Set in the city of Tokyo, Japan. The world ended after the explosion of a Chemical Plant alongside a virus, leaving the remaining survivors of Tokyo to retreat to an underground base, governed by the Prime Minister of Tokyo, the outside world inhabitable
Set in the city of Tokyo, Japan. The world ended after the explosion of a Chemical Plant alongside a virus, leaving the remaining survivors of Tokyo to retreat to an underground base, governed by the Prime Minister of Tokyo, the outside world inhabitable to them.Young Kimura Hiro, a victim of the incident (Black Storm), wakes up blind in an underground base, along with a group of kids quarantined in the same room away from the rest civilians. They are told of the shocking disaster and 100 of them, sole survivors of a virus responsible for wiping half of humanity, their cellular structure altered by it making them faster, stronger, and different from the normal average human beings.All hope turns to the bio-genetics as a means of reclaiming the surface (The outside world), but a much greater threat awaits them on the surface, unlike anything they have ever seen.What lies in store for the Bio-genetics
- 1 Chapter 1 - Volume 1: Prologue
- 2 Chapter 2 - Back Home
- 3 Chapter 3 - Father And Son
- 4 Chapter 4 - A Parent Love
- 5 Chapter 5 - Amusement Park
- 6 Chapter 6 - Black Storm
- 7 Chapter 7 - Awakening
- 8 Chapter 8 - White Room
- 9 Chapter 9 - Questions And Answers
- 10 Chapter 10 - Summoned
- 11 Chapter 11 - The World Ended
- 12 Chapter 12 - Bio-genetics
- 13 Chapter 13 - Pain And Regret
- 14 Chapter 14 - Bitter Truth
- 15 Chapter 15 - Enduring
- 16 Chapter 16 - What Happens Next?
- 17 Chapter 17 - Pessimistic
- 18 Chapter 18 - Conclusion
- 19 Chapter 19 - Escape Plan (Part 1)
- 20 Chapter 20 - Escape Plan (Part 2)
- 21 Chapter 21 - The Born Genius
- 22 Chapter 22 - Saito Ten
- 23 Chapter 23 - Thinking Outside The Box
- 24 Chapter 24 - Survival Game (Part 1)
- 25 Chapter 25 - Survival Game (Part 2)
- 26 Chapter 26 - Survival Game (Part 3)
- 27 Chapter 27 - Survival Game (Part 4)
- 28 Chapter 28 - Responsibility
- 29 Chapter 29 - Demolition
- 30 Chapter 30 - Result And Consequence
- 31 Chapter 31 - Embracing
- 32 Chapter 32 - Never Forget
- 33 Chapter 33 - Discovery
- 34 Chapter 34 - Nightmare Never End
- 35 Chapter 35 - Results
- 36 Chapter 36 - Purpose
- 37 Chapter 37 - Training
- 38 Chapter 38 - Next Step
- 39 Chapter 39 - The Unexpected
- 40 Chapter 40 - News
- 41 Chapter 41 - Mission
- 42 Chapter 42 - First Mission: The Outside World (Part 1)
- 43 Chapter 43 - First Mission: The Outside World (Part 2)
- 44 Chapter 44 - Danger
- 45 Chapter 45 - Blood Power
- 46 Chapter 46 - No Going Back
- 47 Chapter 47 - Those Who Stayed (Part 1)
- 48 Chapter 48 - Those Who Stayed (Part 2)
- 49 Chapter 49 - What's Left Of Us
- 50 Chapter 50 - Dissentious
- 51 Chapter 51 - Recollection
- 52 Chapter 52 - Ambush
- 53 Chapter 53 - Kimura Hiro
- 54 Chapter 54 - He's Alive?
- 55 Chapter 55 - The Boy Who Cried
- 56 Chapter 56 - Fatal Condition
- 57 Chapter 57 - The Three Tag Team (Part 1)
- 58 Chapter 58 - The Three Tag Team (Part 2)
- 59 Chapter 59 - The Three Tag Team (Part 3)
- 60 Chapter 60 - Strange Aura
- 61 Chapter 61 - The Will To Survive
- 62 Chapter 62 - Then And Now (Part 1)
- 63 Chapter 63 - Then And Now (Part 2)
- 64 Chapter 64 - The Dead, Stay Dead
- 65 Chapter 65 - Fire! (Part 1)
- 66 Chapter 66 - Fire! (Part 2)
- 67 Chapter 67 - Distinct
- 68 Chapter 68 - A Choice
- 69 Chapter 69 - Surgery
- 70 Chapter 70 - Unexplainable Theory
- 71 Chapter 71 - Vision
- 72 Chapter 72 - A Bamboo?!
- 73 Chapter 73 - Non Lethal Force (Part 1)
- 74 Chapter 74 - Non Lethal Force (Part 2)
- 75 Chapter 75 - The Weird Dude
- 76 Chapter 76 - The Admired General
- 77 Chapter 77 - Pissed General
- 78 Chapter 78 - 51 Against 1?!
- 79 Chapter 79 - Speed Mininum
- 80 Chapter 80 - Spacing
- 81 Chapter 81 - Countermeasure (Part 1)
- 82 Chapter 82 - Countermeasure (Part 2)
- 83 Chapter 83 - A Man Known As A Demon
- 84 Chapter 84 - Final Move
- 85 Chapter 85 - Dispute
- 86 Chapter 86 - Insight
- 87 Chapter 87 - Let's Get To Work!
- 88 Chapter 88 - Lagging
- 89 Chapter 89 - Persevering
- 90 Chapter 90 - Isometrics
- 91 Chapter 91 - The Past One Year (Part 1)
- 92 Chapter 92 - The Past One Year (Part 2)
- 93 Chapter 93 - Rikuta Kazuya - The Weapon Designer
- 94 Chapter 94 - Blood Weapon (Part 1)
- 95 Chapter 95 - Blood Weapon (Part 2)
- 96 Chapter 96 - Blood Weapon (Part 3)
- 97 Chapter 97 - He Just Used His Fist?
- 98 Chapter 98 - Mean Words
- 99 Chapter 99 - Reaction
- 100 Chapter 100 - Volume 1: Epilogue
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