The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 63 - Then And Now (Part 2)

Level 20: Prime Minister Level 

Sergeant Tori walked into the Prime Minister's office.

Prime Minister Kiyoshi was seated on his seat in deep thoughts, his eyes fixed on the blank screen on his wide desk, there was a hologram computer in it. Kiyoshi was waiting in anticipation for the chips to be installed for a visual.

"Kiyoshi-sama" Tori said haste.

"What is it Sergeant Tori" Kiyoshi said in a bored tone not bothering to look at him.

"I have something to report" he said.

"If it's not concerning the bio-genetics I don't wanna hear it" Kiyoshi said stern. 

"But it's news from the Patrol Team, they found someone not belonging to a fraction" Tori said.

"Then you deal with it, I don't want to be disturbed!" Kiyoshi hissed.

Tori silently walked towards him handling him a transparent iPad with a profile in it.

"I said-" , Kiyoshi was about hissing but he froze when he saw Uchida Anzai profile. He sweated.

"Anazi?" Kiyoshi said bewildered.


A Few Minute's Later 

Anzai looked to and fro in the elevator, his eyes lands on Tori in front.

"Well this is getting confusing" Anzai said sternly.

"I thought fraction-less people are strip of their lodge. Where are you taking me?" Anzai said a bit pissed.

"You may not remember me Anazi-san" Tori began not turning to face him. Anzai just raised an eyebrow.

"I serve as a fresher in the military base back then before you retired" Tori said.

Anzai just scratched the back of his head, dumbfounded.

"I knew a lot of rookies and beside I had a long tenure, many faces" Anazi shrugged.

"But there was one of your tenure, you were assisting General Kimura before you retired 4 years ago" Tori said.

Anzai's body stiffen, his fist tighten, he remembered when the news came out about the death of the General.

That moment the elevator door slide open, they stepped out walking along the halls.

"So you're that young fresher that enlisted" Anzai said certain. Tori smiled.

"You remembered" Tori said amused.

"I remember every soldier I trained, one of the peeks of being a commander" Anzai said bringing out a packet of cigar from his pocket. Taking one and putting it back. He lighted it up. 

"I see you still have your old habit, Anzai-san" Tori said.

"Habits die hard" Anzai said firmly.

They got to a door as it slide open, revealing the Prime Minister office.

"I thought as much" Anazi said.

They stepped in.

"It's been a while, Kiyoshi-sama" Anzai said bowing slightly.

"Yes Anzai, it's been 4 years" Kiyoshi said.

"Yes" Anzai said looking away.

"You made a pretty good team with Haruto, you were his close friend" Kiyoshi said.

Anzai looks sadden.

"We lost a very admirable General" Kiyoshi said as his looks darken. Anzai eyes shake. Kiyoshi eyes landed on him.

"I heard from Haruto you were engaged. What about your fiancée, how is she doing?" Kiyoshi said. Anzai looks darken.

"She died during Black Storm Day" Anazi said darkly.

"I'm deeply sorry for your loss" Kiyoshi said as his looks sadden.

A memory flashed in Anzai's head when he pointed a gun at a creature, his house on fire. His teeth clenched.

Tori get a call on his comm, he froze when he heard the news. 

"Kiyoshi-sama!" Tori said haste, Kiyoshi and Anzai turned to him.

"Sir the comm team got a recorded footage from the satellite but it was only a brief second before it went off, seems like the other chip haven't been installed yet" Tori said.

"What?" Kiyoshi said astonished.

"They are sending you the footage now" Tori said.

That moment a beeping sound went off, shaky image coming up on the transparent hologram computer on the desk.

They froze as their eyes landed on the desk as a visual that wasn't clear came up.

They saw the bio-genetics, some injured some crying, they all seemed lost and defeated, and then a strange creature coming up in a distance for them.

"What's going on?" Tori said with shaky eyes.

Kiyoshi and Anzai watch intensely at the scene.

Suddenly a boy with dull red hair walks to the front standing before the raging creatures coming and then taking off the material covering Anzai recognize the boy instantly, the spitting image of his father.

"Hiro!" Anzai hissed, the footage went off.

"The other chip haven't been installed, the signal is too weak" Kiyoshi said with shaky eyes.

"What was attacking them?" Tori said sweating  it was unlike anything he has ever seen.

"Hiro?! Haruto's son is alive?" Anzai said facing Kiyoshi.

"Yes, Kimura Hiro survived the exposure of the virus, but lost his sight in the process, he's a bio-genetics" Kiyoshi said sternly.

