The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 5 - Amusement Park

It was a sunny bright day in the city of Tokyo, building's stood tall and brilliant, it had amazing scenery that could enthrall anyone's eyes just by the mere sight of it.

At the center of the city was a large Chemical Plant made of clean irons and pipe, the magnificent tall Plant powered both energy and chemical wastes in the city, the pipes above giving off black smokes into the skies but didn't affect the city. It was a sight to behold.


The Saito's Resident

In a small neighborhood, the sound of dog backing could be heard. In a bungalow house not close to the roadside, inside.

Saito Ten took some money from a purse on the table, he had dark messy hair that suits his looks and his overweight body, his eyes deep green. He swallowed hard, counting the money. 'Alright that's about enough, with these I can get Kaiyo a gift'. He thought as the medicated glasses he wore shined blank white, he smiled mischievously. He just couldn't wait to get his very special friend a gift, she was the one who always stood up for him when no one did, and she was worth getting a gift even a million times. He smiled at the thought.

"Caught you big brother!" Saito Kagami said in a high pitch voice, she was Ten's little sister, having dark short hair and light green eyes. Ten jumped slightly with a squeak as his glasses cleared.

"Dammit, Kagami! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Ten hissed taking a deep breath.

"Caught you stealing from mom's purse, she won't be happy when she finds out," Kagami said in a sing-tone voice. Ten just rolled his eyes.

"I know you won't tell, just tell me what you want," Ten said with a bird-like shaped mouth.

Kagami smiled brightly as she clams her hands together in excitement.

"An ice cream from the amusement park nearby," Kagami said grinning.

"It's a deal then, but am leaving soon after that" Ten said adjusting his glasses. Kagami nodded in agreement.

"Deal!" her voice cheerful.

"But what's the money for?!" she adds curiously.

"I want to get a gift for Kaiyo, today's her birthday," Ten said with a smile.

"Oh, your girlfriend," Kagami said.

"She's not my girlfriend... but well she's a girl and my friend... but not my girlfriend okay," Ten said in defiance as his whole face heated. Kagami stared at him dumbfounded, her eyebrow twitched.

"But it's the same thing!" she protests.

"No, it's not!" Ten hissed with blank white eyes.

"Now let's go or no ice cream for you" Ten threaten as he walked out.

"Big brother" Kagami cried comically with teary eyes, running after him.


Amusement Park

The park was joyful and colorful with the crowd, different activities going on, games, clowns, lots of competitions and so many others going on. The big roller coaster ride spinning with people in it.

Hiro walked with his parents exploring the colorful theme park.

"Here you go Hiro," Aiko said handing him ice cream, he took it. Her eyes landed on his headset around his neck. A sweet smile formed against her lips.

"Ah I see, you finally wore your birthday present, hope you like it?"

"Late birthday present", Hiro corrected.

"Even at that, I know you like it, even though you don't show it!" Aiko said playfully scattering his head.

"Mom!" Hiro moved away from her embarrassed.

"Make sure you tell him, thank you, okay!"

"Tsk!" he just made a sound looking away.

"Your dad loves you", her look turned serious.

"Aiko, Hiro! Over here let's play some games and win prizes" Haruto said holding a toy gun, getting ready to engage, Aiko rushed to him.

"Oh yes! Let's win tons of prizes", she squeaked.

"Over here, Hiro!" Aiko called waving at him. Hiro's eyes landed on the toy gun his dad held. He turned away from them, walking further away.

"Just give him some time dear," Aiko said to her husband. Haruto sighed, forcing a smile, nodding.


Hiro stared at the skies, watching the birds soaring freely in the skies. His eyes landed on Shinzo in the distance waving at him, Hiro smiled back waving, he was having fun with his parents and little brother.

Hiro was about to take a lick at his ice cream when a fat boy bumped into him, the ice cream falling on the ground in the process.

"Hey! Watch where you are going!" Hiro fired at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry sorry sorry" Saito Ten said haste as he bowed his head countless in apology and ran out in a hurry.

Hiro watched the fat boy running away, surprised at his speed. His eyes landed on the ice cream on the ground, melting away. He grimaced, looking back up, slightly pissed.


Hiro put on his headset. He pressed a button on it. He needed some music, this day was becoming hectic for him.

"Hello Hiro, my name is Avatar, what can I help you with" He heard a female computer voice, that only he could hear. He froze.

"Avatar?" he said puzzled, he was hoping to hear a song play but heard this instead.

"Yes, Hiro I was installed by your father to assist you with all you need".

"A computer program? But I thought this was just a music headset, with self-download".

"I am a headset but I can also provide you with other needs. Calls, music, orders, communications and so much more" Avatar said firmly.

"He did that, for me?" he said with stunning looks.

"Yes Hiro, would you like to confirm?!"

"What?!" Hiro said dumbfounded.

"Calling dad", the call went through with a dialing sound.

"What?! No no no!" Hiro panicked.

He turned in his dad's direction. Hiro panicked more when his dad brought out his phone, He froze when he smiled and answered it. Haruto's eyes landed on Hiro, the phone close to his heart.

"Yes Hiro" he heard his dad through the headset speakers. It was like they were in their own world, the rest of the event around invincible to them at fast speed.

"I see you met Avatar, I hope you like her, I programmed her just for you, so anything you need, Hiro," Haruto said.

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