The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 64 - The Dead, Stay Dead

Hours later

After Hiro, Shino and Ten's recuse

Level 20: Prime Minister level 

"Hiro and Shino are in the special treatment center, Shino undergo lots of injuries from the strange creatures and for some reason his wounds are healing very slowly, seems like wounds from the creatures are exceptional for their abilities" Touka said with sadden looks. Prime Minister Kiyoshi was in deep thought, he got all the new from the bio-genetics about what happened at the surface.

"And Hiro?" he demands.

"He didn't heed my warning, he made use of his eyes, we will have to operate on him as soon as he wakes up" she said sad.

"It's a 50% chance he will survive it, but it's the only way to save his life".

"We lost all of them, all dead. Just 51 of them remaining" Kiyoshi said as his fist tighten.

"We sent them to their deaths" he add as his body trembled. Touka's eyes shake, she composed herself.

"Here is Uchida Anzai's blood analysis" Touka said handling him a transparent iPad. Kiyoshi took it.

"He is immune to the virus, going to the surface and breathing the air didn't affect him one bit" Touka said.

"While studying his blood cells, we now know not everyone that come in contact to the virus are infected, but it's a 5% chance" she add.

"I see" Kiyoshi said.

The door slide open.

Sergeant Tori and Anazi stepped in, a cigar in his mouth.

"I would like to see you in person, Kiyoshi-sama" Anzai said stern.

"Leave us" Kiyoshi said to Tori and Touka, they bowed slightly before stepping out.

Anzai took his seat.

"You survived the exposure of the virus and you're not infected. It appears you're immune just like you said" Kiyoshi said. Anzai folded his arms.

"May I ask what happened that day??!" he add. 

"I survived that's all, there's nothing more to tell" Anzai said stern. Kiyoshi smiled faintly.

"If you say so Anzai" Kiyoshi shrugged. Anzai blow smoke from his lips.

"I would like permission to train the remaining bio-genetics" Anazi began facing him. Kiyoshi froze at his words, turning to him.

"Anzai" Kiyoshi said with shaky eyes.

"My gut tells me despite what happened to the bio-genetics you will still send them out there" Anzai said firmly.

"I have no choice, those kids are the hope for us. Now there are monsters out there we don't know the origin of. In what I have heard, the bio-genetics might stand a chance against them" Kiyoshi said sternly.

"I thought as much... always wanting to play your part" Anzai said faintly.

"Which is why I would like to train them" he adds.

"Because of Hiro" Kiyoshi said certain. 

"You feel obligated to him now that Haruto is gone" he add. 

"I'm his godfather after all. It's time to fulfill my responsibilities and pay back my debt to Haruto" Anzai said facing forward.

"Not just for his sake and for the sake of the other kids who experienced a nightmare out there. They need to get back on their feet, they are the hope of humanity just like you said" he turned to Kiyoshi.

"Very well then, I'm counting on you Anazi... No... I mean General Anzai" Kiyoshi said.


Present Day

Level 11: Special Facility

"Kimura Hiro!!!" a voice hissed from behind.

Hiro halts as his heart skipped a bit from the sound of his name. Hiro turned.

Uchida Anzai stood behind along with Sergeant Tori. Anzai was on a ash inner shirt along with a black long jacket that was a bit thick, along with military pants and black combat boots. His hand behind his back standing like a soldier, standing upright, a cigar sticking out his lips.

Tori was on a ash shirt also, along with dark ash short jacket, military pants and combat boots.

'It's the same man with one with the weird aura' Hiro thought certain. The same man that came to their rescue, with the chopper. 

"Who are you?!" Hiro demands as his fist tighten along the iron drip.

"It's good you're finally awake" Anzai said sternly. 

"There isn't much time, let's go!" Anazi said as he turned leaving, along with sergeant.

In silence Hiro slowly followed the two.

'So he really can sense things around' Anzai thought, with a smirk.

All they ventured into an elevator, pressing the button as it moved.

"How long have I been asleep?" Hiro asked behind.

"A week" Anazi answered.

"A week?" Hiro said in shock.

"Then Shino, Ten and the others" he adds haste, as the look of worry flushed his features. Anzai turned to him slightly.

