The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 89 - Persevering

Level 11: Medical Facility 

"He needs some rest to recover, his legs will heal in due time" Touka said.

Hiro was on the bed asleep, Yuki was seated beside him watching him.

"In due time you say" Anzai began in a serious tone, facing her.

"The only reason I'm training the bio-genetics ten times harder than i would any soldier twice their age is because I'm confident they will heal and not have the aftermath of their training... but Hiro in due time?" Anzai said pissed.

Touks gulps hard at his words.

"That bandages from his hand are from when he stayed up for three nights punching a bag" he points.

"Any other bio-genetics who engaged in such to met up with the others will heal like it was nothing, more like a simple sport. And that black bruise around his stomach is from where I hit him when he landed a blow on me, the rest of the bio-genetics I beat up don't even have a scratch left from the training" he adds as his eyes beamed dangerously.

"Tell me Dr. Touka" he said pissed.

"Is there something I need to know?!" he demands once more making Touka shake a bit but then her looks turned stern.

"Hiro" she began, she knew if she did this there was no turning back, she should heed Hachiro's words and keep it a secret, but she can't right now, not when Hiro was suffering because of it.

She gulps hard.

"Hiro is still on the Sp2 stage" she finally said.

Anzai paled at her words, he remembered the stages when she explained it to him, he couldn't believe his ears.

"He's still mutating" Anzai said stunned.

"How's that even possible!" He demands.

"We don't know okay... we just have a reason to believe each of the kids are mutating differently in their own way... Hiro's is the Sp2 stage" she explained.

"We?" Anzai said puzzled.

"Yes we" Hachiro said walking into the room.

"Hachiro" Touka said with wide eyes surprised he was here.

"It appears we have one more person who knows our secret" he states adjusting his glasses.

His eyes then lands on Yuki tending to Hiro.

"And another I presume" he adds.

"Both of you knew he was still mutating and let him undergo such training? What if he died in the process!" Anzai hissed.

"Although he's still on the Sp2 stage we believed he would still have some traits as a bio-genetics just like his eyes did... but it appears we were wrong" he states.

"Obviously" Anzai growled.

"But we must keep this a secret, even from The Prime Minister, we are trying to avoid more experiments, they are just kids" Touka pleaded.

"I have no intention of telling the Prime minister, I'm incharge of the bio-genetics as it is" Anzai said.

Touka took a deep breath of relief.

"But for Hiro I'm afraid we would have to pull him out of the training, his weak body can't handle any of it, his body is healing too slowly than we expected" Hachiro said.

"I'm not stopping".

They froze when they heard his voice.

They turned correspondingly, facing him.

Hiro forced his body to sit up with the help of Yuki.

"I'm still mutating huh?" He said faintly.

"Kimura Hiro... you heard the doctors, your body is weak and can't handle the training, you're vulnerable... end of story" Anzai said sternly.

"If you keep going your body won't be able to handle it, your current stage it's the most vulnerable... maybe we could wait till when you cross to Sp3" Touka suggested.

"I said I'm not stopping!" He hissed as his fist tightens against the sheet.

"I will not back down, I will not stop, I will keep going no matter what" he said with gritted teeth as his head hung down.

Yuki stared at him with shaky eyes.

"He's merely a kid he doesn't know what he's saying... let the older ones decide what's best for you" Hachiro said as his glasses turned blank white.

Hiro's fist tightens more on his sheets.

Anzai had a dark expression on.

"Tell me Kimura Hiro" he began in a serious tone, his arms folded against his chest.

"Why do you wanna keep going?!"

Hiro slowly raised his head at his words.

"Because..." Hiro began with stern looks but then it turned sad.

"All my life I have always hated what my dad did for a living, I resented it just because..." he said shaky.

"...just because he never had time for me or my mom... but my mom wasn't bothered by it because she understands... but I didn't even still the last minute, I never got to understand, I missed that one chance I could have with him... and now everything have changed, the very things I have been avoiding all my life is what can save my life, if I don't get stronger, if I don't overcome my weakness... then how... how will I keep moving, how will I stay alive" he said as the tears stained the leather white material around his eyes.

"You once told me that... only a coward would think because of his disability, he can't do a damn thing!" he hissed.

"I don't wanna be a coward, or a liability, I DON'T WANNA BE WEAK!" he shouts the last part bending his head down as he broke in tears.

"I want to honor my dad's last wishes" he said between sobs, his cries acho in the room as he sobbed and cried.

"I see" Anzai said with a hard expression.

"Kimura Hiro will continue his training" he announced.

Stunning everyone, Touka faced him.

"But Mr. Uchida Hiro's body can't withstand the training" Touka hissed pissed.

"Which is why he will train specially under me" Anzai said smirking.

"But what about his regular training, will he still undergo that too?" Hachiro said folding his arms.

"Nope, i just need to train him for the one year I will train the rest but privately and then he can continue with the others the period of the last month... that is if he can last" he said chuckling evily.

"Mr. Uchida!" Touka hissed with white eyes.

Hachiro just adjusted his glasses.

"And what will we tell the Prime Minister's about him not joining the rest?!" Hachiro asked raising an eyebrow.

Anzai faced him grimacing.

"You're a doctor think of something" he shrugs.

Making Hachiro sweat drop behind his head.

He turns back to Hiro.

"Tell me Kimura Hiro are you up for it?!" He asks smirking.

Hiro gulps hard.

"Yes sir!".

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