The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 87 - Let's Get To Work!

Level 11: Special Facility... Now known as Medical Facility.

"Mr. Uchida I must comply about this your recklessness, what you pulled off would have gotten you killed or worse, I won't treat you again if something like this happens, you were lucky you got out of this without a broken rib" Touka hissed, her face fuming like a hot kettle because of Anzai's exposed chest, the budging muscles that fit his frame perfectly, that could get any woman tripping, his muscles were bucky suiting his frame and eight pack... yes eight packs, you heard right! Do you know how impossible it is for the human body to have those? Bottom line... the ability to achieve a visible pack of abs, whether a four six or eight-pack is largely determined by genetics.

She just couldn't keep staring and worse to keep herself from drooling at his ton muscles.

The rest of the nurses around were squeaking like school girls  with love hearts on her eyes beating like a heart beat, Touka almost snarled at their disorder.

"I do apologize Dr. Touka, but it was necessary in Training the bio-genetics" Anzai said scratching the back of his head nervously.

Tori sighed out smoke from his mouth.

"I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen" he confused.

Anzai placed his hand on his bandaged right side.

Touka composed herself when she saw his actions.

"You're dealing with physically enhanced kids due to an unknown virus we haven't fully identify... you may be immune to it but you aren't invisible to their attacks, you were lucky you even got out of this with just a wound after facing 51 bio-genetics on full power" she scolded still amazed of what he pulled off, due to her calculation as a scientist it was highly impossible. She gulps hard knowing this man was more than capable of training the bio-genetics.

"No need to worry Dr. Touka" Anzai said rising to his feet. 

Touka blushed at his actions, he was like three foot taller than her, she was like a small doll in his midst and worse was now face to face with his chest.

She shakes at head negatively to free herself of this illusion.

"For the rest of the training I will be needing your help personally" Anzai began in a more serious tone.

"But I have already told you everything about the bio-genetics" she protest.

"I need more of your help... the bio-genetics will obviously be sent to the surface again even after what they experienced, am I right?"

Touka gulps hard at his words knowing what he said was true, she gave a slight nod.

"Well then I need them damn well prepared so that they don't get to experience such traumatizing experience again, I want to groom them into soldier's not lab experiments like you did before sending them off on their own" he states.

Touka sighs in defeat.

"I see why Kiyoshi-sama chose you to be their General" she shrugs.

Anzai smirks.

"Sweetheart, the Prime Minister didn't choose me me, I chose myself" he said in amusement.

Touka blushed at the name he called her.

"Now... let's get to work shall we?". 


Level 10: Training Facility 

The thunder strikes loudly, vibrating the entire mountain, the rain falling heavily, along with waves, the skies pitch black with lighting.

The bio-genetics jogged on it, while carrying heavy backpacks that pulled their weight each time, it made you wonder if it was stones inside, they also carried fire arms, a big gun to be exact as they jogged none stop while breathing heavily as they did, their clothes wet from the heavy rain.

"Is it..." Ten said panting like he would faint any minute.

"Really..." more panting.

"A stimulation?... its seems so real!" he hissed on top of his lungs as he tried to keep up due to his over seized weight.. he was surely reducing after this.

"Keep up Yumi" Mirai hissed behind her worried, she wish she could help the poor girl but it wasn't allowed.

Sand had a curly smile as him and Shino jogged ahead the others.

"Are they even human?" Kaneki hissed with white eyes keeping up with speed not ready to be out bested by anyone.

Others did too as they breathe harshly.


Control Tower

"The brackets around their wrist will keep them from using their powers... but i still don't get why though" Touka said with a skeptical look turning to face Anzai with her seat, away from the controls.

He was busy smoking, a habit she had come to know he has.

"I thought the main purpose was to fortify their abilities" she adds in reason.

"And that you're wrong" Anzai said in a simple tone, his hands behind his back standing upright like a soldier.

"First we must build their physical strength, then their powers, the only way to adjust them both, so that they don't rely on impulse" he explained.

"It will be a part of them rather than a different part of them, the act of controlling" Touka said in realization.

"Exactly... besides before all this... this kids were ordinary kids who were just growing up and had nothing to do with the military world... so we must groom them in" Anzai said smirking.

"Your 20..  Tori" Anzai asked through the small comm he wore in his ear.


The Stimulation 

Tori was inside, observing the Bio-genetics closely from the top of a tree, not minding the rain. He taps on his comm.

"They are showing quick adjusts, but the lead are Shino, Sand, Kaneki, Sumi, Mizuki and Yuki, they are showing excellent forms of physical strengths" he explained.

"I see, then we will work on the same training aspect tomorrow, so that they break their limits" Anzai said.

"But there's one more thing, out of everyone there's one falling behind" Tori said sternly.


Control Tower

"Kimura Hiro" Anzai said sighing as the footage showed to where he was.

On the screen, Hiro was far behind from the others, way behind, as he struggled to keep up while falling to the mud floor countless times.

Touka just watch with sad eyes.

Anzai sighs heavily.

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