The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 73 - Non Lethal Force (Part 1)

"Begin!!!" Anzai hissed.

The bio-genetics sweated as they faced each other.

"What if they use their powers?" Tori asked.

Anzai smiled.

"They won't" Anzai said certainly, he was damn well sure about that.


Hours Ago

Level 19: scientists/doctors level

"You want to see me?!" Touka asked as her cheeks heated, she was shocked by Anzai's unexpected request.

"Yes if you please, I have something to ask, Dr. Touka" Anzai said amused.

Hachiro turned to him, his expression darken as his glasses shined blank white.

"Smoking isn't allowed here, General Anazi" Hachiro said sternly.

"Oops! Sorry about that" Anzai said removing the cigar from his mouth.

"Dr. Touka is busy by the way, you can see her later" Hachiro said.

"It's alright Hachiro" Touka said as her looks turned serious.

"What is it General Anazi?!" Touka asked folding her arms.

"It's about the bio-genetics" Anazi began.

She blinked.

"It's about their powers, what triggers it?" he add. 

"Well it's simple, through our various study, we found out their powers are like receptors, it response strongly when they are in danger and when they are angry. But we do know it's for now, we believe as they age their powers can trigger on their own" Touka said firmly.

"Interesting" Anzai said rubbing his chin.

"The bio-genetics are still a mystery to us" Hachiro said as his glasses shinned white.

"Some hell of a virus" Anazi said, stroking his chin once more, with a smirk plastered on his lips.

Touka sweat drop behind her head at his look. 'What's going on in that head of his'



Level 10: Training Facility

"Their powers response to danger and anger" Tori said with shaky eyes, hearing what happened. 

"But General Anzai what's the main purpose of that, especially with facing themselves" he adds. 

"Observe Tori, observe" Anazi said sternly. 'Let's see what you kid's brains are made of'. Anazi thought smirking.


Hiro and Shino held their bamboo stick in front, facing each other, not making a move yet, along with other bio-genetics.


Yuki went in a fighting style observing Ten. He vibrates in fear of Yuki, with white eyes. 'Get your act together Ten!'. He thought as his eyes drifts to her expressionless face.

Yuki expression darkens. 'Ten is headstrong and fast thinking'. Yuki thought sternly. 'Even though he's unaware of his environment he may be able to stop my move'. She thought. 'I can't slip'. Her eyes drifted to his legs. She smirks. One of her foot step forward as her body moved. 'His weakness is his legs'.

Anzai's sharp eyes caught this. 'This girl..' He thought as he watch Yuki making a slow deadly move, '...Is able to see the pattern'. He thought again.

"I'm not getting bested by you, Yuki!" Ten hissed with white eyes as he came for her. 'He noticed!'. Yuki thought with gritted teeth.

But suddenly Ten tripped as he fell flat on the ground. He groaned in pain with spinning eyes.

"Idiot" Yuki said with a straight face.

"General Anzai," Tori said.

"Yes I saw it, that girl is able to see the pattern, her body is her weapon, she's able to make use of it well," Anazi said.

"The pattern of detecting one's weak point just by a glance, amazing" Tori said impressed.

"I thought only you had that gift" he add. 

"Tsk!" Anzai just made an annoying sound.


Shino observed Hiro, they still haven't made a move.

'How to overpower Shino'. Hiro thought shaky, he gulps hard, his fist tightens eagerly around the handle of the bamboo sword. 'I can't tell'. Hiro sweated. 'He's perfectly holding his ground, leaving no space open.' he could sense it, there was no opening, Shino was standing his ground perfectly. 'Think Hiro, think!' he hissed in his head.

Shino studied Hiro, he smiled. He moved one foot forward, and then zap as then he was now behind Hiro, poking him with the bamboo sword behind.

"Always lost in your head Hiro, someone can perform a sneak attack on you easily," Shino said amused.

Hiro slowly turned to him. 'I lost?' he thought shaky, his teeth clenched.

'He's fast'. Anzai thought with shaky eyes. 'Even without his abilities'.


Kaneki tap his bamboo sword on Yumi's forehead.

"And you lost" Kaneki said smirking.

Yumi frowned.


Mirai took a step forward, plunging the tip of her bamboo sword at Mizuki who duck and bend, dodging them lightly with a smile against his lips, with eyes closed.

'It looks so easy to him' Mirai thought sweating slightly, she still gave easy plunge. 'What's this nostalgic feeling' she thought with shaky eyes.

Instantly Mizuki flashed his eyes open coming at Mirai, she froze at his sudden action. 'He's fast!' She hissed in her head.

His tip of his bamboo sound tap her side, he was already beside her, both facing opposite direction.

"If this was a real sword Mirai you would be dead" he states in amusement.

"That technique..." she began facing him, he moved away from her, placing his bamboo on his shoulder.

"I win Mirai" he said with a smiley face while closing his eyes.

Mirai gulps hard.

"Kendo" Anzai said sternly.

"The way of the sword" Tori said.

Anzai gave a slight nod.

"Its one of the traditional Japanese martial arts, or budo, that arose from the samurai, or warrior in feudal Japan" Anzai said.

"But this boy..." Tori trailed off as he quickly checked his transparent iPad for his info.

"Before Black Storm Day, Yajima Mizuki is just a simple kid, an easy going family, nothing states of him training in a dojo or any form of martial arts, its weird that he's able to pull that technique off" Tori said puzzled.

"Check his school records there, I'm sure we have all those kinds of assess, check for any offense made" Anzai said never taking his eyes off Mizuki.

Tori did as he was told, tapping on his iPad and Anzai was right, they do have everything about the bio-genetics down to earth. But then he froze when he saw an info about Mizuki.

"Offense and accusation of mimicking during exams, in his school he's known as the mimic King" Tori read the info sweating profusely.

Anzai took a heavy sigh.

"It seems like we have a copycat in our midst".

Mirai staring at Mizuki with shaky eyes who had a smirk plastered on his lips, he opened his eyes revealing his cherry red eyes, his smirk broaden.

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