The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 104 - Mark Time (Part 3)

Level 10: Training Facility 

Training Hall 

"BIO-GENETICS ASSEMBLE!!!" Anazi announced.

He stood before the 51 bio-genetics, Tori beside him.

With haste they assembled, standing upright hands behind their back.

"Your next mission has been officially announced" Anzai began sternly.

"We shall all be going to the surface in few days time... our main priority is to retrieve samples of the Kaijus".

Their expressions paled a bit.

'Retrieving samples' Ten thought with shaky eyes.

'The best way to defeat your enemy is to know your enemy' he thought his eyes laced with seriousness.

"We have trained for the past one year... we have endured alot to arrive where we are... once again humanity shall rise and reclaim the surface through you, we shall take back what belongs to us from those creatures" Anzai said searching each their faces, with his eyes.

'And find out the truth' Hiro thought sternly. His hands behind his back tighten in a fist.

"Tori" Anzai urged.

He nods stepping forward, with a transparent iPad, he drew the info on it to the air in display for them to see, it was a map view of Tokyo.

"Our main priority is to set up a base there" Tori began.

The bio-genetics eyes lands on it, listening attentively... except Hiro who made use of his senses.

"By tomorrow the important details shall be debrief, we have decided to make this a big operation".

'A big operation' Shino thought with shaky eyes.

"We shall set base at this particular area, we will be on high alert before we get there... that particular place shall serve as our operating base and where we will need to assemble when necessary" Tori states.

"We still don't know what attracts the Kaijus but thanks to Engr. Kazuya she was able to invent a jamming device, relating whether to smell, senses or thereabouts the Kaiju's maybe using, when we get to the base inserting this device shall only obtain our goal of creating a sanctuary, its a do or die affair".

"A risk and a hunch we must take" Anzai spoke up.

They gulped hard.

"Bio-genetics! Tomorrow meet at the briefing classroom for info on our mission"



Level 20: Prime Minister Level 

Touka eyes were widen, she was stunned by the unexpected news.

"A medical team is needed for the bio-genetics..." Touka said faintly.

Other medical personnel who were in the office were stunned too.

Kiyoshi gave a slight nod.

"As we all know now, General Anzai along with Sergeant Tori will be heading to the surface with the bio-genetics" Kiyoshi began.

"Wounds to the normal human being cause for infection, wounds to the bio-genetics are slow healing, for that a medical team is needed, it will be a big operation" Kiyoshi said.

"But what we discuss a few days ago was of a simple operation" Hachiro spoke up.

"With all due respect Kiyoshi-sama... what's with the sudden change of plans" he adds sternly.

"The sudden change of plans as you say... is because the main priority isn't about re0trieving samples but making a base there for operation, its necessary as it will take some time to complete the mission" Kiyoshi said sternly.

"How long Kiyoshi-sama?!" Hachiro demands with blank white glasses.

"Hachiro!" Touka hissed not liking his tone.

"We believe the mission will take months because of the certain changes".

They paled at his words.


"Months on the surface?!"

"With those creatures?!"

Whispers filled the wide office.

"I see" Hachiro said adjusting his glasses as it cleared.

"In that case I will go" he adds.

"Thank you Dr. Ichigo Hachiro for your contribution" Kiyoshi said.

Touka faced him with wide eyes. 'Hachiro' she thought with shaky eyes.

"We need about 4 medical personnel" Kiyoshi states.

Whispers filled the office once more.

Touka gaze drifts to the floor as her fist tighten.

"I'm babysitting 51 kids, can't help it can I?"

She remembered General Anzai's words, her body trembling more, she also remembered the loss of the 49 bio-genetics, her teeth clenched hard, her body stops trembling as she raised her head.

"I will go also Kiyoshi-sama" she spoke up, her eyes laced with seriousness.

Hachiro tensed by her words, his teeth clenched, the only reason he decided to go was because he didn't want her to be picked, but Touka was always a strong head to begin with.

"Thank you Dr. Kimi Touka for your contribution" Kiyoshi said as his body tensed a bit.

"I will go too" a man said, he had dark pink hair and brown eyes.

"Thank you Nagai Kenta for your contribution" Kiyoshi said sternly.

Kashi beside him was tensed, one more person to go, others didn't seem to wanna step forward, he gulps hard.

"Hey Kashi... take the lead for us" one of the doctors said behind, close to his ear.

Kashi eyes widen.

"Kouki" he said tensed.

Kouki pushed him from behind making him stumble to the front.

"Nice of you to join us Kashi" Hachiro said facing him, unaware he didn't intentionally.

Touka smiled proud that Kashi stepped up to join them.

"What?" He murmured still in shock of what just happened.

"Thank you Dr. Ryuu Kashi for your contribution" Kiyoshi said not noticing the impartiality in display.

Kouki and the rest chuckled silently behind.

Kenta caught notice of this, he saw what happened but didn't say anything.

'This can't be happening' Kashi thought trembling, Kiyoshi-sama has already included him by his words... there was nothing he could do now, he gulps hard.

"We have all 4 doctors complete" Kiyoshi began standing on his feet.

"I thank you all for your contribution" he states.

"You're all dismissed!"

They bowed slightly before turning to walk away.

"Dr. Touka" Kiyoshi said making her halt, the others were out already, the door slide shut.

Touka's looks darken knowing what he was about to say.

"There's no need to ask me why, Kiyoshi-sama" Touka states facing him before he could say anything.

"They will need me" he adds.

Kiyoshi's eyes sadden.

She bowed before she turned to leave, the door slide shut.

Kiyoshi gave a heavy sigh as his eyes grew wistful.

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