The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 85 - Dispute

Heart Beats Slowly





Solemn Silence





Intense Whispers

Hiro's ears twitched, along with his bandaged hands, his food in front of him uneaten, consisting of beef and rice with vegetable and a small drink next to it.

The whispers got more intense and irritating for him, the fierce aura around belonging to the other bio-genetics were directed at him... well not just him, but the unusual girl seated in front of him, silently eating her food.

"You seem awfully calm," Hiro said with clenched teeth.

Yuki gulped down her drink in a swift move, before bringing it down.

"Why, did someone die," she said with a straight face.

Hiro's fist clenched in a tight hold.

"I'm talking about what happened... They can't stop staring, they seems to hate us" he hissed with a nudge of his head.

They were the only ones seated in their seat, just the two of them, the rest of bio-genetics were seated with either their roommates or their friends.

Shino and Ten were seated tables away from them. Shino gave Yuki a heated gaze before looking away, Ten gave Hiro a look of worry.

"I can feel their aura pointed at us" Hiro adds.

The bio-genetics gave them bits of glances before turning to their own discussion, it happened on several occasions and it pissed Hiro off.

"Right, what happened," Yuki said with a thoughtful face, but then it turned emotionless.

"I don't regret it!" she states.


Hours Earlier

Level 10: Training Facility.

Sumi rose to her feet with a dark expression.

"Are you okay?!" Hiro asked Yuki worried.

"I'm fine, my leg just feels numb" Yuki said checking her leg. 'General Anzai stopped the blood flow on my leg' she thought sternly.

"You two obviously had some kind of plan of your own" Sumi spoke up from behind, in a pissed tone.

Hiro and Yuki turned to her, she had a dark expression against her features.

"So what was the plan... to steal the show after we did most of the work?" she snaps.

Whispers filled amongst the Bio-genetics.

"She's right"

"They just conveniently show up at the last minute"

"We had a plan together, they just went off with theirs"

"Isn't this about team work?"

"We were the one who's been fighting General Anzai before they showed up"

Ten looks around seeing the rising dispute going around.

"Uh oh... this... is not good" he said knowing the outcome of this.

Yuki rose to her feet in spite of her numb leg as she limped, Hiro rose to his feet too.

"Look, this it wasn't like that" Hiro said sternly.

"Oh really and you expect me to believe that, where were you when we were getting our asses beaten up" Sumi hissed.

Hiro was about to say something.

"We needed General Anzai to be preoccupied for our plan to work" Yuki said with a straight face.

"Tsk" Sumi made a sound pissed.

"So you just used us then" Haya spoke up with folded arms.

"Instead of us working together as a team" she adds.

Others nodded in agreement.

"I thought we were going through all length to overpower General Anzai no matter what... means it doesn't matter who is being used as long as we accomplish what we are after" Yuki said.

Getting more pissed Sumi took a step closer but was stopped by Shino who was now in front of her from nowhere.

"Why you" Sumi growled, he always got in the middle of everything.

He had a dark expression against his features.

"Shino" Hiro said noticing his tensed aura.

"What did you say Yuki..." Shino began in a serious tone as his hazel brown eyes met her violet ones.

"That it doesn't matter who is being used? What are we?! Some kind of puppets because we are trying to accomplish a goal?" he states.

"In the process of seeking to accomplish something, we don't have to lose ourselves in the process" he adds with shaky eyes.

"Shino-san" Ten said with sad eyes, he spoke like it was an experience.

"Does it matter" Yuki said with an unreadable expression.

"Yuki!" Asano hissed.

"Hiro!" Shino hissed facing him.

"And you were okay with this huh?" he states.

Hiro fist tightened.

"You were okay with her plan, you were okay without informing us so that we can work together... you were okay with using us?" Shino said with hard eyes.

Silence brood around the hall.

Hiro's fist lessen, he raised his head facing Shino.

"It was a plan, a plan to overpower General Anzai... At the end we all got what we wanted didn't we?"

Shino's teeth clenched in a tight hold, he doesn't get it.

"Or because you thought it would make you feel better" Shino said faintly but Hiro heard him, his body tensed by his words.

"If this was a real life situation, if something like this happened when we are at the surface... then Hiro would you have thought of using us... would you have waited in the side lines while we did all the work for you? Tell me Hiro!" he demands.

Hiro's fist clenched hard, the white bandages around his hand staining with more blood.

"I'm not questioning your choice of siding with Yuki but your plan... to the part of using? its not right" he states.

"Hey, Hey guys that's enough, let's not get ourselves all worked up" Ten said walking towards them with a forced smile against his lips.

He placed a hand on Shino's shoulder to calm him down.

"It's enough Shino-san" Ten said in a more serious tone.

Silence brood around the hall once more and then in silence the bio-genetics walks out of the hall, while stealing glances at them as they did.

Sumi pissed look bored on Hiro and Yuki before walking out.

"I hope you understand Hiro... but there's a big difference between a plan and the outcome" he states.

"Don't act like a saint... none of us are" Hiro said faintly his head hung down.

Shino frowned at his words.

Hiro turns walking away, Yuki following behind.

"I never knew Hiro could be such a naive person" Ten said sighing.

Shino's eyes still fixed on the path.

"He is naive" Shino states facing Ten.

"He didn't grow up in a harsh environment like us... its gonna take time for him to readjust to this"

"Well we're readjusting, how long is it gonna take for him" Ten said raising an eyebrow.

"With time.... I guess"

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