The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 74 - Non Lethal Force (Part 2)

"If this was a real sword Mirai you would be dead" Mizuki states in amusement.

"That technique..." she began facing him, he moved away from her, placing his bamboo on his shoulder, did he just use her own technique against her? How was that possible? She just showed it for a brief second when she tried to overpower him.

"I win Mirai" he said with a smiley face while closing his eyes.

Mirai gulps hard.

"Kendo" Anzai said sternly.

"The way of the sword" Tori said.

Anzai gave a slight nod.

"Its one of the traditional Japanese martial arts, or budo, that arose from the samurai, or warrior in feudal Japan" Anzai said.

"But this boy..." Tori trailed off as he quickly checked his transparent iPad for his info.

"Before Black Storm Day, Yajima Mizuki is just a simple kid, an easy going family, nothing states of him training in a dojo or any form of martial arts, its weird that he's able to pull that technique off" Tori said puzzled.

"Check his school records there, I'm sure we have all those kinds of assess, check for any offense made" Anzai said never taking his eyes off Mizuki.

Tori did as he was told, tapping on his iPad and Anzai was right, they do have everything about the bio-genetics down to earth. But then he froze when he saw an info about Mizuki.

"Offense and accusation of mimicking during exams, in his school he's known as the mimic King" Tori read the info sweating profusely.

Anzai took a heavy sigh.

"It seems like we have a copycat in our midst".

Mirai staring at Mizuki with shaky eyes who had a smirk plastered on his lips, he opened his eyes revealing his cherry red eyes, his smirk broaden.


"You're holding your sword the wrong way" Haya said to Sumi.

Sumi paused staring at her hand, her sword wasn't just placed on her left hand indicating she was a lefty, but she didn't hold it at the base like she was suppose to, rather she held it at the body. But Sumi didn't seem to notice.

"What? is it a crime to be a lefty" Sumi said sort of pissed.

Haya sweat drop behind her head.

"No! You can't hold the stick that way, if it was a real sword the blade would have  cut your hand!" Haya hissed with white eyes, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Oh" Sumi just made a sound.

"Oh?", Haya made a sound with twitching eyebrow.

Sumi smirks in a sick twisted matter.

"In that case then, i have to do some upgrade" she said in amusement.


Sumi used her knee to break her stick to two, stunning Haya.

Sumi threw the other half at a corner, holding the shorter one like a dagger.

"Now this is way better" she said smirking.

'She's all kinds of weird' Haya thought as her looks turned serious, she steadied herself for any attack of any kind.

"That was unexpected" Tori said raising an eyebrow.

"Didn't you see it" Anzai said with a dark expression.

Tori stared at Anzai puzzled.

"The way she holds the sword like a dagger" he states.

Tori observed, his eyes widen in realization.

"She doesn't seem like an amateur" Tori said.

Anzai removed the cigar from his mouth.

"She knows exactly what she's doing" he said in a dark tone before shoving the cigar between his lips once more, blowing steams air.

'General Anzai is right' Tori thought checking his transparent iPad for her profile. 'The same thing...' His eyes shakes. 'Just an average family, only that she was brought up in a poor background, the street life, maybe that could explain why she's tough' his eyes drifts to Sumi once more. 'But...' his looks turned serious as his eyes drifts to Anzai who never took his eyes off her. 'General Anzai must have already known that, he's good at studying people' he gulps, he knew deep down Anzai had another reason for saying she wasn't an amateur, it was evident in his tone. But what was the other reason?

'I must keep my guard up, she could have something up her sleeves,  she's tricky'  Haya thought while trembling a bit.

"Well this is getting interesting, I'm paired with the deaf girl," 

Her teeth clenched hard remembering Sumi's mocking words, her grip tighten on her bamboo, as a fire spark in her. 'It's been a while since I have heard those words' she thought, her eyes grew wistful. 'But I won't let that stop me, it never had and it never will' her grip tighten more crushing the bamboo slightly.

