed!

"Isn't it?"

Leaning against the windowsill, Xia Qiu continued to lecture.

"Not every job needs to be done by one person, and you can't ruin your body because of work. And you're not an idiot, am I? Senior Johkai Patrol and Manabe are worried to death."

Show your adult temperament!" Xia Qiu lectured the disobedient child.

After hearing this, Yukino remained silent... Yes, what Xia Qiu said was right, but she just didn't want to accept it... and she also believed that she could do it without relying on others, so... so Yukino is an idiot.

"Is Yukino okay? Yukino?"

Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka walked into the school clinic nervously, looked at Yukino who looked a little unwell, walked in and patted her shoulder, and after confirming that she was fine, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You really scared me to death, you know? I almost thought something was wrong with you."

Speaking of which, Yang No also asked Yukino for help and to take care of Yukino. Now that something like this happened right under her nose, Hiratsuka Shizuka not only blamed herself for it, but also had a little complaint towards Yukino.

Being able to be so busy with work that she had to go to the school doctor's office... It's true...

But it's okay as long as it's not a big problem.

"I'm fine……"

Xue No answered in a calm voice, but her expression showed a little bit of helplessness.……

""Ahem, let's go, Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka, give the patient some space to rest."

Hearing Xia Qiu's words, Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded subconsciously, and then realized why this kid spoke in such a strange tone?

How did he become a doctor, and I became a patient's family member?

"Take good care of yourself. You have done a good job for the school festival. Leave the remaining finishing work to others."

After telling Yukino to have a good rest, Shizuka Hiratsuka and Xia Qiu went out one after another.

Xia Qiu understood that in the next period of time, Yukino needed to be alone, instead of being overly concerned and asking questions. Many things might be problematic if she thought about them herself. If you tell her more things, she may not understand.

Yukinoshita Yukino's personality is so abstract and twisted...

But it's not her fault. Growing up in such a family environment, I have to admire Yukino for not becoming an antisocial personality. ps You guys are awesome. The group is going crazy!

New record! 97/6



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