"Why don't you find out yourself" Anzai said as the door slide open, they walked into the new found lobby, heading to a door, it slide open as they step in.

Hiro slowly walked inside dragging his drip stance along.

"HIRO!" Shino said on joy as he and Ten rushed to him, this gained the attention of the rest.

Yuki turned to the scene.

"ROOMIE!" Ten shouted with tears in his eyes as he rushed and hug Hiro tightly.

"That hurt, Ten" Hiro hissed, it felt like his bones were crushing.

Ten quickly broke the hug.

"Sorry, I'm just glad you're okay" Ten said with a big smile.

Hiro froze at Ten's words before smiling.

"Still alive and kicking, it's a good sign" Shino said amused.

"You and Shino-san were in the special unit. But you took time to recover, we were scare you might not wake up" Mirai with shaky eyes, a white bandage wrapped around her head.

Yumi nodded in agreement, along with Kaneki who had his arms folded.

"It's good to have you back Hiro" Kaname said with a faint smile, Ren nods in agreement.

"Good thing you didn't die" Sumi said sarcastically rolling her eyes, the rest sweat drop behind her head at her comment.

Hiro's head drops instantly.

"How many..." he began his teeth clenched tightly.

"....of us are left" he adds... he could feel the aura just 51 of them but yet he still hoped his senses played tricks on him.

Yuki steps forward with a stern look.

"51 of us in this very room are the ones who made it" she states.

Everyone looks sadden as they once again reliving what they passed through a week ago in their heads, it was a nightmare.  silence around them.

Tori watch them with sad eyes, Anazi just looked away as his fist tighten.

"Bio-genetics get seated!" Anzai hissed.

They turned to him.

"The dead stay dead and the living stay living. There's nothing you can do about it" Anazi said.

"All you can do is keep living" he adds.


The dead stay dead and the living stay living

The bio-genetics were all seated with unreadable expressions. Anzai stood at front like a homeroom teacher, his arms folded, a cigar in his mouth giving out little smoke on air. Tori at a corner, hands behind standing like a soldier.

All we can do is keep living

Ten's eyes were fixed on Anzai, his eyes were bloodshot from crying.

That's all we can do for the sake of the dead, to keep living

"I'm General Uchida Anzai, nice to meet you all" Anzai began with a stern look.

The bio-genetics froze when they heard those words.

"General?" Shino said puzzled.

"What's going on now?!" Kaneki said in a bored tone.

"So this is the famous bio-genetics I have heard a lot about" Anazi said amused. They blinked at him.

"I'm not impressed" he adds darkly.

The bio-genetics froze at his words.

"What's his deal?!" Asano said faintly with white eyes

"Starting from today I'm in charge of the bio-genetics affair. I'm your mentor, guardian, trainer and lots of other shit" Anzai said in a bored tone.

They sweat drop behind their head at his tone.

"This is annoying" Sumi with a dark expression.

Mary seated beside her, for once agreed with her.

"General" Yuki spoke up.

All attention drifts to her.

"It could only mean one thing... we are about to be trained as soldier's. Because this won't be the last time we will be out on the surface, will it?" Yuki stated firmly, others heard it too as their looks darken.

Anzai's eyes landed on her, he raised an eyebrow.

"Ha I see now, despite us almost losing our lives and that of others. The Prime Minister still wanna get rid of us" Ren said pissed.

"We are still going out there?" Yumi said with shaky eyes.

"We will see those Kaiju's again?" she add as her eyes circled in tears.

"Lab rats, tools for hope and now soldier's" Mirai said as her fist tighten in anger.

Anazi stared as the kids as their expression changed. He sighed.

"You kids have no damn say in this" Anazi said deadly as he shot they a death glare. They froze at his scary look.

"Scary" Ten squealed.

Hiro's body tensed.

"If you all wanna chicken out about going back to the surface, be my guest. But you should know one thing, ever since you guys became bio-genetics, your fate has been sealed" Anzai said sternly.

"Are you saying..." Hiro hissed.

Anzai's eyes drifted to him. Hiro's ferocious looks facing him.

"Whether we die or not it doesn't matter?! We are meant to die?!".

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