The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 44 - Danger

*Heart Beats Slowly*




*Solemn Silence*





A creature unlike anything they have ever seen stood on all fours above Azumi, blood everywhere. It was 5 feet tall with long legs, having sharp large claws. Hunched back like position, having meat-like skin which was reddish-brown, no eyes just hump of flesh, ears like a coil with no shape, vibrating like a humming sound. Mouth wide with shark-like teeth, sharp and deadly.

"," Azumi said as blood gushed from her mouth, tears falling from her eyes as well, as it shake in horror.


"AZUMI!!!" Haya shouts about rushing to her, but instinctively Shino held her back.

"LET ME GO" Haya shouts trying to break free.

"It's no use" Shino hissed back. And of course, she didn't hear him, because she constantly kept trying to break free.

"Get off!" she hissed pushing Shino with her elbow.

Ten quickly held Shino steady, behind.

Haya turned.

But that moment it was too late, the creature crushed her head, blood splashing. Haya paused as her eyes shake in horror, the blood spread everywhere like water. Her teeth clenched as she brought out her gun from her pouch around her waist, she held it with both hands as she trembled, the tears kept falling from her eyes. 'MOVE!'. she shouts to herself in her head, the tears gushing out nonstop. 'MOVE! DAMMIT!' she sobs.

Her roommate was in nothing but blood and pieces and she couldn't do anything.

"Azumi" she cried.

"AZUMI!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"RUN!!!" Shino shouts grabbing Haya by the hand as they all made a run for it.

The creature snarled abnormally coming at them.

Ten teeth clenched as he ran as fast as his weight could take him, behind him he could hear series of screams and shouts, how many of those things were there? He wouldn't dare to turn back.

"Run Ten, Run Ten, Ruuuunnn Teeennnn, goddammit!" he hissed to himself.

A boy ran past him, hell he was fast than Ten trying to keep up and making sure he wasn't last.

But instantly one of the creatures bounced on him.

"AAAAHHHHHH" Ten panicked as he shouts, blood splashed everywhere, increasing his pace as far as his legs could carry him, his eyes changing to his bio-genetics eyes, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darken more and extended.

Others' eyes changed too as their pace increased.

The remaining bio-genetics rushed into a destroyed building, it was wide and exposed inside, the up roofless. They halt.

"It's a dead-end!" Ryoji said seeing there was no other place to run to.

"We are all gonna die!" Daiki said holding his head like he was gonna lose it any moment.

"What are those thing's?" Kaneki said holding his head as he trembled.

Yumi held unto Mirai tightly, trembling in extreme fear.

'Could the virus have'. Ten thought as he gulped hard. 'Caused those creatures?'.

They heard a sound above, they all look up with their bio-genetics eyes.

"It's above!!!" a boy hissed, one of the creatures was up.

It snarled dangerously at them, revealing its deadly shark-like teeth. One jumped at them, they panicked. Shino quickly zapped in speed kicking the creature off with force causing a wave of destruction.

"Shino look out!" Haya hissed as the creature Shino kicked came up again coming at him. Shino just stood paralyzed, that force should have killed it right?

Haya quickly pulled the trigger of her gun, shooting the creature, it slowed it down but it didn't stop it, the force of the gun pushed the creature away, it was then buried in the building blocks. The other came down from above.

"HIDE!" Kaneki shouts as they rushed out of the center in speed, the creature landing on the ground causing a huge crack.

A boy called Botan tripped at a corner falling, the creature snap at him as its teeth found his leg biting down. He screamed in horror as the creature kept pulling his leg, blood splashing everywhere.

"BOTAN!!!" Ryoji shouts as he brought out his gun firing at the monster but not much effect, others did too.

Mirai hide behind a wall holding unto Yumi tightly, who had her eyes shut and her ears covered.

Ten block his ears with his hands, he trembled. 'There no way'. He thought with shaky eyes. 'We can stop this'. The tears falling.

Shino slide down to where he was, quickly searching for bullets, while breathing fast. Ten shaky eyes land on his gun.

'The gun'. He thought trembling. 'They aren't working'. He turned, the others kept firing at the creature that held unto Botan's leg but then let go, but they kept firing, it only pushed the creature backward as it roared dangerously at them.

Ten duck at the small crack building he was hiding in, Shino still struggling to put the blue bullet in his gun as he shakes.

"We are definitely gonna die," Ten said as he faced front, his teeth clenched, his fist tighten. His eyes landed on a plank of wood on the ground, with mucus. He stared at it for a long second and then his head spark. 'What this feeling?' He thought with shaky eyes. 'The virus!'. His eyes widen as his brain shock. 'It's fast-spreading, we were infected as living organisms'. He grabs the wood, he quickly brought out his gun from his pouch, seeing the blue bullet above the transparent cover. He stares at the wood. His glasses shinned white. 'Its a risk worth taking' he gulps out, bringing down his bag, bringing out his knife, he sweated profusely his eyes fixed on the knife.

"Ten," Shino said noticing his action as his eyes trembled.

"It's a risk worth taking" Ten hissed slitting his arm, the blue blade cut through his protective suit down to his jacket and then his arm.

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