Anzai froze as his eyes widen bewildered.

"KIYOSHI-SAMA!" Touka shouted rushing in. They turned to her.

"Our sensors picked something up from above the base" Touka hissed. 


The Surface (Ruins Of Tokyo)

YUKI!" Asano shouts in horror.

"She just had to play the hero too" Sumi hissed.

The Kaiju's came for Yuki, she slowly rose to her feet, standing stiff, her looks stern, they came getting close to her.

Suddenly a gun fired pushing the Kaiju's away along with ten others, but it didn't injure the Kaiju. Yuki turned, the wind carrying her hair weightlessly.

Auto receptor cannons came from under the ground as they shock the earth, it kept shooting at the Kaiju's, pulling them backward.

'We are on the base'. Yuki thought in realization with widen eyes.

"YUKI!" Asano shouts rushing towards her along with Himari and Mary.

"Where did the guns come from?" Mirai asked weakly, Kaneki holding her steady.

"I think we're on top of the base, "Kaname said in realization.

"How's that possible?!" Daiki demands.

That moment the ground they stood on opened dragging all of them inside. The surface shutting close with a loud sound.


The Base

Sterilizing steams came up in the wide bunker, decontaminating the air around them.

The door slide open as Prime Minister Kiyoshi, Sergeant Tori, Anzai and Dr. Touka, rushed in.

"What happened?!" Kiyoshi demands seeing the kids breathing fast.

"The others" Kaname said with tears in his eyes as he rise to his feet, his body trembling. 

"Where's Hiro?" Anzai said haste as he grab a terrified Kaname  the tears falling.

"Hiro, Ten, Shino. Are still out there, completing the mission" Ren said going on his knees as he trembled crying.

"The Kaiju's, are everywhere" Yuki said with a dark expression, they all had fear in their eyes.

"Kaiju's?" Touka said puzzled.

'What happened to them out there'. Touka thought with shaky eyes.

"Tori get a chopper ready" Kiyoshi hissed.

"Let me get them back" Anzai said as his fist tighten staring at the frighten kids.

"Anazi" Kiyoshi said pausing for a moment but then he nodded.

"Touka get the protective gear ready" Kiyoshi said. She nodded.

"There's no need for that, I'm going without it" Anzai said.

"Are you crazy?? You will die the moment you breath the air" Touka hissed at him. Anzai turned to them.

"I won't" he stated, they stared at him like he was crazy.

"Because when the explosion happened I was at the the infected area" he said. 

They froze.

"I'm immune to the virus" he add. 


Hours later

After Hiro, Shino and Ten's recuse

Level 20: Prime Minister level 

"Hiro and Shino are in the special treatment center, Shino undergo lots of injuries from the strange creatures and for some reason his wounds are healing very slowly, seems like wounds from the creatures are exceptional for their abilities" Touka said with sadden looks. Prime Minister Kiyoshi was in deep thought, he got all the new from the bio-genetics about what happened at the surface.

"And Hiro?" he demands.

"He didn't heed my warning, he made use of his eyes, we will have to operate on him as soon as he wakes up" she said sad.

"It's a 50% chance he will survive it, but it's the only way to save his life".

"We lost all of them, all dead. Just 51 of them remaining" Kiyoshi said as his fist tighten.

"We sent them to their deaths" he add as his body trembled. Touka's eyes shake, she composed herself.

"Here is Uchida Anzai's blood analysis" Touka said handling him a transparent iPad. Kiyoshi took it.

"He is immune to the virus, going to the surface and breathing the air didn't affect him one bit" Touka said.

"While studying his blood cells, we now know not everyone that come in contact to the virus are infected, but it's a 5% chance" she add.

"I see" Kiyoshi said.

The door slide open.

Sergeant Tori and Anazi stepped in, a cigar in his mouth.

"I would like to see you in person, Kiyoshi-sama" Anzai said stern.

"Leave us" Kiyoshi said to Tori and Touka, they bowed slightly before stepping out.

Anzai took his seat.

"You survived the exposure of the virus and you're not infected. It appears you're immune just like you said" Kiyoshi said. Anzai folded his arms.

"May I ask what happened that day??!" he add. 

"I survived that's all, there's nothing more to tell" Anzai said stern. Kiyoshi smiled faintly.

"If you say so Anzai" Kiyoshi shrugged. Anzai blow smoke from his lips.

"I would like permission to train the remaining bio-genetics" Anazi began facing him.. Kiyoshi froze at his words, turning to him.

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