The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 86 - Insight

"If this was a real life situation, if something like this happened when we are at the surface... then Hiro would you have thought of using us... would you have waited in the side lines while we did all the work for you? Tell me Hiro!" he demands.

Hiro's fist clenched hard, the white bandages around his hand staining with more blood.

"I'm not questioning your choice of siding with Yuki but your plan... to the part of using? its not right" he states.

"Hey, Hey guys that's enough, let's not get ourselves all worked up" Ten said walking towards them with a forced smile against his lips.

He placed a hand on Shino's shoulder to calm him down.

"It's enough Shino-san" Ten said in a more serious tone.

Silence brood around the hall once more and then in silence the bio-genetics walks out of the hall, while stealing glances at them as they did.

Sumi pissed look bored on Hiro and Yuki before walking out.

"I hope you understand Hiro... but there's a big difference between a plan and the outcome" he states.

"Don't act like a saint... none of us are" Hiro said faintly his head hung down.

Shino frowned at his words.

Hiro turns walking away, Yuki following behind.

"I never knew Hiro could be such a naive person" Ten said sighing.

Shino's eyes still fixed on the path.

"He is naive" Shino states facing Ten.

"He didn't grow up in a harsh environment like us... its gonna take time for him to readjust to this"

"Well we're readjusting, how long is it gonna take for him" Ten said raising an eyebrow.

"With time... I guess"



Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

"If this was a real life situation, if something like this happened when we are at the surface... then Hiro would you have thought of using us... would you have waited in the side lines while we did all the work for you? Tell me Hiro!" 

Hiro body trembled on remembering Shino's words, the words kept slamming in his head like a drum, making him remember a memory.


3 Years Ago

Year 2019

The Kimura's Residence 

"I'm home" Haruto said as the door opened, wearing a smile on his lips.

"Dear" Aiko hissed embracing her husband tightly almost chocking him.

"I have missed you" she said finally breaking the hug giving Haruto some relief.

"Sorry i took so much time, I'm leaving in 2 days time though" he said scratching the back of his head.

"It's okay dear i understand" Aiko said with a smile against her lips, her eyes closed.

"Where's Hiro?!" Haruto asked looking around.

"In his room and oh he's not really in a good mood... you could see him tomorrow" Aiko states sadly.

"Why? What happened?"


Hiro's Room

7 year old Hiro was seated close to his window on a relaxing chair, playing a car race game on his wide iPad, a earplug blocked his ears listening to some music.

A slight knock came from his door, on hearing it he turned to it as Haruto walks in still on his uniform.

"You're home" Hiro said a bit stunned, he wasn't expecting him until next month of two, the removed the ear plugs.

"Yeah i finished my work on time so that i can come home, but i have 2 days" Haruto said with a smile against his lips.

Hiro frowned.

"Right..." he said sarcastically.

"Your mom told me that you and Shinzo had a fight, you guys haven't been talking for weeks" Haruto began walking towards Hiro, taking his seat on the relaxing chair.

"Well it was his fault" Hiro said rolling his eyes.

"That isn't what i heard, after all you did explain to your mom when you were hurt" Haruto said raising an eyebrow.

"Well it was both of our faults okay... geez"

"What you did was wrong Hiro, you have to understand that" Haruto states.

"It was just a game with the new model drone his parents bought for him, we were just playing with it and I wanted it to go higher so I thought of a plan since it was set to average height and then i did... we both wanted it to work but then it crashed into the windows"

"And he took the fall for it because it was his drone... it was your plan... yes but Hiro didn't you think of the outcome? It was set to an average height for safety reasons and you meddled with it because you wanted it higher, knowing if anything happened he was gonna take the fall" Haruto explained.

Hiro hung his head down. Haruto sighs.

"Look bud, your plan was a cool one you wanted to experience something new and amazing... its normal for you youngsters but you should gave thought of the outcome, the consequences of it always matter... which is why when making a plan you should always think of the well being about your comrades... uh I mean friends... right friends" Haruto said scratching the back of his head knowing he let his tongue slip for a moment like he was talking to a soldier who got in a wrong.

He sighs once more noticing Hiro's silence.

"Always remember Hiro, never hurt your friends because you want to feel better... make sure they are aware of your plan so that they can be an understanding... its always important" Haruto motioning with his hand clam together as he smiled.

Hiro's sad eyes lands on his hands clam together.


Present Day

Tokyo Underground Base

A memory he had forgotten but soon remembered because of his current situation, how could he have forgotten something as crucial as that, because he was desperate. His fist tightens in response, because he felt weak and useless that he agreed with Yuki's plans without thinking, he faced her she was still eating.

Yuki was irrational, she thought of anything possible as long as it worked. She was an irrationalist.... also like she can't even think right for herself, that puzzled Hiro more at the kind of person she is.

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