The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 62 - Then And Now (Part 1)

Ruins Of Tokyo

In the mist of the flames where the explosion happened. In the raging flames and smoked, the strange creature different from the Kaiju's stepped out unscratched, it halts growling deeply. It sensed the chopper miles away like it could see it. The creature snarled deadly.


Inside The chopper

The loud sound of the chopper blades turning could be heard. Shino body laid on the metal floor unconscious, breathing slowly and weakly, Ten beside him had endless tears in his eyes as he cried.

Hiro was seated on the metal floor, his back against the wall metal of the chopper, he was weak unable to move, the wind from the window carried his dull red hair weightlessly, he senses the strange man, Uchida Anzai who was seated backing the pilot. His dull reddish-brown lands on Hiro, his expression was unreadable. Hiro wondering who he was and how he knew his name and more importantly his aura felt the same as a bio-genetics but different. No protective gears on.

Hiro felt weak, his body giving out, he couldn't feel his body anymore, the piercing pain in his head never stopped, his eyes slowly close, as darkness found him, the last person he saw being Uchida Anazi, as the flames quenched total darkness finding him.


A beautiful humming melody could be heard it was enthralling and melodious. Hiro eyes were closed, he felt free and relaxed, not a worry in the world, his head was on his mom's lap, she hummed wonderfully with a smile on her lips. Hiro felt so calm listening to it, he has longed to rest his head on her lap again. But too bad fate was cruel to him, black storm day took away everything from him, everything he has ever loved, all gone never to be seen again.

A tear fell from his eye. 'Mom'. He thought as sadness washed upon him. He opened his eyes...wait a minute... his eyes?... yes the leather material wasn't wrapped around, he froze as his eyes widen in extreme shock, he could see her, staring at her beautiful face, her eyes were close, her lips held a smile.

"Mum..." he muttered like a child, the tears streaming down from the corner of his eyes, he could see her, he could actually see her... After 2 years.

"Mum" he cried.

"I miss you", he cried and sobbed.

"I know dear" Kimura Aiko said as she opened her eyes, revealing light brown ones.

"I want to see you again" Hiro said with longing. She shake her head negatively, making her long dark hair wave behind.

"It's not your time" she add.

The moment she said that, Hiro gasped as flames consumed everything, no... not yet he didn't want to let go yet... but he didn't have control, he had no control over anything.

Everything fell into an abyss.


He flashed his eyes open, he was no longer at the peaceful place with his mom but rather at the place where it all began, where the Chemical Plant exploded, the place he was that exact time everything went down. But these time Hiro was standing like he was invisible, he stared at himself on the ground bleeding from his eyes, ears and nose unconscious, as the black veins creep up his body.

Hiro looked away from himself. His eyes landed into a distance, raging flames around him. His body stiffen when he saw his dad a distance away. He was deforming into something, his flesh rising but this time his back faced Hiro, standing fully, raging flames around.

Tears filled Hiro's eyes.

"Dad!" he said.

But then flames consumed everything.


*Sounds Of Beeping Machine*

Hiro stirs awake, he felt his environment different, he was on a bed and differently on the bed, the special facility.

He forced his body up as he held the bed, at both side with his hand. He felt no more pain on his body. 'How long have I been asleep?' Hiro thought trembling, his piercing headache gone too, he tries moving his right hand but he felt a drip connected to it, flowing with blue liquid.

The room he was in looked more like a hospital, like a patient room with several rolls of bed and equipment.

His feet found the ground, he wore the white sneakers, rising to his feet. The drip didn't go off, so Hiro drag away the iron stick with the drip as he slowly walked towards the door. The door slide open. 

Hiro ventured into the long halls wandering around, his hasten senses guiding him, everything in form of a line structure.

"Kimura Hiro!!!" a voice hissed from behind.

Hiro halts as his heart skipped a bit from the sound of his name. Hiro turned.

Uchida Anzai stood behind along with Sergeant Tori. Anzai was on a ash inner shirt along with a black long jacket that was a bit thick, along with military pants and black combat boots. His hand behind his back standing like a soldier, standing upright, a cigar sticking out his lips.

Tori was on a ash shirt also, along with dark ash short jacket, military pants and combat boots.

'It's the same man with one with the weird aura' Hiro thought certain. The same man that came to their rescue, with the chopper. 

"Who are you?!" Hiro demands as his fist tighten along the iron drip.

"It's good you're finally awake" Anzai said sternly. 

"There isn't much time, let's go!" Anazi said as he turned leaving, along with sergeant.


Two Weeks Ago

The Surface (Ruins Of Tokyo)

"I found a panel!" Asano hissed.

Yuki quickly rushed to her side.

"Will this do?" Asano asked.

"It should," Yuki said taking off her necklace with the chip, looking for an input, she found one sliding it in. It made a computer noise but then died down. 

"That's it? So what now?!" Asano asked puzzled.

"The other teams haven't installed theirs," Yuki said, this could only be the explanation for this.

"Well, what's taking them so long, are they having a nap or something?" Sumi said irritated, the weather was killing her especially with their protective gears, she couldn't wait to head back to base.

"I'm sure they should have found a comm station by now" Himari spoke up, folding her arms.

Whispers filled the space.

"Yuki," Asano said with worried eyes facing her.

Yuki blinks before tapping on her ear comm through her safety helmet.

"Come in Shino! Shino are you there?!" she said but it just gave static noises.

"Shino, can you hear me?" she said once again but still no answer.

"It's not connecting" she adds puzzled facing Asano, something was strange, she felt it.

Suddenly horrifying screams and gunshots could be heard from outside.


One Day Later (After Hiro's Departure)

Tokyo Underground Base 

Level 12: Civilians level 

Section 1: Market fraction

"Everyone at your station!" one of the Patrol Team hissed as ten of them gathered in the hall. 

"Anzai, you're in big mess now" Kado said certain.

"I'm done covering for you" he add, enough was enough, if he puts up with this any longer he will lose everything he has worked and built in the last 2 years, he was sure Anzai will understand where he's coming from.

Kado faced him, but then his body stiffen as he sweat drop behind his head, his eyebrow twitching.

"Maybe I should rethink giving you pity" he hissed sweat dropping. 

And here he thought Anzai will be sad or down, meanwhile he just smiled nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Well I'm in deep shit now" Anzai said in amusement.

"Gimme a break" Kado said sighing.

One of the patrol team stops turning to Anzai.

"Hey you! Where's your bunker, are you part of the market fraction?" he hissed.

Anzai just sighed scratching the back of his head. 'I should have listened to Kado and joined a fraction' Anazi thought, and now his cover will be blown real soon, great just... Great.


Level 20: Prime Minister Level 

Sergeant Tori walked into the Prime Minister's office.

Prime Minister Kiyoshi was seated on his seat in deep thoughts, his eyes fixed on the blank screen on his wide desk, there was a hologram computer in it. Kiyoshi was waiting in anticipation for the chips to be installed for a visual.

"Kiyoshi-sama" Tori said haste.

"What is it Sergeant Tori" Kiyoshi said in a bored tone not bothering to look at him.

"I have something to report" he said.

"If it's not concerning the bio-genetics I don't wanna hear it" Kiyoshi said stern. 

"But it's news from the Patrol Team, they found someone not belonging to a fraction" Tori said.

"Then you deal with it, I don't want to be disturbed!" Kiyoshi hissed.

Tori silently walked towards him handling him a transparent iPad with a profile in it.

"I said-" , Kiyoshi was about hissing but he froze when he saw Uchida Anzai profile. He sweated.

"Anazi?" Kiyoshi said bewildered.

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