Her mind flashed to herself 2 years ago, all covered in black dirt from repairing a car, before she shut the bonnet close, turning to face her dad working some repairs from a device, noticing her stare, he looks at her and smiling warmly, while saying her name, Haya smiles running to her dad, he never once treated her deaf since the day she was born, Haya was smart, able to adapt quickly and read lips, her dad respected her talents, speaking to her as normal child and not a disabled one, Haya has never been so happy in her life until Black Storm Day.

Haya took a deep breath stepping forward, coming at Sumi who waited for the impact with a smirk against her lips, but then she rushed at Haya holding her bamboo firmly. 'She's slipping' Sumi thought smirking, she could see all opening, she left herself vulnerable and that was a mistake, her smirk broaden knowing she had the upper hand, she was an easy target.

But suddenly she gasps as her vision saw blood, it wasn't Haya standing in front of her anymore... but a dead man covered in blood, her eyes widen in horror as her mind traveled to Black Storm Day, she... standing in the midst of blood, a man dead on the ground in front of her, covered in the pool of his own blood and she holding a bloody dagger.

'Not again!' she thought with widen eyes as she instantly halt her step. Haya spin using her bamboo sword to tap her neck slightly, signifying that she overpowered her, bringing Sumi to reality, as she gasps.

"I win" Haya said politely, Sumi frowned at her words.

Growling, Sumi turned, instantly meeting gaze with Anzai, she froze as she made eye contact with his red ones, beaming from his dark expression. She gulps, she felt shallow, she felt open like her deepest darkest secrets since the day she was born was unfolding just by the gaze of that man, like he could see it all just by staring, it was scary and horrifying, she sweated, quickly tearing her eyes away, in fear.  She threw the bamboo away.


Daiki's face lands on the floor hard, imaginary birds chirping swirled around his head.

Kaname sighed out smoke from his lips, the boy didn't even put up more of a fight.


Ren twisted the bamboo stick out of Fuijo hand swiftly, stunning Fujio at his flexible moves.

"I win" Ren said smiling.

Fuijo chuckled slightly, scratching the back of his head.


Mary won against Himari, making her pout.

Some were about advancing, still not making a move yet as they thought of ways to over power their opponents.

"ENOUGH!!!" Anzai's voice boomed as he to his feet, gaining attention.

The remaining bio-genetics who haven't made a move froze. They turned to him puzzled.

"Training is over, be back here by first light tomorrow" Anazi hissed walking away along with Tori.

"Wait that's it?!" Ten said still on the ground.

"What was that about?!" Shino said puzzled.

"Is training for today over?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"That's it?"

"How annoying"

"We didn't even do anything" Ryoto said with anime tears.

Homura just took a deep breath of relief that he didn't have to lift a finger.

"Strange" Hiro said staring at his bamboo sword. 'Is that all for today?!' He thought with shaky, his teeth just clenched in a tight hold. 'And yet I failed!'

"What was the purpose of this training?' Shino said puzzled.

Everyone was confused just as he was.


The Lobby 

"Tori did you get the results?" Anzai asked as they walked along the halls.

"Yes General Anzai" Tori said as he typed on the transparent iPad.

"Shino, Yuki, Ten, Sumi, Haya, Mirai, Mizuki, Mary, Ren, Akira, Emiko, Chibi, Hinote, Mosu, Enyo,  San, Ryu, Izumi, Sayuri, Misaki.... all showed excellent results" Tori said.

"I see, the others will have to step up to their game" Anzai said as he halted along with Tori. Anzai removed his cigar from his mouth as he blew smoke air.

"General Anzai" Tori said puzzled.

Anazi smiled.

"Interesting" he said.

"General Anzai" Tori said once more, Anzai faced him.


"There's one more, but his name is strange"

"How strange?!" Anzai asked raising an eyebrow. With a blank look Tori turns the iPad to face him so that he can see the profile for himself.

Anzai's eyes turned white, his eyebrow twitching.

"Ah you're right, the name  is  strange"

The profile said... 'Acker Sand'

"Hey, which one is the first name?!"

"That... i don't know" Tori said sweat dropping behind his head.

They both stared at the picture, the boy had  sandy brown hair covering his eyes.

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